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Diplôme d'établissement et Executive master "Métiers de l'administration publique d'Etat" - Part-time preparation

The Diplôme d'établissement and Executive Master "Métiers de l'administration publique d'Etat - préparation à temps partiel" (State public administration professions - part-time preparation) are designed to help people who are unable to devote full time to their preparation for category A civil service professions and competitive examinations. It is also aimed at people wishing to develop their personal administrative culture.

At a glance


No diploma required


On file

Back to school 2024



The Diplôme d'établissement and Executive Master "Métiers de l'administration publique d'Etat - Préparation à temps partiel" are designed to help people who are unable to devote full time to their preparation for category A civil service jobs and competitions. It is also aimed at people wishing to develop their personal administrative culture.

Although the course is geared more towards state public administration, it also provides a core curriculum that can be useful in preparing for other competitive examinations.

This course is designed for :

  • administrative staff in categories B and C, and sometimes also A (National Education) of the State or local authorities (civil servants, non-tenured staff) in the process of acquiring seniority enabling them to register for internal competitions

  • private-sector employees in the process of acquiring seniority enabling them to register for the 3rd competitive examinations

  • jobseekers in the process of acquiring seniority enabling them to register for the 3rd competitions

  • people wishing to develop their personal administrative culture

  • students in initial training who are unable to devote full time to this preparation (parallel employment, double course of study, etc.).

Apply on the competition platform


The aim is to enable you to acquire the knowledge you need in the main subjects on the syllabus for internal category A administrative competitions, and to help you master the techniques and methods you need to succeed in the specific competition tests.

The course leads to the award of an executive master's degree in "state public administration professions - part-time preparation" for continuing education students, and an institutional diploma in "state public administration professions - part-time preparation" for initial training students.

Please note that the DE is not currently authorized to accept scholarship holders.


There is no diploma requirement.
Candidates must be pursuing a professional project.

It is imperative that interested civil servants forward their application through the hierarchical channel in order to obtain authorization from their administration for the corresponding absences.
Attendance is checked at each meeting.
The CPAG issues certificates of attendance as and when required.

Candidates are selected solely on the basis of their applications.
There is no oral admission test, except for candidates who also apply for the complementary "Prépa Talents" program.

Apply on the Competition platform

First-wave applications are open from
Monday May 13 to Friday June 21, 2024 at 12 noon

  • If Talents prep application in addition, admission orals
    → July 3-4-5.

  • For all applicants, publication of admission results
    → Week of July 8.

Second wave applications the week of
July 8 to September 16, 2024 at 5 p.m.

  • If Talents prep application in addition, admission orals :
    → Thursday August 29 - Friday August 30, 2024

  • Admission results :
    → Friday, September 20 at 4pm on the IEP competition platform



Talent Prep

The MAPE part-time program has the Prépa Talents label. It is open to both pre-prep Talents and non pre-prep Talents students.

To apply for the Talent Prep program (€4,000 scholarship supplement + placement with a tutor), please send this form (in one file) and supporting documents (in a single file) before September 16th at 5pm to contact-cpag@iepg.fr




The course is given over 23 Fridays from November to June (around 168 hours), face-to-face.

Download the 2024-2025 program here.

Program 2024-2025: courses start on Friday, October 25, 2024. Grand Oral and end of course on Friday May 9 or May 16, 2025.

Teaching method

  • Conferences in small groups (around ten students) to acquire knowledge and work and presentation methods.

  • Active teaching based on presentations and discussions

  • Case studies with several written tests and, in April, a mock oral with a panel of judges, followed by a debriefing.

The courses cover most of the subjects included in the various internal A category competitive examinations

Summary/Note on file/Aargumented note:
Lionel Bruni, Deputy Public Finance Administrator, Isère DDFIP


Public law:
Camille Morio, lecturer in public law at Sciences PO Grenoble


Finances Publiques:
Ferhat Yilmaz, Inspecteur principal des Finances publiques à la Délégation interrégionale Centre-Est


European issues:
Vérane Edjaharian, lecturer in public law at the Faculty of Law, Grenoble Alpes University

Human resources management in the civil service:
Anne-Laure Gonnet, Senior Public Finance Inspector, Isère DDFIP


Digital culture:
Julien Papa, Deputy Public Finance Administrator, in charge of the Grenoble ESI.


Interview preparation:
Virginie Pinchard, Public Finance Inspector, Isère DDFIP

Job opportunities

The Diplôme d'établissement and Executive Master "Métiers de l'administration publique d'Etat - préparation à temps partiel" prepare students for the following category A competitive examinations:

  • Regional administration institutes (IRA Lyon, Bastia, Nantes, Metz, Lille)

  • Education administrator

  • The content and methods provided can be usefully supplemented by independent work to prepare for other competitive examinations, such as attaché, director of youth protection services, etc.


CPAG Training and School Management Technician

Martine ARGOUD
Schooling manager, in charge of organizing courses
04 76 82 60 36

Information, rates, quotes and registration:
04 76 82 84 87

Camille Morio
Lecturer in Public Law at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA