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Administrative and judicial careers

The "Carrières administratives et judiciaires" (Administrative and judicial careers) course provides effective training for careers in state public administration, including the judiciary, and its A and A+ category competitive examinations.

At a glance





Terms and conditions



The C.A.J. course is run by the Centre de préparation à l'administration générale (C.P.A.G.), the competitive entrance examination center of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA.

The aim of this multi-disciplinary training program is to enable you to acquire, consolidate or deepen your knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills in the main areas and subjects that you need to master in order to qualify for a job as a manager or senior manager in the state administration: 

  • Master and apply the legal, financial and economic framework of public action

  • Identify contemporary public policy issues and formulate proposals

  • Managing public action projects

  • Acquire a professional culture, forge a network

It also involves practicing for the eligibility and admission tests for the various competitive entrance exams.
With the Administrative and Judicial Careers program, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA offers you the opportunity to prepare for the world of work, and in particular for state civil service competitive exams, while obtaining your IEP diploma. Unlike other courses, the first year of the program (the fourth year of the diploma) is already designed to prepare you for the job market, by offering tailored courses and helping you define your career plan.


Today, state civil service competitive examinations are tending to become more professional, with a shift in the balance between knowledge and know-how (reform of the IRA competitive examination in 2019, reform of the INSP ex-ENA competitive examination in 2022, reform of the police competitive examination in 2023, reform of the public finance inspectorate competitive examination and the health and social services competitive examination in 2024...). What's more, while competitive examinations are still the principal means of recruitment into the public administration, other means of access are tending to develop: contracts, voluntary work, civic service, etc. The Administrative and Judicial Careers course is designed to respond to these transformations and provide you with the keys to successful professional integration. It aims to consolidate your grounding in the main areas of public action, while providing you with methodological advice and an active teaching approach involving real-life situations. At the end of the course, you'll be equipped with solid skills in public administration, and more specifically in state public administration*.


* there are many bridges between these fields: it is perfectly possible to prepare for A and A+ level positions in the local and hospital civil service, but the training will not deliver all the content. Self-study is therefore essential.


The program takes place over two years (fourth and fifth years of the IEP diploma) and consists of 120 credits. The graduating class is made up of around 15 to 20 students.
The 4th year is designed to consolidate the fundamentals and refine the student's professional project. The 5th year is designed as a year of intensive preparation for careers in state public administration, including the judiciary, according to the aspirations developed by students.
Whatever the pathway to public administration, the program aims to acquire solid skills:

  • Mastery and application of the legal, financial and economic framework of public action
  • Identify contemporary public policy issues, step back and think critically
  • Formulation of operational proposals
  • Steering public action projects
  • Administrative and/or legal drafting skills
  • Knowledge of the professional world
  • Working independently, organization
  • Teamwork, team management
  • Fast playback
  • The ability to synthesize
  • Defending a position, arguing
  • Time management
  • Stress management
  • Public speaking
  • Sense of public service

Under certain conditions, the IEP diploma can be validated by passing a category A or A+ competitive examination during the course. See study regulations.

Fourth year

The aim of the 4th year is to consolidate the fundamentals of the main subjects related to public action, to confront students with the realities of the field, and to help them build their professional project. The year is divided into two semesters.

S1 (September to December) is a semester comprising compulsory and optional courses in general culture, public law, economics, judicial institutions and current affairs, criminal law and procedure, civil law and procedure, international issues and the methodology of written and oral administrative exercises. The professionalization dimension is developed through participation in the "public action laboratory", an innovative teaching tool that enables students to work in groups on concrete public policy issues put forward by local public or private players. A number of cross-disciplinary labels can also be chosen (subject to availability): service design, methodology for the territorial attaché competition, consulting methodology, research methodology. Finally, a professionalization module enables students to attend conferences and meet with professionals on their own, to take the time to reflect on their career plans.

S2 is an "opening" semester. It includes a compulsory internship of at least 4 months, either abroad or in France. The internship can also be validated by another form of professional experience, such as civic service or employment, provided it is consistent with the pedagogical objectives of the CAJ course.

