Management and governance
Sabine Saurugger
Director, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Sabine Saurugger, University Professor of Political Science, has been Director of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA since February 1, 2020. In line with the school's ongoing development, her program aims to further internationalize training and research, while maintaining the school's territorial roots. Together with the staff and students who are at the heart of this development, the aim is to strengthen Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA's commitment to the environment and pursue its social investment.
Sabine Saurugger emphasizes:
"The future of our school is now taking shape in a new context, that of bringing together all the forces of public higher education on the Grenoble Alpes site within a new experimental public institution called "Université Grenoble Alpes" (UGA). Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA, while retaining its legal personality and autonomy, is fully committed to this project as a component institution of the UGA, contributing to the construction of a world-class university. The aim of my management team will be to transform the challenges of this new integrated university into opportunities. Indeed, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA can make a strong contribution as a laboratory for innovation, drawing on its strengths: multidisciplinarity in the social sciences, internationalization of teaching and research, commitment to an inclusive society."
Sabine Saurugger, Director of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Sabine Saurugger is a university professor of political science. After studying political science at the University of Vienna (Austria) and the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), she obtained her doctorate in political science at Sciences Po Paris. She has held research and visiting professorships at the College of Europe in Bruges, the Universities of Lausanne, Montreal and the Free University of Brussels, at Nuffield College, Oxford, and as Theseus Visiting Professor at the University of Cologne. A former Director of Research and President of the Scientific Commission at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA, she has held a number of teaching and administrative positions there, as well as in national and international scientific associations. Honorary member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF 2009-2014), she has published on public policy and European institutions, theories of European integration, interest groups and lobbying, and the link between law and politics.
DIR (Management team)
- Sciences Po Grenoble
Member of the Institut Universitaire de France (Junior, 2016)
- Social history of civil servants and public administrations (late 18th century - 20th century)
- Imperial knowledge of government
- Establishment, missions and composition of police forces (France and Europe, late 18th century-1914)
- Men and women in an imperial situation: mobility and sociability of French expatriates in Napoleonic Europe
- The French and their empires: receptions, customs and memories
- White politicization in 19th-century France
- CF Global history of the contemporary world - 3rd year
- CM History. France, 1848-1939 - 1st year
- Historical sociology of public action - Master of Comparative Government Sciences
- General culture - Master CPCAJ - CEA
- Chargé de mission at IEPG: coordinator of the Social Opening Program
- Member of the IEPG Board of Directors
- Editor of Annales Historiques de la Révolution Française
- Coordinator of the History jury for the ENS Ulm within the BEL; responsible for the joint oral examination
Lecturer in economics, qualified to direct research and doctor in European economics at Grenoble University. Researcher at CESICE. Irène Laurent has been Director of Studies for the second cycle since February 2020. She has held a number of teaching posts at the school (co-director of the DESS business economist program, co-director of the DEES Master's program, director of the M1 European and International Studies program, head of the European governance program, etc.). She was an elected member of CEVIE and a member of the Technical Committee.
Supporting organization(s): Sciences Po Grenoble CERAG, Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Appliquées à la Gestion, Université Grenoble Alpes
Fabien Terpan is Senior Lecturer in Public Law and Director of International Relations at Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA, with specific responsibility for the European zone. He is also holder of a Jean Monnet Chair, co-director of the School of European Governance, and Deputy Director of CESICE (Centre d'études de la sécurité internationale et des coopérations européennes). His research focuses on the European Union, its external action, and the relationship between law and politics within the EU.
Governance Committee
- Tel: 06 20 91 64 56
- Email :
- Website:
Anna Jeannesson has been teaching English at Sciences Po Grenoble since 2002. She is Franco-British, grew up in Kenya, and has lived in France since her Erasmus year at Sciences Po Grenoble in 1991. She holds a BA in Business Administration, a DEA in English Studies (for which she did political discourse analysis) and the CAPES in English. Before joining Sciences Po Grenoble, she spent 3 years sailing around the world. In addition to her teaching responsibilities, she is involved in EAD projects and is a member of the International Relations team as incoming mobility officer / Imad Khillo: Outgoing mobility officer =Imad Khillo is a lecturer in public law at Sciences Po Grenoble. In charge of outgoing mobility, he is responsible within the International Relations Department for the academic and pedagogical follow-up of mobility students, and above all for the harmonization of study paths between partner universities and Sciences Po Grenoble. He is a specialist in international public law, and his main areas of teaching and research are international human rights law, human rights in the Arab world, with particular emphasis on the changing status of women in this geographical area, and Muslim law and its various implications for the domestic legal systems of Arab countries.
