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1st year entrance exam


Candidates are invited to prepare for the oral by working up to the competition on a thematic dossier that can be downloaded from the dedicated platform set up by Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA.

Zoom in on... the Management and Business Administration course!

The program trains students in corporate management issues, with a multi-disciplinary approach to management science. It focuses on environmental and social issues in the management of organizations, and aims to provide students with a reflexive mastery of managerial decision-making techniques: strategy & CSR, finance, management control, marketing, human resources management, project management, and business law.


Our training courses

Training at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA is divided into 2 cycles and lasts 5 years: the first cycle takes 3 years and the second 2 years. The first cycle provides a foundation of knowledge in political science, economics, history, law, international relations and sociology. The second cycle specializes our students in around twenty different degree courses.


Sciences Po in Grenoble

Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA offers an ambitious five-year program designed to train tomorrow's decision-makers. With all the advantages of a "grande école", our institute, as a component institution with legal personality, participates in the development of the Université Grenoble Alpes. It stands out for the multi-disciplinary nature of its training (political science, law, economics, management, history, sociology), its international focus and the strength of its social science research.


Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA is...




Partner universities


Partner companies

But also...




Diploma course


Thematic Chairs