Validation of these two semesters will lead to validation of the A4 CAJ and the A5 CAJ. Under the conditions laid down in the IEPG's study regulations, it is also possible to take a gap year, change course, or take a 5th year in an inter-IEP pool in a course that has no equivalent at Sciences Po Grenoble.

Minimum 4-month internship in fourth year

Fifth year

The 5th year is devoted to intensive preparation for careers in state public administration (for more details, see the "Job opportunities" tab).

The advantage of full-time preparation for careers in public administration is that it is based on the "à la carte" principle. Depending on their needs, and with the supervision and support of the pedagogical committee, students select the courses they wish to follow at the beginning of the year. To qualify for the IEP diploma, students must choose courses totaling a minimum of 60 points and 200 hours, and at least one course in each teaching unit.

Preparation takes place from September to the end of May, from Monday to Friday, all day, face-to-face. In exceptional circumstances, some courses may be delivered remotely if the teacher is unable to attend.

The program is organized on an annual basis, rather than on a semester basis, to keep as close as possible to the timetables of the competitive examinations concerned.

Depending on the course, class sizes can range from three to around twenty students.

The teaching team is largely made up of associate professionals. This enables them to take a practical look at the day-to-day workings of government departments, and to benefit from their own experience of competitive examinations. This also means that classes can be held over extended time slots, including evenings until 7:30 pm, and / or moved to late to accommodate the professional constraints of the lecturers. Learners need to be prepared to adapt, and to have greater stamina than is naturally required to prepare for government jobs.

A5 CAJ training map (subject to amendment in 2025-2026) :

Refresher courses, with a focus on careers and category A competitive examinations (courses involving continuous assessment are marked "CC"). At least one course to choose from: 

  • fundamentals of constitutional law (CC)

  • fundamentals of administrative law (CC)

  • business fundamentals (CC)

  • fundamentals of public finance (CC)

  • fundamentals of local authority law(CC)

  • fundamental rights and freedoms (CC)

  • fundamentals of criminal law and procedure

  • fundamentals of civil law and procedure

  • mastery of legal documentation

  • practice for general MCQs in administrative and legal culture, public finance, European institutions and policies, and English (on the syllabus for the Inspector of Public Finance exam starting in 2025).

At least one course to be chosen from :


  • In-depth courses - aimed at working on the issues that cut across each field, equipping learners to approach these issues with hindsight and/or to propose solutions for public action, with a view to careers and A+ competitive examinations: issues in public law, economics, public, social, international and European finance, general culture and contemporary issues, general judicial culture, public policy and public policy case study methodology, public security institutions and policies.


  • Methodology courses: administrative briefing methodology, public policy and public policy case study methodology, judicial briefing methodology (ENM type), police case study methodology.


  • Training
    • practical case study in public policy (IRA type), 
    • practical case on the challenges of ecological or digital transitions, such as INSP, 
    • operational note in economics, INSP type OR economics composition without file, 
    • INSP-type operational law note OR public law composition OR ENM-type mini-dissertation OR police officer-type QRC, 
    • INSP-type interdisciplinary QRC OR composition on social policies (health/social competitive examination type), 
    • summary notes on judicial, legal or administrative problems (ENM type), 
    • dissertation or case study in civil law and civil procedure, ENM type, 
    • dissertation or case study in criminal law and procedure, ENM / police type.

Courses: human resources management, managerial and organizational issues in the senior civil service, team management and decision-making processes*, English (course)

Training: case studies on managerial and organizational issues (INSP CI and 3C), English (individual training)



  • Courthouse seminars
  • Oral interview methodology for A+ professions
  • Oral interview methodology for the A trades
  • Preparing to qualify
  • Trade and thematic conferences
  • Optional internship
  • Observation of competition orals
  • Cultural outings* (in French)
  • Evaluation of courses and follow-up of professional project*.



4 mock competitions under real conditions in the fifth year

Some examples of fifth-year course choices

To be adapted to each student's profile.