Nicolas Dramissiotis is a PE teacher, attached to Sciences Po Grenoble since September 2018 and responsible for Sports at Sciences Po Grenoble (Director of SUAPS Sciences Po Grenoble).
He is involved in specific courses at Sciences Po Grenoble (Plein-Air multi-activities + coordination of Football Sciences Po Grenoble) as well as Badminton, Handball, Corps-Santé courses at the UGA.
He also accompanies Sciences Po Grenoble teams at the Championnat de France des Grandes Ecoles matches, as well as at the CRIT.
Hélène Caune, Senior Lecturer in Political Science at Sciences Po Grenoble, has been working for over ten years on transformations in social protection and the influence of public policies on citizens' preferences and behavior at local, national and European level. The research project she is currently developing on territorial agri-food policies enables her to combine her interest in social issues and solidarity policies with the urgency of the ecological transition. As part of the Cordées de la Réussite program and the Programme d'Ouverture Sociale (POS) at Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA, she proposes to develop an ambitious policy of democratizing access to higher education, anchored in her local area.
At the end of her university career, Marie-Xavière BILLET worked for two years as a legal assistant at the Grenoble Administrative Court, and was also a lecturer at the Grenoble Law School. A member of the Grenoble Bar since 2018 and a mediator since 2021, Marie-Xavière BILLET is sensitive to cases of discrimination, harassment and sexual and gender-based violence, and is committed to the principles of confidentiality, impartiality and independence. She wishes to put all her skills and experience to good use in her role as Delegate for Equality and the fight against discrimination, harassment and sexual and gender-based violence.
Project Manager
The appointment of Frédéric Gonthier as Scientific Communication and Promotion Officer reflects Sciences Po Grenoble's determination to raise its profile both nationally and internationally. As a member of the management team, Frédéric Gonthier's role is to promote the research activities of our teaching and research staff both in the academic world and in the community at large. As such, he is responsible for the Sciences Po Grenoble blog. Frédéric Gonthier is Professor of Political Science and researcher at the Pacte-CNRS laboratory. His work focuses on opinions on the economy and the welfare state in France and Europe. His work has been published in international (European Journal of Political Research, Acta Politica, International Journal of Sociology, French Politics) and national (Revue française de science politique, Revue française de sociologie, etc.) journals. Frédéric Gonthier is also heavily involved in the production and promotion of international socio-political surveys (scientific manager of the International Social Survey Programme for France, member of the Methodology Group of the European Values Study, director of the Major Socio-political Surveys Department of the TGIR Progedo).
Other referrers
Management bodies
The 3 councils are made up of elected members representing staff, students and outside personalities. They sit under the responsibility of a chairman.
Board of Directors (BOD) - 30 members - Articles 10 and 22 of Decree no. 89-902 of December 18, 1989, concerning political studies institutes with the status of public administrative establishments associated with a university or a community of universities and establishments
The BOD determines the establishment's policy, in particular validating the establishment contract, voting on the budget and approving the accounts. The decisions of the Scientific Commission and the Board of Studies and Student Life are submitted to it for approval.
The Board of Directors comprises thirty members as follows:
1° The Director of the Civil Service, the President of the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques and the Director of the Institut National du Service Public (ex-ENA), or their representatives, are ex officio members of the Board of Directors;
2° Seven outside personalities appointed for their expertise by the rector of the academy on the recommendation of the institute's board of directors;
3° Five representatives of university professors and staff belonging to assimilated categories within the meaning of article D. 719-4 of the Education Code, including at least three professors;
4° Five representatives of other teaching and research staff;
5° Nine student representatives in accordance with the internal regulations of each institute;
6° A representative of the engineers, technicians, administrative and service staff.
