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Thematic Chairs
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For Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA, your support is an essential resource for maintaining constant progress in the support of our future graduates, or in our research work.
You can support us in several ways: by paying the apprenticeship tax, through sponsorship, or via the research chairs you'll find below.
We have 5 thematic chairs:
Jean Monnet
Employment & Social Dialogue
Planet, Energy, Climate
Mediterranean, Middle East (MMO)
Social economy
Thematic Chairs
Fabien Terpan, Senior Lecturer HDR in Public Law, has held the Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Law and Policy since September 2013. This Chair reflects the dynamism of European studies at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA, in terms of both teaching and research. Its aim is to place European Union law in its political context, within a framework of interdisciplinary dialogue.
The Chair is part of the European Governance School of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA and the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence in Grenoble.
Three types of activities are supported by the Chair:
- Organize conferences, meetings, debates and symposia on the European Union.
- The aim of the Chair is to welcome academics of international renown as well as practitioners from all over Europe.
- Two teaching modules:
- European professions
- EU Law and Politics seminar
- Supporting research on the European Union
The Chair's activities are closely linked to the research work carried out at Sciences po Grenoble - UGA on European issues.
Fabien Terpan, holder of the Chair
Fabien Terpan is Senior Lecturer in Public Law at Sciences po Grenoble - UGA, and holder of the Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Law and Policy. He is Deputy Director of the Center for International Security and European Cooperation Studies (CESICE). He is Visiting Professor at the College of Europe and has taught as a visiting professor at Concordia University (Montreal) and the University of Salamanca. He is a member of the editorial boards of the journals Studia Diplomatica and Politique et sociétés. His research has focused on the European Union's external action, the Europeanization of law, and EU institutions and law. He is currently working on resistance to European standards, the activism of the Court of Justice of the European Union, and soft law in the European Union. Three books are forthcoming: The European Court of Justice and the Politics of Law (with Sabine Saurugger, Palgrave Mcmillan), Crises and Institutional Change in Regional Organisations (with Sabine Saurugger, Routledge), L'européanisation du droit (with Laetitia Guilloud-Colliat and Henri Oberdorff, Lextenso).
The team
Sabine Saurugger is Associate Professor of Political Science (Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA), Director of Research and Honorary Member of the Institut Universitaire de France. After writing her doctoral thesis on interest groups in the European Union at Sciences Po Paris, she worked on the Europeanization of public policy and theoretical approaches to European integration. Co-founder of the journal Politique européenne, member of the editorial boards of the Revue française de science politique, Pouvoirs and the European Journal of Political Research, she has been professor and visiting researcher at the University of Lausanne, the Free University of Brussels, the University of Montreal, Cologne and Oxford University (OxPo Fellow at Nuffield College).
Sabine Saurugger's current research focuses on resistance to European integration, the activism of the European Court of Justice, and the transformation of public policy in the wake of economic and financial crises. With Fabien Terpan, she is currently preparing a book on The European Court of Justice and the Politics of Law (Palgrave) and Crises and Institutional Change in Regional Organisations (Routledge).
Yann Echinard
Yann Echinard is a senior lecturer in economics, specializing in the economics of European integration. He has published numerous articles in the Revue de l'Union européenne and the Annuaire Français des Relations Internationales, and writes a European economic news column for Questions internationales. He has edited several collective works, including La crise dans tous ses états (2011) and L'union européenne et les Etats-Unis (2013 ).
The activities
The Chair organizes a series of conferences entitled "Rencontres et débats sur l'Europe", as part of the European Governance Master's program. Some of these conferences are open to the public.
Other events are organized in cooperation with academic partners and civil society.
The Chair aims to welcome internationally renowned academics specializing in European issues, as well as European practitioners.
Teaching modules
Two modules of the European Governance Master's program have been set up since the Chair was launched.
The "Métiers européens" module presents the diversity of career opportunities linked to the European Union. It is led by Nicolas Pradalié (Parliamentary Adviser to Mr. Vytenis Andriukaitis, Cabinet of the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety).
The "EU Law and Politics" seminar, led by Fabien Terpan and Sabine Saurugger, is designed to enable students in the European Governance Master's program to produce dissertations based on a rigorous scientific method and responding to a concrete question. In this way, students develop expertise in a particular field or sector, and strengthen their specialization with a view to better professional integration.