The only compulsory courses are "Team management and decision-making processes", "Professional and thematic conferences", "Cultural outings" and "Evaluation of courses and follow-up of professional project". Everything else is à la carte (choices made before the start of the school year; a course taken cannot be dropped, and a course not selected cannot be taken after the start of the year).

Attendance is compulsory for all "training sessions" and for the "Continuous Control - CC" and "Validation without grade - VSN" courses chosen. In general, the grade used to calculate the "training" average is the average of the two best grades.

Anyone wishing to prepare for the external entrance examination to the INSP should choose the following courses: 

  • fundamental rights and freedoms (CC), public law, economics, social issues, public finance, international and European issues, public policy and case study methodology, general culture and contemporary issues, 
  • HRM, managerial and organizational issues in the senior civil service, 
  • training on the five competitive examination tests (CC), English (courses, individual CC training), oral methodology for A+ professions (CC)

--> total approx. 548h of training

The internal and 3rd competitive examinations can also be prepared. The course "Managerial and Organizational Challenges in the Senior Civil Service" and the corresponding training sessions (CC) are included in the contract, and students can select either economics or public law depending on their choice of option for the competitive examination.

  • fundamental courses on constitutional law (CC), administrative law (CC), public finance (CC), European law (CC), local government law (CC), fundamental rights and freedoms (CC), mastery of legal documentation, 
  • public policy and case study methodology, HRM, oral methodology for professions A (CC), 
  • public policy case studies (CC)

--> total approx. 372h of training

  • fundamental courses in civil law and procedure and criminal law and procedure, possibly two fundamental courses in public law (CC), 
  • general culture and contemporary issues, general judicial culture, public law issues, public security policies and institutions (VSN), methodology for the judicial summary, Palais de Justice seminars (VSN), English (group courses, individual CC training)
  • training corresponding to the competition's eligibility tests (CC)

--> total approx. 522h of training

  • same as ENM, without civil law / civil procedure and the methodology of the judicial summary note, but with the methodology of the police case study
  • training corresponding to the eligibility tests for these competitions (CC)

--> total approx. 448 hours of training

  • Anyone not wishing to prepare for a specific civil service competitive examination will be able to choose the courses they need, since both the courses and the training offered will lead to the acquisition of the skills required to do so. Reminder: a minimum of 200 hours of training and at least one course per teaching unit.
  • Health and social services competitions: the curriculum does not include hospital law or courses on organization and management in the health, social and medico-social sectors. It is up to the students concerned to work on these subjects independently. For the rest, choose an A+ program, such as that offered by the INSP, and add the "Méthodologie de la note de synthèse administrative" course.
  • Prison administration competitive examination: the syllabus does not include a course in prison law, nor summary notes in public and criminal law. It is up to the candidates concerned to work on these subjects independently. For the rest, choose a program comparable to that of the police, depending on the options chosen.

Depending on the project, additional training courses may be considered in parallel: IEJ at Grenoble Law School, prep'EN3S at Grenoble Law School, etc. 

Knowledge control procedures (MCC)


The aim of the Administrative and Legal Careers program is to enable students to develop key professional activities over the course of their training. A set of skills is associated with each activity. The skills repository sets out in an orderly fashion the steps required to successfully complete the activity. Activities and skills referenced in the training program.

● Mobilize knowledge of the main public policies and/or the organization of public administrations;
Identify the main public information bases (public reports, statistical data, etc.);
● Exploit files comprising a diversity of documents (grey literature, legal and scientific texts, statistical data, etc.).);
● Identify and prioritize relevant information on public policies;
● Put these policies into perspective with contemporary issues of public action (Europeanization, internationalization, environmentalization, digitization, democratization, etc.);
● Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the main public policies and/or the organization of public administrations;
● Present, in writing and/or orally, in a synthetic manner, the diagnosis established.


Skills blocks associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC01 - Conduct a reflective and distanced analysis, taking into account the complexity of a request or situation; RNCP34024BC02 - Express one's thoughts clearly and concisely in writing and orally, in French and English; RNCP34024BC03 - Organize one's work according to the context and the request.

● Analyze the order, taking account of its context (hierarchical, social, economic and agenda);
● Mobilize knowledge of the main public policies and/or the organization of public administrations;
● Develop a personal analysis of the points for improvement in a given public policy and/or the organization of a public administration;
● Identify the appropriate players, devices and normative vehicles;
● Formulate operational proposals and draw attention to their strengths and weaknesses;
● Construct an argument;
● Present, in writing and/or orally, in a synthetic manner, the proposals formulated.


Skills blocks associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC01 - Conduct a reflective and distanced analysis, taking into account the complexity of a request or situation; RNCP34024BC02 - Express one's thoughts clearly and concisely, in writing and orally, in French and English; RNCP34024BC03 - Organize one's work according to the context and the request; RNCP34024BC05 - Work in a collaborative environment.

● Analyze the order or the subject of the note and/or report;
● Take ownership of the subject, whatever the topic;
● Gather, analyze and prioritize relevant information through the resources provided or through specific documentary research;
● Gather the views of the relevant players, if required by the order;
● Present the relevant information in a synthetic, explicit and structured manner;
● Write the report concisely;
● Present the summary clearly, respecting any formal conventions in force.


Skills blocks associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC01 - Conduct a reflective and distanced analysis, taking into account the complexity of a request or situation; RNCP34024BC02 - Express one's thoughts clearly and concisely in writing and orally, in French and English; RNCP34024BC03 - Organize one's work according to the context and the request.

● Determine the objectives and milestones of support;
● Identify the players, possibly by selecting them, and take into account their different statuses, skills and missions;
● Take into account the different professional cultures of the players to be supported;
● Provide stakeholders with the information resources they need to design or implement public policy;
● Identify and join relevant stakeholder networks and mobilize them;
● Devise appropriate partnership solutions (agreements, etc.).);
● Advise stakeholders on available mechanisms and resources.


Skills blocks associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC01 - Conduct a reflective and distanced analysis, taking into account the complexity of a request or situation; RNCP34024BC03 - Organize your work according to the context and the request; RNCP34024BC04 - Manage a project; RNCP34024BC05 - Work in a collaborative environment.

● Understand the institutional, legal and financial operating procedures of public administrations;
● Apply and disseminate the legal rules and ethical principles applicable to the civil service;
● Identify and characterize available human resources;
● Implement and ensure forward-looking management of jobs and skills;
● Identify one's own management style and adapt it to circumstances;
● Supervise and lead teams according to a hierarchical and/or functional model;
● Plan and control team activities;
● Detect conflicts and implement a conflict resolution approach;
● Set up social dialogue bodies and ensure their activity while respecting professional election deadlines.

Blocks of skills associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC01 - Conduct a reflective and distanced analysis, taking into account the complexity of a request or situation; RNCP34024BC03 - Organize your work according to the context and the request; RNCP34024BC05 - Work in a collaborative environment.

● Identify, or analyze and understand, the problems associated with a public policy;
● Identify and prioritize the causes of a given public problem;
● Set public policy objectives in line with the order and decide on the implementation strategy;
● Ensure the external coherence of the intervention mechanism with other public policies;
● Draw up the project action plan and deliverables, drawing on existing mechanisms, proposing innovative approaches and mobilizing relevant normative vehicles;
● Determine implementation indicators (achievement, impact, etc.) and adjustment mechanisms.) as well as adjustment mechanisms during programming;
● Develop a decision-making process and set up steering or monitoring bodies;
● Draw up and monitor the project budget;
● Place orders for the strategy with the players concerned and mobilize them throughout the project, if necessary by leading discussion sessions;
● Set and communicate clear objectives and the project timetable (programming and retroplanning);
● Ensure that the project is implemented;
● Be accountable to sponsors.


Skills blocks associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC01 - Conduct a reflective and distanced analysis, taking into account the complexity of a request or situation; RNCP34024BC03 - Organize your work according to the context and the request; RNCP34024BC04 - Manage a project; RNCP34024BC05 - Work in a collaborative environment.