The president of each institution with which the institute is associated, or his or her representative, also sits ex officio on the Board of Directors.
The Director of the Institute and the Accounting Officer attend Board meetings in an advisory capacity.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors is elected by the Board for the duration of his or her term of office from among the outside personalities who are members of the Board.
The Board of Directors determines the general policy of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA and deliberates, in particular, on:
teaching and research programs,
the general organization of studies,
the budget and financial accounts,
internal regulations.
The Board of Directors is composed of :
Chairman (voting rights) :
- Mr Jean-Luc NEVACHE
Ex officio members (voting rights) :
- Mrs Maryvonne LE BRIGNONEN, Director of INSP (ex ENA)
- Mrs Nathalie COLIN, or her representative
- Ms Catherine PRUDHOMME, Director of Administration and Civil Service
- Mrs Laurence BERTRAND-DORLEAC, President of the FNSP
Outside personalities (voting rights)
- Mrs Geneviève FIORASO, in her capacity as former Minister of Higher Education and Research, former Member of Parliament for the first constituency of Isère and former Deputy Mayor of Grenoble
- Mr Jérôme BELLION-JOURDAN, Senior Fellow, Institute for Global Negotiation
- Gérald MATTER, Organic Sales Gardener at PICTURE
- Mr Jean-Luc NEVACHE in his capacity as Chairman of the Board of Directors
- Ms Cécile PROST, in her capacity as Director of ABC Project
- Ms Morgane CAUJOLLE, Executive at the International Committee of the Red Cross
Representatives of university professors and staff in assimilated categories within the meaning of article d. 719-4 of the French Education Code (voting rights)
- Mr Gilles BASTIN, Professor of Sociology, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
- Mr. Aurélien LIGNEREUX, Professor of History at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
- Mr Franck PETITEVILLE, Professor of Political Science at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
- Ms Sonja ZMERLI, Professor of Political Science at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
- Mr Olivier LE VAN TRUOC, Associate Professor, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Representatives of other teaching and research staff (voting rights)
- Mr Nordine HOCINE, PRAG in languages at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
- Ms Reia ANQUET, PRCE in languages at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
- Mr Dorian GUINARD, Senior Lecturer in Public Law at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
- Mr Simon GODARD, Senior Lecturer in History at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
- Sophie PANEL, Senior Lecturer in Economics at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Student representatives 1st college (deliberative vote)
- Mrs Moira BIAUX, Ourse
- Mr Evan FRAPPIN, Ourse
- Mrs Aurélia FROLOFF, Ourse
- Mr Valentin GIRARD, Ourse
- Mrs Alia BLANC, Ourse
2nd cycle student representatives
- Mrs Ines BAAZIZ, Ourse
- Mr Hugo RIAS, Ourse
- Clara SERAGLINI, Ourse
- Mrs Adèle GUERS, Ourse
Representative of engineering, technical, administrative and service staff (voting rights)
- Mr Eric BRUN, Director of the steering assistance unit at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Board members
- Mrs SAURUGGER Sabine, Director of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA (consultative vote)
- Monsieur le Recteur de région académique or his representative
- Mrs Sabine SAURUGGER, Director of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA (consultative vote)
- Mr Herve SEVILLE, Regional Budget Controller DRFIP Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and/or his representative
Permanent guests
- Mrs Béatrice ANDURAND, President of the Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA Alumni Association
- Agnes CASSASA, Executive Assistant, General Management, General Services Management, Deputy General Services Management, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
- Ms Catherine SAINTAGNE (exact title to be added) of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
- Mr Aurélien LIGNEREUX, Director of 1st cycle studies, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
- Ms Irène LAURENT, Director of 2nd cycle studies, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
- Mr Arnaud COEFFIER, Deputy Director General, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
- Ms Pascale MARTINOT, Director General, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
- Ms Lynda MAURICE, Director of Legal Affairs, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Finally, depending on the agenda, the Chairman may invite other people to attend from time to time.