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Diplôme d'établissement et Executive master "Métiers de l'administration publique d'Etat" - Part-time preparation

The Diplôme d'établissement and Executive Master "métiers de l'administration publique d'Etat - Préparation à temps partiel" are designed to help people who are unable to devote full time to this project because they have a professional activity or are in training.

At a glance


No diploma required




Part-time (every Friday)


The full-time MAPE program is run by the Centre de préparation à l'administration générale (C.P.A.G.), Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA's competitive examination center.

The aim is to enable you to acquire the knowledge you need in the main subjects on the syllabus for category A administrative competitions, and to help you master the techniques and methods you need to succeed in the specific competitive exams.

Although the course is geared more towards state public administration, it also provides a core curriculum that can be useful in preparing for other competitive examinations.

The course leads to the award of an Executive Master's degree "Métiers de l'administration publique d'Etat - préparation à temps partiel" for continuing education students, and an establishment diploma "Métiers de l'administration publique d'Etat - préparation à temps partiel" for initial training students.

This course is designed for :

  • administrative staff in categories B and C, and sometimes also A (National Education) of the State or local authorities (civil servants, non-tenured staff) in the process of acquiring seniority enabling them to register for internal competitions

  • private-sector employees in the process of acquiring seniority enabling them to register for the 3rd competitive examinations

  • jobseekers who are in the process of acquiring seniority enabling them to register for the 3rd competitive entrance examinations or preparing for external examinations

  • students in initial training wishing to combine this preparation with their main course of study or a parallel job

Please note that for students in initial training, registration for partial MAPE is not sufficient to qualify for a CROUS grant. 

The courses cover most of the subjects found in the various A category competitive examinations

Summary/Note on file/Aargumented note:
Lionel Bruni, State Administrator, Deputy Director of the State and Resources Division, DDFiP 38


Public law:
Camille Morio, Lecturer in public law at Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA, Director of CPAG


Public Finance:
Public Finance Inspector, DDFiP 38


European issues:
Vérane Edjaharian, lecturer in public law at the Faculty of Law, Grenoble Alpes University

Public policy :

Marie Chamosset, attachée principale d'administration de l'Etat, deputy director of human resources, Grenoble education authority


Human resources management in the civil service:
Anne-Laure Gonnet, senior public finance inspector at DDFiP 38, auditor


Interview preparation:
Cyril Daubargues, professional trainer, former RAID member

Didier Jagaud-Lachaume, attaché principal d'administration de l'Etat, head of the consultancy and legality control office, Isère prefecture


Pix - Socle de compétences numériques
Online tracking on the Pix platform


The course is given over 22 Fridays from October to April (around 172 hours), in the classroom.

Program 2025-2026: courses start on Friday, October 17, 2025. Grand Oral and end of course on Friday April 24, 2026.

Teaching method

  • Conferences in small groups (around ten students) to acquire knowledge and work and presentation methods.

  • Active teaching based on presentations and discussions

  • Practical exercises with the organization of galops to test the written summary and, in April, a mock oral with a panel of judges, followed by a debriefing.

Download the pedagogical model (MCC)

Download the training calendar


The course is open to students with no formal qualifications. 

It is imperative that interested civil servants forward their application through the hierarchical channel in order to obtain authorization from their administration for the corresponding absences. Attendance is checked at each meeting. The CPAG issues certificates of attendance as and when required.

Selection is based solely on the candidate's application. There is no oral admission test, although the jury may request a telephone interview if further details are needed.

Applicants must be pursuing a professional project. The application must therefore clearly set out the project* behind the MAPE registration and the reasons behind it.

*For students in initial training, the project may legitimately still be imprecise. However, it's important to make it clear whether you have an overall plan to work in public administration, and especially why. Don't hesitate to indicate if there are any particular areas that interest you, and why. It's also a good idea to find out as much as you can about the world of civil service competitive examinations.

First wave applications from Monday April 14 to Friday June 13, 2025 at 12 noon

  • Publication of partial MAPE admission results on Tuesday June 17 on the competition platform

  • If Prépa Talents application in addition, same dates but application to be e-mailed to contact-cpag@sciencespo-grenoble.fr. Prépa Talents admission results e-mailed Tuesday, July 1. 


Second wave application from Friday, July 4 to Friday, September 12, 2025 at 12 noon

  • Publication of partial MAPE admission results on Monday, September 22 on the competition platform

  • If you are also applying to the Talents Prep program, the dates are the same, but please send your application by e-mail to contact-cpag@sciencespo-grenoble.fr. Prépa Talents admission results e-mailed Monday, September 22. 

Apply on the competition platform (registration not yet open)

Prépa Talents label (optional add-on)

The course has been awarded the Prépa Talents label. This is a government scheme designed to strengthen equal opportunities by giving as many people as possible the chance to prepare for the competitive entrance exams to the civil service, wherever they are in the country and in good conditions. By combating self-censorship, it aims to diversify the senior civil service.


