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Here you'll find all the procedures and documents you need to register with Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA.

Registration is carried out remotely. The registration form must be completed and signed online, then submitted to the dedicated registration platform together with the required supporting documents. The submission dates will be announced shortly: you will receive your registration links as they become available.

Before registering, please note the following:


You must first certify that you have paid the Contribution de vie étudiante et de campus - CVEC, by payment (amount €103) or exemption

The certificate provided is a compulsory document that must be attached to your application.


Tuition fees are modulated according to tax income
→ See bottom of page to estimate your tuition fees.
Tuitionfees for EAD courses are not modulated
→ See bottom of page for rates.


Higher education scholarship holders (the 2025-2026 scholarship notification must be attached to the application file).


  • Students who are wards of the nation
  • Students with disabilities of 80% or more
  • Asylum seekers
  • Idex grant holders
  • Graduate School scholarship holders (international exchange students)
  • Eiffel scholarship holders

Registration procedure for initial training at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA in 2024-2025

→ Complete and sign the file

→ To help you, please consult the explanatory leaflet

Please take the time to check that you have all the required documents
We remind you that any incomplete application will be rejected!
List of required documents

You will receive a message (on the institutional e-mail address for Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA students / on the personal e-mail address for students admitted to the 1st and 4th year competitions) inviting you to create a password that will enable you to access the submission platform directly.


Once you have completed your application and have all the required documents in your possession, you can submit them.


→ Link to the document filing application click here

Your application and all the documents you have submitted will be checked by the registration chain.

If your application is complete, you will be able to register.
Once your application has been entered, you will be notified by e-mail and redirected to the payment platform to finalize your registration.

If your file is incomplete, you will receive an e-mail specifying the corrections to be made. You will have to submit a new document. Your file will be checked again and then saved.
Once your file has been entered, you will be notified by e-mail and redirected to the payment platform to finalize your registration.
Once your registration is complete, you will receive your certificate of enrolment by e-mail.


Student cards will be issued at the start of the school year.


Registration calendar 2024-25

Click on the following link for a description and the registration calendar.

Procédure d'inscription à Sciences Po Grenoble – UGA au titre de la formation continue en 2024-2025

Application deadlines will be announced shortly: you will receive your registration links as they become available. Registrations are carried out remotely. The registration form must be completed and signed online, then submitted on the dedicated registration platform together with the required supporting documents.

→ Complete and sign the registration form

→ To help you, consult the explanatory leaflet

→ Complete the for training

→ Consult the list of required documents


Please take the time to check that you have all the required documents. We remind you that any incomplete application will be rejected!

ATTENTION: the INE or BEA number is mandatory
This number has been assigned since 1995 in high schools and universities.
You will find this number on your FRENCH BACCALAUREATE transcript.

If you took your French baccalauréat before 1995, and have never enrolled in higher education or been enrolled in France, you do not have an INE number: leave the field blank.
If you have mislaid your INE number, you should request it from the education department of the first French higher education establishment you attended. It can also be found on a school certificate, a transcript of grades or, failing that, on an old student card.

You will receive a message (on the institutional e-mail address for Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA students / on the personal e-mail address for newly admitted students) inviting you to create a password that will give you direct access to the submission platform.

Once you have completed your application and have all the required documents in your possession, you can submit them.

→ Find the document filing application by clicking here

Your application and all the documents you have submitted will be checked by the registration chain.

If your application is complete, you will be able to register. Once your file has been entered, you will be notified by e-mail. If your file is incomplete, you will receive an e-mail specifying the corrections to be made. You will need to submit a new document. Your file will be checked again and then saved. Once your file has been entered, you will be notified by e-mail.

Once your application is complete, the Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA Continuing Education Department will contact you to draw up a training contract or agreement.
Once you have registered, you will receive your certificate of attendance by e-mail.

Student cards will be issued at the start of the school year.