The Chair's activities are closely linked to the research work carried out at Sciences po Grenoble - UGA on European issues.
The aim of the Employment & Social Dialogue Chair is to design, propose and run various projects in conjunction with the European Community, the French government and regional and national partners (full brochure available on request). In principle, these projects involve studies and analyses in the field of social sciences, and more specifically :
- Labor, employment, vocational training
- Social dialogue, social partners
- HRM, new jobs & professions
- Consequences of technological change for employment and vocational training
- Diversity and anti-discrimination
- Project management audits
- Monitoring and strategic assistance in project management
Here are some of the activities in which the Employment and Social Dialogue Chair has participated:
Carried out a study and assisted negotiations (social dialogue) for the Isère General Council on the issue of quality of life at work, using the Canadian ISQVT method with the University of Montreal team, consulting 800 agents.
Study on the issue of discrimination against jobseekers in access to vocational training (Pôle-Emploi, French State, Rhône-Alpes Region, Opcalia Rhône-Alpes, DRDFE Rhône-Alpes)
Project with Pôle-Emploi Rhône-Alpes on the deployment of new green jobs in the Rhône-Alpes Region, monitoring and evaluation of the scheme, which includes the creation of a network of integration companies focusing on sustainable development and the creation of integration paths with specific training modules.
European project positioning and strategy audits for several regional structures (names confidential, please contact us for further information)
European program on atypical workers (autonomous and often leaving the salaried workforce to set up their own businesses) conducted in six European countries. The aim is to compare the status of these groups and to produce a study which will be submitted to the European Commission with a number of recommendations. The European Social Fund is behind the project.
Set up a project for the Agence Française de la Recherche (French Research Agency) on measuring quality of life at work, in conjunction with several French and Canadian universities.
A study of competitiveness clusters as part of a project looking at the creation of new jobs and professions in the research field, and the realities of job insecurity. Project financed by the Rhône-Alpes Region, the French State and the European Social Fund. New ERDF project in preparation in 2016 on support for collaborative project leaders in 10 Competitive Clusters in Rhône-Alpes.
Submission of an application for the Alpin Space 2012 call for projects, in conjunction with several European partners and French local authorities, on the theme of water (enhancement of the region's tourist heritage with activities such as thermalism, boating and brownfield industries).
The Chair works primarily with Master's students, but also welcomes undergraduates on request. It can also take on projects led by IEP teachers.
In 2008, the UN Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. This was not for scientific work, but for the highly political issue of peace, illustrating the potentially profound social impacts of CC: social, economic, technical, behavioral and political, even ideological.
These impacts are leading to the emergence of a new form of governance - climate and energy governance - which, through adaptation and mitigation, is translating into multiple measures, programs and public policies at multiple scales: international, national, territorial and individual. CC is an amplifier of natural hazards, a major obstacle to development efforts in poor countries, and the main cause of emerging international insecurity in the 21st century. It is also helping to redefine the issues surrounding energy, development (since 2006, climate and energy issues have been included in the UN's Millennium Development Goals), water, construction, food, urban planning, agriculture and transport.
Climate change and energy have emerged in recent years as an area of research for the social sciences and humanities. The Planète Energie-Climat Chair explores this issue through several questions:
Theoretical reflections on CC and its impacts, on the very notion of governance and its thematic variations - energy, water, biodiversity, transport, urban planning... ;
Empirical studies on applied governance issues:
- At international level, notably through analysis of standards production, negotiations and international or European cooperation;
- at national level, such as national programs to combat and adapt to CC ;
- at territorial level, through CC mitigation and adaptation plans, measures and programs.
Analyzing the capacity of societies and territories to adapt to phenomena that are both brutal and recurrent, and that are diffusely - and uncertainly - amplified by CC, is a field of exploration that needs to be developed with a view to managing the impacts of CC. It is in the field of adaptation that the role of social dimensions in resilience, vulnerability and response capacity is least well understood.
The CC raises the question of power, notably through the issue of ecological inequalities, at the heart of mitigation and, above all, adaptation efforts. How are vulnerability, resilience and the ability to act constructed, and under what conditions? What are the effects of power relations on international negotiations aimed at building a new global governance architecture?