● Carry out a legal watch;
● Mobilize the main legal concepts of civil and criminal law and civil and criminal procedure;
● Identify and measure the reliability of legal media;
● Research legal information in media;
● Synthesize legal information;
● Gather a litigious situation and identify the legal problems it poses;
● Draft notes on the legal framework applicable to a given litigious situation, based on the legal information research previously carried out;
● Formulate operational, executable and legally-compliant proposals for dispute resolution.


Skills blocks associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC01 - Conduct a reflective and distanced analysis, taking into account the complexity of a request or situation; RNCP34024BC02 - Express one's thoughts clearly and concisely in writing and orally, in French and English; RNCP34024BC03 - Organize one's work according to the context and the request. 

Our teachers

Jean-Luc AMINOT, retired police commissioner
Benoît BACHELET, deputy attorney general at the Grenoble court of appeal, in charge of the general secretariat
Alexis BARON, deputy director general in charge of the family unit at the Isère department

Bernard BOULLOUD, Grenoble barrister
Pierre-Eric BOURG, ENA alumnus, foreign affairs advisor (general framework), director general of the task force for globalization, General Directorate for Globalization, Culture, Education and International Development, MEAE
Julien BOURRY, senior attaché in the local civil service / DGS.
Jean-Philippe BRUN, Inspecteur divisionnaire des finances publiques, DDFiP 38
Lionel BRUNI, administrateur de l'Etat, directeur adjoint du pôle Etat et Ressources, DDFiP 38
Rémi BLANC, EN3S alumnus, Directeur santé, CPAM 38
Claudie CALABRIN, administratrice territoriale en détachement, conseiller budget, budget, local finances and public transformation advisor to the Minister for Local Authorities and Rural Affairs
Pierre CHAMBE, INSP alumnus, State administrator, Transformation France Travail project manager
Marie CHAMOSSET, senior State administration attaché, deputy director of human resources, Grenoble education authority

Josiane CHEVALIER, State administrator, former Prefect of the Grand Est region

Rémi COLLIAT, Public Finance Inspector, 2nd Departmental Verification Brigade, DDFiP 38
Matthieu COUTELLIER, EN3S alumnus, Deputy Director in charge of Labparentalité at CNAF and Associate Professor in the Sociology Department at Grenoble Alpes University
Sandrine DANTAS-BARREIRO, PRAG English, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA

Aude DAUPHANT, Public Finance Inspector, DDFiP 38

Charlotte DEVAUX, Advisor to the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Audit Office

Philippe DROZ-VINCENT, Professor of Political Science, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA

Vérane EDJAHARIAN, Senior Lecturer in Public Law, Faculty of Law, Grenoble Alpes University.
Sylvie GAUTHIER, Director of Labor, in charge of UC4 GRENOBLE Est et Sud, DDETS 38

Mario GARZOTTO, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Editor, Human Development Sub-Directorate - Global Health Partnerships Unit, MEAE

Lionel GEORGES, Economics lecturer, Grenoble Ecole de Management

Guillaume GIRARD, General Counsel to the Grenoble Court of Appeal

Simon GODARD, senior lecturer in history, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Anne-Laure GONNET, senior public finance inspector, DDFiP 38, auditor
Gilles JAILLOT, retired ENA alumnus, 1st advisor to the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes regional audit chamber

Aurélien LIGNEREUX, University Professor of History, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA

Joël MANLY, Deputy Manager, Banque de France, Grenoble branch

Valentin MELOT, former student of the Ecole nationale supérieure, Inspecteur des finances

Carole MEUNIER, senior court clerk, Grenoble judicial court
Camille MORIO, lecturer in public law, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA.
Séverine NICOT, lecturer in public law, Faculty of Law, Université Grenoble Alpes

Jean-Claude ODERZO, Deputy Attorney General at the Grenoble Court of Appeal

Emmanuelle PETIT, Head of Home Support for the Elderly and Disabled, Isère department