The Prépa Talents program is open to candidates preparing for external and third-level competitive entrance exams, subject to merit and social criteria. It is conditional on attendance at the course and effective registration for at least one civil service competitive examination during the year of the course.


It gives access to :

  • free training, 
  • a €4,000 annual grant, which can be combined with any Crous grant or back-to-work allowance, 
  • enhanced pedagogical support in the form of personalized tutoring. 

For the rest, Prépa Talents students are in the same groups and follow the same courses as other preparatory students. It is therefore a complementary program to the curriculum itself. The partial MAPE is therefore open to both Prépa Talents students and students who do not benefit from the Prépa Talents program.


In addition, the CPAG at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA is one of the pre-preparatory courses for entry to the "Talents competitions", which have been set up on an experimental basis until December 31, 2024. These include entrance exams for the INSP, ENSP, ENAP, EHESP and INET. The ENM competitive entrance examination will remain open until December 31, 2026. Multiply your chances of success!


It is possible to be a Talent Prep student for two consecutive years, subject to attendance and commitment in the first year, and subject to the government maintaining the scheme.

FAQ Talent Prep

There are two conditions that must be met to be eligible, i.e. for your application to be considered:

  • I meet the conditions required of candidates for the civil service competitions I am aiming for (nationality, level of diploma, etc.). It's up to you to check.
  • Social criteria: if you have a Crous social criteria grant for 2025-2026, you are eligible. If you are not, please run the simulation on https://www.lescrous.fr/nos-services/simulateur-de-bourse/


If the simulator gives a positive answer, you are eligible. If the simulator results in a negative answer, you are not eligible, so there is no point in applying for the Talents Prep program.

Applications are assessed on the basis of the quality of the candidate's previous training, aptitudes and motivation. In the event of a tie, priority is given to candidates who live in or have obtained their baccalaureate or any higher-level diploma in a priority urban policy district, a rural revitalization zone or overseas, and to job-seekers, particularly long-term job-seekers.

To apply for the Prépa Talents program, you need to send a specific Prépa Talents application by e-mail, according to the same timetable as the partial MAPE application, in addition to your partial MAPE application, which is sent via the competitive entrance examination platform.


As the Talents preparatory program is complementary to the partial MAPE program, you must apply for the partial MAPE program if you also wish to apply for the Talents preparatory program. In other words, you can't just apply to the Talents Prep program. It is possible to be admitted to partial MAPE without being admitted to Talents Prep.


Details of the documents to be sent will be posted here as soon as the application deadline approaches. For information purposes only, and to help you prepare your application in advance, the file must include :


  • a cover letter specific to the Prépa Talents program. It should explain what you're particularly looking for from the program (e.g. what kind of profile you'd like your future Prépa Talents tutor to have, and what you'd like him or her to do, since each tutor has his or her own specific needs). It should not be a copy and paste of your cover letter to join the partial MAPE program, 
  • proof of your social situation. The precise list is included in the application pack we provide. For example, and depending on your situation: notification of scholarship for the coming year, proof of address less than three months old, merit scholarship including for previous years, specific annual allowance, secondary education scholarship, ward of the Nation, proof of France Travail / Pôle emploi indicating the start date or duration of registration and dating back no more than one month, etc.).

Applying for the Talent Prep program is free of charge. 

Job opportunities

The Diplôme d'établissement and Executive Master "Métiers de l'administration publique d'Etat - préparation à temps partiel" prepare students for the following category A competitive examinations:

  • Regional administration institutes (IRA Lyon, Bastia, Nantes, Metz, Lille)

  • Education administrator

  • The content and methods provided can be usefully supplemented by independent work to prepare for other competitive examinations, such as attaché, director of youth protection services, etc.


Diplôme d'établissement DE MAPE partiel (initial training) :


Full price650 €
Jobseeker receiving compensation without coverage 100 €
Jobseeker with training fund cover650 €
Prépa Talents student (tax-free)0 €

Executive Master EM MAPE partial (continuing education) :


Trainee paid for by an employer or a training fund4 400 €
Trainee not reimbursed (exempt rate)2 300 €
State civil servant300 €

Hospital civil servant or contract employee and
of local authorities

  • Agent in charge
  • Agent not covered (exempt rate)


1 600 €

800 €

Jobseeker with training fund or France Travail cover1 600 €
Uninsured jobseekers (exempt rate)200 €
Prépa Talents trainee (tax-free)    0 €

                                                             MAPE is not eligible for the personal training account - CPF.


Elena Martin
Training and school management technician
Tel: 04 76 82 60 35


Madison Leclercq

Schooling Manager

Tel: 04 76 82 60 36



Information, rates, quotes and registration:
04 76 82 84 87

Camille Morio
Lecturer in public law at Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA

CPAG Director
Tel: 04 76 82 83 65 (voicemail messages are not retrieved)