Finally, is CC emerging not as a phenomenon, but rather as an epiphenomenon that attacks our discourses, our ways of thinking, our theories and concepts, our worldview and our political imaginary?
In its 'Planet' function, the Chair has also contributed to SHS thinking and knowledge on local pollution by fine particles and NOx, in large-scale investigations: the feasibility of a ZAPA in the Grenoble area, or measures to combat pollution caused by wood heating and the burning of green waste.
Chair actions
The Chair participates in and organizes symposia; contributes to local, national and international research networks (including the IPCC); conducts field studies; makes recommendations in terms of research fields to be developed, but also in terms of climate and energy policies, thanks to its analyses; publishes scientific articles and books; offers internships to students and contributes to teaching at the IEP-G.
Project summary
At a time when the European and International Action of Local Authorities (EIALA) is recognized as an essential local public policy, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA has decided to capitalize on the experience acquired over the last ten years in multi-stakeholder reflection and research-action on this subject, and to create a Chair dedicated to EIALA.
This is a three-year program of activities, initiated with the aim of creating a meeting place for researchers, elected representatives, professionals, NGOs, technical experts and business representatives, dedicated to dialogue and the exchange of skills. Its aim is to further knowledge and research in the field of public policy, and to develop new intervention tools and practices in the field.
Science Po Grenoble - UGA is the institution behind the Chair. It combines its expertise with that of the Pacte laboratory and Arricod to develop joint projects on this theme.
The Grenoble-based initiators and supporters of the Chair project have long experience of AEICT:
Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA offers an ambitious five-year intellectual program designed to train tomorrow's decision-makers. Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA boasts all the advantages of a Grandes Ecoles, while playing a full part in the development of the Université Grenoble-Alpes, and stands out for its multi-disciplinary approach to the social sciences. The creation of the AEICT Chair was approved by Sciences Po's Scientific Council on November 18.
Laboratoire de Sciences Sociales is a joint research unit of CNRS, Université Grenoble Alpes and Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA, bringing together political scientists, geographers and urban planners, as well as a number of sociologists from the Grenoble area. It also welcomes economists, lawyers and historians. A number of theses are currently being written on AEICT themes.
(Association des professionnels de l'action européenne et internationale des collectivités territoriales) is an association under the French law of 1901, created in 1994 to federate professionals involved in the European and international action of local authorities. Several of its leaders work in Isère.
General project objectives
The creation of the Chair for European and International Action by Local Authorities has four objectives:
Encourage experimentation and the production of knowledge;
Create a space for exchange and partnerships between players, both private and public, who are often far removed from one another, but whose complementarities appear essential;
Innovate the training of knowledge and innovative thinking;
Encourage the openness of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA to the debates and expectations of the City.
The activities supported or promoted by the Chair are therefore structured around the 4 Rs: Research, Networks, Meetings, Review.
Specific project objectives:
The combination of the three complementary areas of expertise of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA, PACTE and ARRICOD enables the Chair to carry out four types of activity:
- Study production
- Creating a platform for exchanging knowledge and practices
- A range of accredited courses
- Organizing public conferences
Program of activities:
Creation of the Carnet de recherche de la chaire Sciences-po Grenoble - UGA sur l'Action Européenne et Internationale des Collectivités Territoriales (Circé) to promote exchanges and debates on European and international action by local authorities:
Organization of a founding day in Grenoble in the first quarter of 2016
Organization of a Young Research seminar
Elaboration of and participation in research projects: participation in European programs will be one of the Chair's priority tasks as soon as it is set up. The Chair will be both a project leader and a partner in research groups.
The Mediterranean Middle East Chair is financially supported by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.
The Mediterranean Middle East Chair supports the annual general seminar of the Mediterranean Middle East Master's program, which takes place face-to-face and is recorded for distance learning programs.
7th Journées internationales de Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA on the Middle East December 05 and 06, 2019
Cancelled due to national transport strikes
"Algeria, between political mutations and strategic stakes in the Mediterranean".
6th Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA International Days on the Middle East on November 29 and 30, 2018:
"Middle East: between revolts and insecurity".
