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Student support

Need help? You've come to the right place.

Solidarity fund

In 2001, we set up a solidarity fund to provide financial assistance to scholarship and non-scholarship students in real financial difficulty, whether or not they are in receipt of a scholarship.


The purpose of this fund is to provide assistance to students in real financial difficulty, who are not receiving a CROUS grant, merit-based grant, Auvergne Rhône Alpes region grant, or a grant from a department or town.


Scholarship holders in great difficulty can also make an exceptional request, as assistance from the solidarity fund can be combined with other scholarships.

A special committee made up of elected members of the Board of Directors, directors of studies, the administrative manager of the solidarity fund and a CROUS social worker is responsible for identifying beneficiaries and determining the amount of aid, based on the traditional criteria used by social services (tax income, distance, number of children in school, etc.).


Dossier " Solicitation de la commission du fonds de solidarité 2024-2025 " : Download (French version) / (French version) Download (english version)

Missionary creation sheet : coming soon


Please note: incomplete applications will not be considered. Applications must be sent as a single PDF document to contact-aidesociale@iepg.fr.

Commission d'exonération

La commission d'exonération de Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA examine et prend en compte les situations d’urgence sociale. Elle peut, dans certains cas, proposer une remise gracieuse du montant des droits d’inscription, à titre exceptionnel.

Règlement 2024-2025 relatif au fonctionnement de la commission d'exonération : Télécharger
Dossier « Sollicitation de la commission des recours gracieux 2024-2025 » : Télécharger (version française) / Télécharger (version anglaise)


If you have any questions, please write to: contact-aidesociale@iepg.fr

Our commitment to equality and the fight against discrimination

For many years, Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA has been fully committed to promoting equality and fighting against all forms of discrimination, harassment (moral or sexual) and gender-based and sexual violence. Our goal is zero tolerance of discrimination, harassment and sexual and gender-based violence.

Food support

To benefit, simply activate your Izly account at https://mon-espace.izly.fr For more information, visit the Crous website.

Distributions and actions are announced on the AGORAé Facebook page: https: //www.facebook.com/AGORAeUGA.

Distribution dates are posted on their Facebook page, which is updated daily: https: //www.facebook.com/Gprecarite.

To take advantage of it, you need to sign up via the form on their Facebook page: https: //www.facebook.com/EMF.Grenoble


Remember to bring a bag and your student card.

Health, listening and support

If follow-up is required, the modalities and financing are to be agreed between the practitioner and the student. Apart from this first session, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA does not cover the cost of follow-up for students.
Depending on the student's wishes, follow-up can be arranged by the clinical psychologist or with other psychologists.

Practical details :

Two monthly office hours by appointment  

45-minute video or telephone consultation

Make an appointment by e-mail directly with the clinical psychologist: pironon@orange.fr

Privacy policy :

The clinical psychologist is bound by a duty of confidentiality towards her patients.

It does not transmit any personal information to Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA.

It may, however, alert Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA management / RelaiSEA to a general / specific situation so that the institution can resolve problems.

It's not always easy to find your way around all this information, so don't hesitate to download the iCampus app to receive information directly on your smartphone (download on Android and Apple)!

Student associations, supported by the UGA and the Crous, are mobilizing against the social isolation of students and launching Alpaline, a telephone helpline for and by students.

04 65 84 44 24

Free, confidential and anonymous

Friday to Monday, 8 p.m. to 2 a.m.


Computer loan

You can borrow a computer if you need one, thanks to the support of the Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA dedicated fund, the UGA Foundation and IDEX.


Procedure: submit a reasoned request by e-mail to contact-diretudes@iepg.fr

Other support systems

It's not always easy to find your way through all this information, so the icampus FAQ is here to help you and answer your questions:
FAQ - What can I do to help me with my studies and student life?

Don't hesitate to download the icampus app to receive information directly on your
smartphone! (download on Android and Apple)

Student associations, supported by the UGA and the Crous, are mobilizing against the social isolation of students and have launched Alpaline, a free, confidential and anonymous telephone helpline for and by students, open from Friday to Monday from 8pm to 2am 04 65 84 44 24 // contact@alpaline.fr
At Sciences Po Grenoble, the relaiSEA - Solidarité, Ecoute, Accompagnement (Solidarity, Listening, Support) remains at your service: relaiSEA@iepg.fr



Throughout the health crisis, health centers were mobilized to welcome students, particularly those who were confined to university halls of residence. At the university health centers, students can benefit from free reception and nursing care, as well as medical consultations with general practitioners or specialists. In September 2020, a Covid 19 screening center relocated from the Grenoble Alpes University Hospital (CHUGA), opened at the heart of the Saint-Martin-d'Hères campus for university students and staff. It was open until the end of January. Since then, the partnership between the CHUGA and the UGA has been maintained: a schedule has been set aside for UGA students and staff to obtain a screening appointment at the CHUGA.

Between exams, the health situation and its impact on your student and private life, you may be experiencing personal difficulties and feeling stressed or anxious. Don't let the situation get out of hand: contact social workers, psychologists or helplines. Feel free to consult the directory of care and listening facilities available in the conurbation.

Online appointments at https://mesrdv.etudiant.gouv.fr/fr
For the most urgent requests, appointments can be made by contacting the secretariat by email at ce.crous-social@crous-grenoble.fr.