Funding by the Scientific Committee for Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA graduate students
Applications for funding by the Scientific Committee for Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA graduate students - academic year 2024/2025
- Consult the Scientific Commission's criteria for awarding grants
- Fill in an online application form
- Send the required documents by e-mail to Paola Geraci 8 days before one of the Scientific Commission meetings, according to the following schedule:
- Mardi 4 février 2025
- Tuesday, March 11, 2025
- Tuesday, April 8, 2025
- Tuesday, May 6, 2025
- Tuesday, June 10, 2025
- Tuesday, July 8, 2025
You will be informed of the Scientific Commission's decision by e-mail 8 days after the meeting.

Criteria for Scientific Commission grants
The role of the Scientific Commission
In a context where research is an increasingly important issue for Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA at local, national and international levels, the Institute's Scientific Commission plays a central role in discussion, programming and evaluation. It is the main arena in which research-related issues are debated, whether in connection with teaching at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA or with the laboratories (Pacte, CERDAP², CESICE). In its advisory role, the Board issues opinions on a wide range of research strategy and policy issues.
The LRU law broadened the scope of this body, which gives its opinion on the definition of candidate profiles for the positions of Associate Professor and Professor, on the composition of selection committees set up for recruitment purposes, on visiting professors and on career advancement. The Scientific Committee is also responsible for recruiting temporary teaching and research assistants (ATER) at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA.
The Scientific Commission also decides on the distribution of research credits allocated by Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA. It does so in the interests of transparency of procedures, clarification of the institution's needs and greater predictability of research projects.
Interview with Anne Bartel-Radic, re-elected President of the Scientific Committee of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA 2023 - 2026
Could you tell us a bit about yourself?
I'm a professor of Management Sciences and a member of the CERAG laboratory, where I conduct and supervise research in international management. In my work, I examine the ways in which individuals and organizations collaborate across national, cultural and linguistic boundaries. In addition to my role as President of the Scientific Committee, I have also been Director of Research at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA since 2022, and co-director of the Management and Business Administration (MGE) graduate program.
How would you define your role as Chairman of the Scientific Committee?
Like that of a facilitator and moderator: leading exchanges to help projects emerge and make the "voice of research" heard within the institution; moderating debates between different scientific disciplines and personalities. Coming from a discipline that is very much in the minority at Sciences Po - Management Sciences - seems to me to be quite an advantage in fulfilling these roles.
How can this committee and its projects contribute to the development of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA?
I am deeply attached to the research dimension of our teaching and research professions, and of our higher education establishments - an attachment that is widely shared within the Scientific Committee. Although it is primarily an advisory body, the Scientific Committee can make proposals and help promote excellence in research at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA.
Composition of the Scientific Commission
With voting rights :
Members by right:
the Director of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA, Sabine SAURUGGER
the Director of Research of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA, Anne Bartel-Radic
the Director of PACTE, Laurence Dumoulin
the Director of CESICE, Sébastien Le Gal
the Director of CERDAP², Virginie Scolan
Members elected from among whom:
Chair of the Scientific Committee
Anne BARTEL-RADIC, Professor
Quatre professeurs ou assimilés :
Anne BARTEL-RADIC, Professeure
Frédéric GONTHIER, Professeur
Simon PERSICO, Professeur
Amélie ARTIS, Professeure
Quatre représentants des autres personnels d’enseignement et de recherche :
Marine BOURGEOIS, Maîtresse de conférences
Lisa MARX, Maîtresse de conférences
Sidonie NAULIN, Maîtresse de conférences
Angela TACEA, Maîtresse de conférences
Trois doctorants ou post-doctorants :
Damien BALLEREAU, doctorant
Florent FRASQUE, doctorant
En cours
Three outside personalities appointed:
Yves DELOYE, Professor of political science, researcher at the Centre Emile Durkheim at Sciences Po Bordeaux.
Isabelle GUINAUDEAU, CNRS Research Fellow, Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics at Sciences Po Paris.
Emmanuelle MATHIEU, Senior Lecturer at the University of Lausanne - Institute of Political Studies.
In an advisory capacity :
La directrice des études de 2nd cycle de Sciences Po Grenoble – UGA : Irène LAURENT
La directrice du pôle de recherche en sciences sociales (pôle PSS) de l’Université Grenoble Alpes, dont Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA est composante : Amélie ARTIS
Le Vice-Président recherche de l’UGA ou son représentant
Invités permanents sans vote :
Hélène DESSAUX, Directrice générale des services adjoint de Sciences Po Grenoble – UGA
Paola GERACI, Gestionnaire administrative du service de la recherche de Sciences Po Grenoble – UGA
Pascale MARTINOT, Directrice générale des services de Sciences Po Grenoble – UGA