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Center for General Administration Preparation (CPAG)

With over 70 years' experience in preparing senior executives for the public sector, Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA offers excellent training for careers in state public administration.

Whatever your entry point into the public sector (competitive examination, contract, voluntary work, civic service, etc.), Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA's Centre de préparation à l'administration générale offers you a unique training program based on the following principles

  • A teaching team made up of 75% professionals and 25% lecturers/researchers, to benefit from both the experience of practitioners and the insight of academics.
  • A pedagogical format based on "à la carte" to meet everyone's needs. Whether you want to find your first job, advance your career, retrain or simply develop your cultural skills, there's always a solution to suit you.

I am a student or a graduate (excluding Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA)

I'm taking a full-time, one-year classroom training course, and I'm getting my school diploma.
I'm taking a two-year full-time classroom course to obtain the IEP diploma.
I'm training part-time (Fridays) and face-to-face to obtain my school diploma.
I'm preparing for a career in public administration entirely by distance learning

I'm a civil servant, working outside the public sector or a job seeker (continuing education)

I'm taking a one-year, full-time, face-to-face Executive Master's course.
I'm training full-time in one or two years and face-to-face to obtain the IEP diploma.
I'm training part-time (on Fridays) and face-to-face to obtain the Executive Master's degree.
I'm preparing for a career in public administration entirely by distance learning

I am a student at Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA

I choose the Administrative and Judicial Careers IEP diploma pathway
I'm in my second cycle and I'm completing my course with the cross-disciplinary label Methodology for the territorial attaché competitive examination.

I am not a student at Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA and would like to develop my personal knowledge of public administration issues.

I'm training part-time (Fridays) and face-to-face to obtain the Executive Master in State Public Administration.
I'm preparing for a career in public administration entirely by distance learning

Talent Prep Package

The following courses have been awarded the Prépa Talents label: MAPE full-time, MAPE part-time, C.A.J. courses.

To find out more about the Talent Prep program and to apply, go to the program page.

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Admission to Talent Prep Class 2023-2024