5th Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA International Days on the Middle East on November 30 and December 01, 2017:
"Storm in the Gulf: the monarchies of the Arabian Peninsula between internal quarrels and international pressures".
4th Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA International Days on the Middle East on November 17 and 18, 2016:
"Iran: the challenges of the return"
The Mediterranean-Middle East Chair is a network of educational, scientific, professional and cultural initiatives and activities designed to promote knowledge of the Mediterranean and the Middle East at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA. Supported by the Rhône-Alpes region, it is run by Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA lecturers and associate members. It operates in cooperation with the Chair of the same name at Sciences Po Lyon.
Its main activities are :
- Support for teaching activities on the Mediterranean and the Middle East, at undergraduate and Master's level (visiting specialists);
- Coordination of existing partnerships and creation of new ones with universities and research institutes in the Mediterranean and the Middle East;
- Organization of conferences and events on the Mediterranean and the Middle East;
- Participation in international symposia and conferences;
- Registration of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA in international networks specializing in the Mediterranean and the Middle East (in particular the CNRS "Groupement d'intérêt scientifique - Moyen-Orient et mondes musulmans")
Image removed.
Members of the Mediterranean-Middle East Chair:
BURDY Jean-Paul, lecturer and associate researcher in history at GREMMO (Lyon)
EGER Clara, ATER in political science (Sciences Po Grenoble)
DROZ-VINCENT Philippe, professor of political science (Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA)
KHILLO Imad, lecturer in public law (Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA)
MARCOU Jean, lecturer in public law (Sciences Po Grenoble), associate researcher at IFEA, Istanbul
MARYNOWER Claire, lecturer in history (Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA)
MEIER Daniel, research engineer at PACTE (Grenoble) and associate researcher at IFPO (Beirut)
MICHELETTI Pierre, associate professor (Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA), board member of Action contre la faim
RABEH Amani, ATER in Arabic
ROBERT Max-Valentin, doctoral student in political science (Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA)
SCHEMEIL Yves, professor of political science, former director of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
SAYAH Jamil, lecturer in public law (Université Pierre Mendès France)
This publication consists of two parts:
- The first publication features a case study of the Episol association, and a pedagogical guide to better understand growth strategies. This teaching guide is a resource for teaching or raising awareness of the SSE among learners, association members or the general public. Co-written by someone involved in the association and a teacher-researcher, this case study is a resource at your disposal, under a "Creative Commons" license, available to all. It is divided into four parts: an introduction to the roots of the project; a description of the association's values and activities; details of the project's stakeholders; and a description of the growth process, which is unprecedented and based on social innovation.
- A pedagogical section serves as a guide for teachers wishing to implement this module. It describes options adapted to non-SSE specialist Master 1 courses, or more in-depth Master 2 courses specializing in SSE.
A scientific committee that brings together several national and European experts to analyze, understand and prevent the various crises that affect our societies. Our common ambition is to train tomorrow's decision-makers in crisis management and communication, notably through the educational simulation exercise La Nuit de la Crise.
This initiative aims to explore the use of serious games for educational purposes.
At the launch of the Chair, the formalization round table brought together experts who have created both digital and physical games, all focused on experiential learning. These games also provide valuable data for research.
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Apprenticeship tax
The apprenticeship tax is a tax calculated on the payroll of companies. Do you represent a company? By designating Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA as a recipient of the tax, you support the training of talented young graduates.
The apprenticeship tax is payable by any structure or company subject to income tax and headquartered in France, while employing at least 1 employee. The amount is calculated on the basis of remuneration paid.
The apprenticeship tax is based on the previous year's payroll. It is the sum of the following amounts:
- Remuneration subject to social security contributions (including remuneration paid to expatriate employees);
Benefits in kind paid by the company (salaries, allowances, bonuses, gratuities, employee contributions, tips, etc.). Apprentices' salaries are fully exempt when the employer has up to 10 employees.
The apprenticeship tax rate is 0.68% of payroll. The apprenticeship tax includes :- A fraction equal to 87% of the tax to finance apprenticeships (collected by Urssaf),
- A fraction equal to 13% (balance) earmarked for discharging expenses incurred by the employer.
- Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA is eligible to receive the 13% fraction of final expenses.