Lifelong learning (FTLV)
Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA offers a wide range of degree courses open to all those who want to enhance their skills, whether in the workforce, on the move or looking for a job.
As a leading school of social sciences at the heart of a world-class university, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA is resolutely committed to developing an offer that meets the most advanced standards of lifelong learning. Its Department of Continuing Education and Professional Integration (DFCIP) is at the service of all those who wish to acquire new knowledge and deepen their skills, enhance their acquired experience and enrich their career paths, with the aim of learning to identify the challenges of our changing society, to apprehend them with discernment, and to become enlightened players.
At the service of individuals, DFCIP is also at the service of organizations committed to training their teams and developing their human resources.
To this end, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA offers a wide range of degree courses open to all those who are working, mobile on the job market or looking for work, and who want to enhance their skills.
Some courses lead to the Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA diploma (equivalent to a Master's degree), while others lead to an Executive Master's degree, reflecting the school's reputation for excellence. Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA also offers short, competency-based training courses, and prepares students for public service entrance examinations. Several courses are now offered in hybrid or fully distance learning formats.
In all cases, we attach the utmost importance to supporting trainees, and in particular those returning to school or undergoing professional retraining, before, during and after their training. Of course, we also liaise with potential funding partners for your training projects (companies, regional authorities, OPCO, Pôle emploi, etc.).
Continuing Education and Professional Integration Department
Application and registration
Online registration
March 10, 2025 to May 02, 2025
Publication of eligibility results
Tuesday, May 27, 2025
Publication of admission results
Tuesday, June 24, 2025
Rates, financing and internal regulations
Contact us
For all inquiries
For full details of how to access and follow the administrative aspects of your training course

IEP Grenoble has obtained quality certification for its continuing education services.