Lencka POPRAVKA, Doctor of Public Law, Director of Legal and General Affairs, CROUS Grenoble Alpes
Valérian RABOT, Concession Contract Manager, VINCI Autoroutes

Mathilde ROBIN, State Administration Attaché, Unit Manager, DDETS 38

Serge SLAMA, Professor of Public Law, Faculty of Law, Grenoble Alpes University
Louis STROEYMEYT, former student of the INSP, State Administrator, Head of the "Energies, Mobilités et Cadre de Vie" Department, DDT 77

Sylvie TEMPERE, First Vice-President of the Valence Judicial Court

André VALLINI, former mayor, deputy and senator, several times Secretary of State, and former President of the Isère General Council

Our Prépa Talents tutors complete this team.

Job opportunities

The professions targeted by this training program are management positions in state and judicial public administration at A or A+ level: design and steering of public policies at central and decentralized levels, project management, advisory, inspection and jurisdictional missions, support functions such as legal, human resources and finance.

Students are trained regardless of how they eventually enter the profession: competitive examination, contract, volunteer work, civic service, etc.


For the "concours" entry, the competitive entrance exams prepared are those :

  • general administration: Institut national du service public (ex-ENA), instituts régionaux d'administration, inspection des finances publiques, attaché de l'Education nationale (concours interne)

  • and those of the judicial world: Ecole nationale de la magistrature, police officer and police commissioner. 


Other competitions and examinations can be prepared for by adding independent work:

  • Ecole nationale supérieure de sécurité sociale, commissaire des armées, douanes, administrateur des affaires maritimes, officier de gendarmerie, attaché OFPRA, concours de l'administration pénitentiaire, de la protection judiciaire de la jeunesse,...

  • Some competitive examinations from other civil service sectors, such as hospital director (DH), director of health, social and medico-social establishments (D3S) and territorial administrator,...

  • Law school entrance exam, it being specified that it is necessary to hold a Master 1 in law to register for this exam and that neither the DE, nor the EM "MAPE temps plein", nor even the IEP diploma, are equivalent.


This also includes jobs in state public administration, which can be carried out in the following sectors:

→ Para-public: public companies,...
→ Private: public affairs departments of French and international companies, consulting firms or think tanks focusing on the public sector, associations,...
→ Political professions: parliamentary assistant, advisor in a ministerial office or local authority,...

Our results

Competition results take into account students in classes up to N+2.

For state civil servants, general administration :

Public finance inspector: 8 candidates, 8 eligible, admissions in progress


For the local civil service :

Attaché territorial 2024: 24 IEPG-eligible candidates, admissions in progress

Concession contract manager at Vinci Autoroute, international administration volunteer at the Washington Regional Economic Service (Treasury Department), CDI consultant in public safety policies at the Wavestone consulting firm, CDD purchasing and public procurement manager in a municipality of 10,000 inhabitants, CDD early childhood project manager in a municipality of 880,000 inhabitants,...

Further studies: every year, several students are admitted to the ENM or ENSP preparatory courses at Sciences Po Paris, to the Master Justice Procès Procédures at Panthéon-Assas,...

For the state civil service, general administration:
INSP: 1 eligible, not admitted
IRA autumn session 2023: 3 eligible, 1 admitted, ranked first at the Lyon IRA
IRA 2024: 15 candidates, 13 eligible, 9 admitted

Public finance inspector: 4 candidates, 4 eligible, 3 admitted
Public finance controller: 1 candidate, admitted, 93rd out of 1151
Customs inspector: 3 candidates, 2 eligible, 1 admitted

For health-related competitions:
EN3S: 2 candidates, 1 eligible, on complementary list
D3S: 1 candidate, not eligible
DH: 3 candidates, 1 eligible, admitted

For the "judicial" and security-oriented competitive examinations:
ENM: 4 candidates, 1 eligible, admitted 11th out of 287 (+ 1 admitted from a class of 2021)
Commissaire de police: 1 candidate, not eligible
Officier de police: 2 candidates, 1 eligible, admitted

DSP: 2 candidates, 1 eligible, not admitted

DPIP: 2 candidates, 2 eligible, 1 admitted

For the state civil service, general administration:
INSP: 2 candidates, not eligible
IRA spring session 2023: 11 candidates, 6 eligible, 4 admitted
Public finance inspector: 6 candidates, 6 eligible, 1 withdrawal, 2 admitted

For health-related competitions:
EN3S: 6 candidates, 5 admissible, 2 admitted
D3S: 2 candidates, 1 admissible, admitted
DH: 4 candidates, 1 admissible, admitted

For the "judicial" and security-oriented competitive examinations:
ENM: 6 candidates, 4 admissible, 4 admitted
Commissaire de police: 3 candidates, 1 admissible, admitted
Police officer: 3 candidates, 1 admissible, admitted

DSP: 3 candidates, 3 eligible, 1 admitted

DPIP: 1 candidate, admitted

For the state civil service, general administration:
INSP (ex ENA): 7 eligible, 1 admitted, one on complementary list
IRA session printemps 2022: 13 eligible, 7 admitted
IRA session automne 2022: 9 eligible, For the state civil service, general administration:
INSP (ex ENA): 7 eligible, one admitted, one on complementary list
IRA session printemps 2022: 13 eligible, 7 admitted
IRA session automne 2022: 9 eligible, 4 admitted
Inspecteur des finances publiques: 4 eligible, 3 admitted
Inspecteur des douanes: 1 eligible, 1 admitted (ranked second)

For the territorial and Parisian civil service:
Administrateur territorial: 5 admissible, 2 admis
Attaché territorial (concours 2021): 7 admissible, 6 admis
Conservateur territorial des bibliothèques: 1 admissible, 1 admise

For health-related competitions:
EN3S (Ecole nationale supérieure de sécurité sociale): 5 eligible, 1 withdrawn, 3 admitted
Director of health, social and medico-social establishments (D3S): 5 eligible, 1 withdrawn, 3 admitted, 1 on supplementary list
Hospital Director (DH): 7 eligible, 1 withdrawn, 3 admitted

For "judicial" and security-oriented competitions:
Commissaire des armées: 3 eligible, 3 admitted
Directeur des services de la protection judiciaire de la jeunesse: 2 eligible, no admitted.
Greffier des services judiciaires: 2 eligible, 2 admitted. 

Admission and prerequisites

The Careers in Administration and the Judiciary course is available as initial training:

  • following an undergraduate course at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA (first-year entrance exam or IUT gateway)
  • by applying for the fourth-year entrance exam
  • through inter-IEP mobility and mutualisation
  • directly into 5th year for Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA students who change course from A4 to A5
  • directly into 5th year for Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA students who have obtained the IEPG diploma in the year they apply for CAJ, as part of the second graduation procedure


The Administrative and Judicial Careers course is also open to continuing education :

  • by completing both years of the program via the fourth-year entrance exam
  • by entering the fifth year directly via the fifth-year entrance exam

Like all the other courses in the IEP Grenoble diploma, the Administrative and Judicial Careers course is eligible for the Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF) and is therefore registered on the Mon Compte Formation application. Contact for continuing education: contact-formation-continue@sciencespo-grenoble.fr

For initial training :

  • for Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA undergraduates  :  
    • it is advisable to be heavily involved and to choose legal subjects from the outset (political and administrative institutions, introduction to law, CS "administrative law" in particular). The "IMAP" specialization in 3rd year is the most appropriate. The "POL" specialization is not a barrier to entry, but in this case it is strongly advised to demonstrate a commitment to legal subjects, via the CS "Droit administratif" or a distance-learning course in law, for example. For other specializations, you will need to demonstrate your commitment to legal subjects, and be able to explain the choices you have made and/or show how the skills you have acquired are useful for preparing for a career in state public administration.
    • those with an interest in legal issues are well advised to take the "Sentencing" seminar. They are also strongly advised to take a distance-learning course in law at the same time.
    • it's not essential to take a law course at the same time as distance learning. However, it is highly recommended for those interested in judicial matters (police, and even more so for ENM and the bar, with emphasis on civil and criminal law).
  • other access routes: the diversity of profiles is appreciated from a thematic point of view. For the rest, criteria will be based on academic level and/or extracurricular experience. Motivation and interest in public policy are essential and must be demonstrated.