If you have any questions about this registration procedure, please write to:

Tuition fees at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA from academic year 2024-2025

Since 2016, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA has been considering how to make its tuition fees fairer. The decision of our Board of Directors on December 7, 2021 will make an excellent education accessible according to each family's means.

As is already the case for 8 of France's IEPs, fees will be modulated according to income. This will be done by applying a percentage to the family's RFR, based on one tax share.

Consequently, registration fees, known as "School Fees", will be set according to the following scale:


The RFR is an amount calculated by the tax authorities, and corresponds to the total income of a tax household (in the case of separate declarations by spouses, the two RFRs should be added together). Your RFR is shown on your N-1 tax notice for N-2 income. 

For the start of the 2024 - 2025 school year, the RFR of the 2023 tax assessment on 2022 income will be taken into account.

The footer of each tax assessment shows the number of tax units. To determine your tax bracket, divide your reference tax income by the number of tax units.

Click here for full regulations on registration fees
For tax residents of the European Economic Area (outside France), please consult the list of specific documents required: here


The following will remain exempt from tuition fees:

  • Crous scholarship holders
  • Wards of the Nation
  • Students with more than 80% disability
  • People seeking asylum, enjoying subsidiary protection or with refugee status

This sliding scale of fees will apply from year 1 to year 5, only for the IEP diploma in initial training, and in the classroom. It will not apply to distance learning courses.

Only in very specific cases will the student's own tax assessment be taken into account.
In the event of a change in the student's situation, and subject to specific conditions, the IEP's tax exemption committee may partially or totally waive the amount of tuition fees payable, subject to the relevant supporting documents
Estimate the amount of your tuition fees
Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA has set up a calculator to estimate the amount of your tuition fees for 2024 - 2025, based on your taxable income and your number of tax units.

Your RFR is indicated on your N-1 tax notice based on N-2 income. Example: For the 2024 - 2025 school year: the 2023 tax notice based on 2022 income.

Excluding CVEC and special cases

For students whose parents declare their income within one of the countries of the European Economic Area and for students whose parent(s) declare their income outside one of the countries of the European Economic Area, you will find in the international section information specific to your case.

Certain students (high-level athletes, high-level artists, students with disabilities recognized by the Université Grenoble Alpes Service Accueil Handicap, students with special difficulties or other specific situations, particularly those of salaried students) are entitled to special study arrangements. 

Upon request to the Department of Studies, students can benefit from special arrangements and, in certain cases, complete one year of study over two academic years.

EAD tuition fees

You will find below all the fees for distance learning courses (EAD) at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA :

European Governance" or "Mediterranean and the Middle East" distance learning :

4th year GE or MMO EAD :

 - Students in initial training: 1800€
- Students in continuing education with reimbursement: 4000€
- Students in continuing education without reimbursement: 2500€.

5th year GE or MMO EAD :

- Students in initial training: 1800€
- Students in continuing education with reimbursement: 6500€
- Students in continuing education without reimbursement: 3500€.

Students receiving social grants or with a disability card of 80% or more:  

A4 and A5 Sciences Po Grenoble distance learning diploma (EAD): €250

Certificat d'Études Politiques ou Administratives (CEP or CEA) distance learning :

Students in initial training: 2100€
Students in continuing education:
Trainees paid for by their employer, pole emploi or others: 3500€
Trainees not paid for (you finance yourself): 2100€.

Training not authorized to receive grant holders.

Useful documents

Individualized courses :



Support for students in difficulty (solidarity fund and fee waiver commission)
→ Solicitation of the 2024-2025 solidarity fund commission : Download (French version) / Download (English version)
→ Missionary creation form : coming soon
Solicitation of the 2024-2025 appeals board : Download (French version) / Download (version anglaise)
→ Rules of the Board of Trade Appeals : coming soon



Application for student employee status


→ Special arrangements (high-level athletes and artists, disabled people)


Practical information Service Accueil Handicap
→ Document 1
→ Document 2
→ Document 3


Procedure - Absence justification form 1st and 2nd cycle


→ How do I get to Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA?