Professional relations
Guidance, internships, careers
What's our role?
Students, to help them build their career plans and prepare for the job market.
Through the "skills approach", the acquisition of the Skills and Experience Portfolio (PEC) and professionalization workshops.
With the professional world and our students.
Distribute job offers (internships, student jobs, civic services, VIA/VIE, first jobs) and provide information on the local, national and international socio-economic fabric.
Find out how private and public sector employers recruit, as well as the jobs on offer and the socio-economic sectors of interest to our graduates.
An essential source of information for students and their families, as well as graduates and their employers, on how to integrate into working life.
Take part in our job placement and career guidance events, meet our students and continue your training with us.
Professional integration figures
Find the key figures and the report on the 2023 professional integration survey of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA graduates in pdf.
-> Discover the key figures and the 2024 report
→ Discover the key figures and the 2023 report
As well as the CGE 2023 and 2024 Reports with whom we are collaborating on the survey.
Our results appear in "Écoles autres spécialités", CP CGE Enquête Insertion 2023 and CGE Infographie Enquête Insertion 2023.
FRTS 2023 Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA - Comparative report - IEP students survey: Find out how our school brand is perceived by our students, as well as their career and employer profiles and preferences.
The results are compared with two other Sciences Po: Paris and Bordeaux.
Professional immersion
Advantages for employers:
- By posting your own job offers on our site:
- You can be sure that your job offer will be put online quickly during working days.
- In your tools, you can track applications received at any time, manage your offer, invite our students to take part in your events...
- Find the calendar of internships for our various training courses.
Find out all the events concerning professional integration every month in the Newsletter (your monthly content on the Career Center homepage)
- Agence pour l'emploi des cadres (APEC) provides one-to-one support for your job or internship search
- Using their online tools - TheUGA's career guidance and integration center offers a wide range of documentation on training courses and career support.
- The FrenchArmy takes on selected students as part of the Grandes Ecoles Armée partnership.
- Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires Etrangères (Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs): see the Internship Portal for information on internship recruitment procedures.
- Ozer Pôle entrepreneuriat // Newsletter
- Réseau Entreprendre en Isère
Catherine Saintagne
Tel : 04 76 82 83 72 - 06 60 81 84 05 / Absent on Wednesday afternoons and by appointment on the website Career Center office 125 A.
Anne-Sophie Penaud
1st cycle and 2nd cycle
Tel: 04 76 82 61 17 / Reception desk Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 10am to 12pm and from 2pm to 4pm at office 134 (1st floor).