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It is possible to enter Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA directly in 5th year, but only for those taking part in the Lifelong Learning Program (FTLV).


Courses can only be opened if a sufficient number of students are accepted.


Find out more about lifelong learning (FTLV)

Open from Monday March 11 to Friday May 3, 2024 (midday French time).


File creation

The competition consists of a dossier including a CV, a covering letter and a five-page note.


People who do not have the required level (Bac +4) can take advantage of the VAPP system to enter the 5th year directly.


Elise Chagot

Acting Director

Continuing Education and Professional Integration Department

Tel. 04 76 82 61 16, elise.chagot@sciencespo-grenoble.fr