For continuing education, the nature of the experience acquired and the skills derived from it, as well as the coherence and motivation of the project with regard to public policy, will be valued. Administrative and elective experience will be particularly appreciated, although this does not prevent alternative profiles from applying by demonstrating the above-mentioned elements.

The CAJ Talent Prep course

Prépa Talents logo

The course has been awarded the Prépa Talents label. This is a government scheme designed to strengthen equal opportunities by giving as many people as possible the chance to prepare for the competitive entrance exams to the civil service, wherever they are in the country and in good conditions. By combating self-censorship, it aims to diversify the senior civil service.


The scheme is open to students preparing for external and third-level competitive entrance examinations, subject to merit and social criteria. It is conditional on attendance at the training course and effective registration for at least one civil service competitive examination during the year of training.


The program includes free tuition, a €4,000 annual grant (which can be combined with any Crous scholarship), and enhanced pedagogical support in the form of personalized tutoring. For the rest, Prépa Talents students are in the same groups and follow the same courses as other preparatory students. It is therefore a complementary program to the curriculum itself.


In addition, the CPAG at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA is one of the pre-preparatory courses for entry to the "Talents competitions", which have been set up on an experimental basis until December 31, 2024. These include entrance exams for the INSP, ENSP, ENAP, EHESP and INET. The ENM competitive entrance examination will remain open until December 31, 2026. Multiply your chances of success!


The scheme is available in both A4 and A5 C.A.J. It is possible to take advantage of the scheme two years in a row, subject to regular attendance and commitment in the first year, and subject to the government maintaining the scheme.

There are two conditions that must be met to be eligible, i.e. for your application to be considered:

  • I meet the conditions required of candidates for the civil service competitions I am aiming for (nationality, level of diploma, etc.). It's up to you to check.
  • Social criteria: if you have a Crous grant for 2025-2026, you are eligible. If you are not, please run the simulation on https://www.lescrous.fr/nos-services/simulateur-de-bourse/ If the simulator gives a positive answer, then you are eligible. If the simulator results in a negative answer, you are not eligible, so there's no point in applying for the Talents Prep program.

Applications are assessed on the basis of the quality of the candidate's previous training, aptitudes and motivation. In the event of a tie, priority is given to candidates who live in or have obtained their baccalaureate or any higher-level diploma in a priority urban policy district, a rural revitalization zone or overseas, and to job-seekers, particularly long-term job-seekers.

Once you have been admitted to A4 or A5 CAJ, you can apply for the Talent Prep program. Applications will be accepted during the summer of 2024. Application procedures will be explained at that time.


During the A4 or A5 CAJ orientation or selection process, if you are eligible for Talent Prep, let the jury know.


For your information, and to help you prepare your application, the file must include :


  • a cover letter specific to the Prépa Talents program (not the same as your cover letter for the CAJ program), 
  • if not already submitted as part of a C4A or C5A application, your CV
  • proof of your social situation. For example, and depending on your situation: notification of scholarship for the coming year, proof of address less than three months old, merit-based scholarship including for previous years, specific annual allowance, secondary education scholarship, ward of the Nation, proof from France Travail / Pôle emploi indicating the start date or duration of registration and dating back no more than one month, etc.).
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Dare to take the civil service entrance exams with Talents Prep!

Our partners


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Elena Martin
Training and school management technician
Tel: 04 76 82 60 35


Madison Leclercq

Schooling Manager

Tel: 04 76 82 60 36



Information, rates, quotes and registration

Camille Morio
Lecturer in public law at Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA

Director, CPAG

Tel: 04 76 82 83 65 (voicemail messages are not retrieved)

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