Special audiences and study facilities
Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA supports students who are athletes, high-level artists, employees or disabled in their university projects. These specific statuses open up rights in terms of support and imply duties for the student concerned.
High-level sports student (SHN)
Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA offers a specific support high-level sports students. This status entitles them to various benefits during their studies at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA (absences tolerated for competitions, assistance in catching up on courses, adjustment of timetable, adjustment of study years over two years, etc.). Individual cases will be taken into account in order to best reconcile sporting and educational constraints.
Would you like to apply for student artist status? Then click here.
Obtaining the status of top-level sportsman or sportswoman
Admission by right if you are :
- Registered on the Ministry of Youth and Sports' list of top-level athletes (youth, senior, elite, retraining).
- Registered on the U23 and training partner lists.
- Under agreement with a training center of a professional club or directly with a professional club.
Member of a center accredited by the Commission nationale du sport de haut niveau.
You automatically qualify for top-level student athlete status if you apply for it when you register.
Admission based on criteria :
If you are not automatically admitted, but are playing at national level with great potential and training constraints, you can be accepted as a SHN student if you meet the admission criteria of the Comité Inter Universitaire du Sport de Haut Niveau (CIUSHN).
Top-level athletes (SBN)
Students who do not benefit from SHN status but can prove that they have reached at least an inter-regional level in a sport can apply for Sportif de Bon Niveau status. This status entitles the students concerned to various benefits during their studies at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA.
Would you like to read some testimonials?
They are high-level sports students at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
High-level student artist (AHN)
The inter-university committee offers accommodation for students wishing to pursue an artistic practice during their studies at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA, ENSAG, Grenoble INP and Grenoble Alpes University. This scheme is supported by the IDEX Université Grenoble Alpes project.

The aim is to make the student's schooling compatible with quality practice.
This status enables you to benefit from exam and/or curriculum adjustments to make your artistic practice compatible with your studies.
This will enable you to pursue your artistic studies in a recognized partner training organization*, or to carry out your personal artistic project (outside partner institutions).
The status may also entitle you to special arrangements, such as the loan of rehearsal rooms, note-taking during justified absences, etc.
Renovations at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
The status of "Étudiant artiste de haut niveau" enables the students concerned to benefit from various advantages during their studies at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA (help in catching up on courses, adjustment of timetable, adjustment of study years over two years, etc.). Individual cases will be taken into account in order to best reconcile artistic and pedagogical constraints. For example, the 1st year could be spread over two years.
Students wishing to apply for a special arrangement or support for their course of study must complete an application including a letter of motivation and a description of the artistic project to be carried out in parallel with their studies. Applications are examined by a commission made up of representatives from schools and universities, arts training organizations and, depending on the request, artists identified as experts. The committee may, if it wishes, propose an interview to candidates.
Admission by right
Admission to cycle 2 (vocal), cycle 3 (instrumental/dance/theater, etc.), or professional training cycle (CEPI/COP) at approved conservatories*.
* Partners concerned by admission by right:
Conservatoire de Grenoble
Conservatoire de Valence Romans Agglo
Conservatoire de Chambéry
Conservatoire Hector Berlioz CAPI
Conservatoire d'Annecy
Admission based on criteria
On presentation of a major artistic project carried out in parallel with your studies. Applications will be examined by a joint committee.
Students wishing to pursue a dual UGA / ESAD course: admission is based on criteria. Please contact us by e-mail without delay to discuss the terms and conditions.
For further information
SHN referent at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA:
Nicolas Dramissiotis, nicolas.dramissiotis@iepg.fr
AHN referent at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA:
Delphine Bense, contact-vie-etudiante@sciencespo-grenoble.fr
Students with disabilities
The Disability Officer, Simon Godard, participates in the development and implementation of the school's disability strategy, in conjunction with the Management, the Studies Department and the Programme d'Ouverture aux Personnes en Situation de Handicap (POPH) (Opening Program for People with Disabilities). It oversees the implementation and coordination of the reception, needs and support of students with disabilities.
Salaried student
Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA offers accommodations for salaried students (status recognized from 10 hours of work per week): change of CM group, spread of one year of study over two years.
Applications can be submitted at the beginning of each semester (form to be sent to contact-scolarite1@iepg.fr with a copy of the employment contract).
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