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Methodology for preparing for the territorial attaché competitive examination

Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA offers a number of courses designed to prepare students for administrative entrance examinations, whether for general administration or the senior civil service. These courses are open to students enrolled in the Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA diploma program (Administrative and Judicial Careers) or to external candidates. However, students enrolled in any of the degree courses may be interested in taking competitive civil service exams, in particular the "attaché territorial" exam. The "Méthodologie de préparation au concours d'attaché territorial" label has been created to meet the needs of students wishing to prepare for and sit this competitive examination, because their training may lead them to join the services of local authorities.

How to apply?


Apply from Monday, July 22, 2024 at 12 noon to Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 12 noon

You can apply via the competition application https://concours.sciencespo-grenoble.fr.


The territorial attaché competition

This competitive examination gives access to a category A administrative job. Members of the cadre perform their duties under the authority of directors-general of departments and regions, secretaries-general or secretaries of communes or directors of public establishments and, where applicable, deputy directors-general of departments and regions, deputy secretaries-general of communes, deputy directors of public establishments or territorial administrators in post in the local authority or establishment.


They participate in the design, development and implementation of administrative, financial, economic, health and social policies. They may also be entrusted with assignments, studies or functions involving special responsibilities, particularly in the areas of human resources management, purchasing and public procurement management, financial management and management control, real estate and property management, and legal advice. They may also be in charge of internal and external communications, as well as activities relating to the community's economic, social and cultural development. They may also be in charge of internal and external communications, as well as economic, social and cultural development.


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The territorial attaché competitive examination is held every two years. Registration takes place in the spring, with the written test at the end of the following November.


Independently of the registration of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA graduate students, the organization of this label distinguishes between an initial period devoted to the written tests (before the competition date), and a second period devoted to preparation for the oral tests.

Written tests: 

There are two written tests for the external attaché competition: 


- a composition on a general subject (4h)


- a note to be written on the basis of a file analysis (4h)


The composition meets the requirements of a dissertation, which 2nd cycle students, whatever their previous career path, should be familiar with. On the other hand, methodological preparation should focus on the note based on the analysis of a dossier.


The first session will be devoted to the presentation of these tests, with particular emphasis on the methodological requirements of the second.


A second will be a blank test. The third will offer an answer key a few days before the written test for the external territorial attaché competition.

Oral tests :

This is the admission phase of the competition (admission to the list of suitable candidates), as follows:


An interview beginning with a presentation by the candidate of his/her professional experience and the skills he/she has acquired during this time. This is followed by a conversation designed to assess the candidate's ability to analyze his or her professional environment, and to solve the technical or managerial problems most frequently encountered by an attaché.


Preparation will begin with a reminder of the expectations, constraints and conditions under which this test is conducted. Students will also be put through their paces in mock interviews, taking on the roles of candidate and juror.