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AUEP Architecture, Urban Planning and Political Studies tri-curriculum

Architecture, Urbanisme et Études Politiques (AUEP) is a three-year degree program run jointly by three of Grenoble Alpes University's component institutions: Grenoble's École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture (ENSAG-UGA), the Institut d'Urbanisme et de Géographie Alpine (IUGA) and Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA.

At a glance





Terms and conditions



This program offers joint skills in architecture, urban planning and political science, and leads to a triple Master's-level diploma (for students who have completed the AUEP Bachelor's and Master's programs): the Diplôme d'État d'Architecte (DEA), the Master's in Urban Planning and Development, and the Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA Diploma.


Training takes place over six years:

Four-year Bachelor's degree (Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA & ENSAG-UGA)

Two-year Master's degree (ENSAG-UGA & IUGA & Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA)



The AUEP training program was created in a general context of change in the architecture, urban planning and development professions. The increasing complexity of the physical, social, economic and political environments in which buildings are built, the constant evolution of territorial and urban policies and their mechanisms, and the growing "entrepreneurialization" of the professions call for greater cross-disciplinarity between the public and private players involved in the production of living environments (political decision-makers, local authority technicians, design offices, architecture and urban planning agencies, residents, etc.). With this in mind, the AUEP training program aims to rethink the place and role of professionals involved in the urban fabric, and to support those who wish to enter this field with a detailed understanding of the processes underway.


UEP thus takes a central approach to the mechanisms and logics of contemporary territorial production, its players and the issues at stake. The aim is to prepare students to situate themselves and act within the framework of neoliberal urban development, in order to better identify possible alternatives. The aim is to train future professionals in the forms of sobriety and respect for living things that are needed, as well as in the development of the "biodiversity of city actors" that is being invented.


The AUEP program offers analytical frameworks, conceptual approaches and appropriate methodologies for understanding current dynamics and supporting related actions. The courses offered are based on a resolutely interdisciplinary approach, at the crossroads of the "design arts" and the social sciences. They are based on strong partnerships with local research laboratories (UMR AAU/équipe CRESSON, UMR PACTE, AE&CC, MHA), as well as with national and international laboratories.


AUEP training will enable students to :


Gain an in-depth understanding of the frameworks and processes involved in the production of inhabited territories, and the challenges they face today and in the future; 

Master conceptual and methodological approaches to the production of territories and their stakeholders, enabling them to be understood and potentially acted upon; 

Structure project thinking and practice (not essentially focused on conception and/or design) on a variety of scales (from the region to the neighborhood to the block or building); 

Develop strategic analytical skills and the ability to act within a complex system of governance and decision-making; 

Develop critical and ethical "research-based" thinking about the operational and scientific practices involved. 


The skills provided by AUEP training respond to the increasingly expressed need for (future) professionals to be trained in the entire production process of living environments, with a dual objective: to guarantee the quality of the latter and to facilitate exchanges between its many players.

Positioning themselves in an alternative logic to the sectorization of tasks, roles and professions, professionals graduating from AUEP training will be able to adapt to a variety of professional worlds.


AUEP for undergraduates

In 4 years, the AUEP Bachelor's degree integrates the first cycle of Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA and the cycle leading to the Bachelor's degree in architecture from ENSAG-UGA.

It is structured as follows:

Year 1: A1 Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA or L1 ENSAG-UGA
Year 2: A1 Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA or L1 ENSAG-UGA
Year 3: L2 ENSAG-UGA and A3 Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA integrated (seminar and professionalization workshops)
Year 4: compulsory international mobility: students go on academic mobility for one year and must validate 60 ECTS credits (or equivalent) during this year abroad.


Students in the AUEP program are required to take the social science and project courses offered. 

by our partners.


Access to the tricursus is open to students enrolled in the first year (A1 or L1) at Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA or ENSAG-UGA. At the end of the first year validated at either of these establishments, candidates for enrolment in the AUEP course are selected on the basis of an application file for admissibility and an oral interview for admission.


The integrated undergraduate pathway will start in the 2022-2023 academic year, with a preliminary selection process in spring 2022.



The AUEP program requires dual registration at Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA and ENSAG-UGA. The tuition fees are those set for undergraduate registration at Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA and at ENSAG-UGA, and are waived at ENSAG-UGA under an agreement between the two establishments. Exemption from registration fees may be established in accordance with the provisions of the Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA exemption commission. In the event of a fee waiver granted by the waiver committee, ENSAG-UGA will consider the waiver to have been granted.


The AUEP program has 20 undergraduate places, distributed as follows:
10 students from Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA
10 students from ENSAG-UGA ;


Students will be able to join the Master's program: they will be recruited at IUGA and will come from a variety of disciplines (political science, urban planning, geography, landscape, etc.).

The AUEP program is open to students from Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA and ENSAG-UGA at the end of the first year.


Eligibility is determined on the basis of an application file. Applications must include a transcript of grades from the first year at Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA or ENSAG-UGA, and a letter of motivation. Applications are examined by a committee made up of the heads of the program, the directors of Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA and ENSAG-UGA or their representatives, and at least one teacher from each institution.


Candidates declared eligible by Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA and ENSAG-UGA are interviewed by a panel made up of the directors of the two component schools, or their representatives, and at least one teacher from each component school. Lasting 25 minutes, this interview is divided into two separate parts: the first is reserved for the entrance examination specific to each school; the second consists of an exchange aimed at reviewing the candidate's motivations.


The jury decides which candidates to admit to the AUEP program after the interviews. Final admission is subject to validation of the first year at Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA or ENSAG-UGA.

The first AUEP class will graduate three times over in June 2027.


AUEP in Master

The AUEP Master's program is made up of specific courses shared by ENSAG-UGA and IUGA, with the participation of Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA. It is one of seven courses in the cycle leading to the State Diploma in Architecture at ENSAG-UGA, and one of five in the Urban Planning and Development Master's program co-accredited with IUGA and ENSAG-UGA.


Each semester, the course offers:
- An architectural and urban project workshop over three semesters, focusing on public policies at different territorial scales and their evolution, or detour, in specific contexts
- A research workshop in seminar format (offering theoretical courses and tutorials on specific themes, including those dealt with in the workshop)
- A dissertation in M1 and a final project in M2
- One or more internships lasting a minimum of 2 months in total (4 months strongly recommended)
- Theoretical courses on architecture, urban planning and development.



Until 2025-2026, the AUEP Master's program is considered an external Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA Master's program. To retain your Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA diploma, you must apply for the Master's degree outside Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA via the national Mon Master platform.


Students who have completed the AUEP Bachelor's program are automatically admitted to the AUEP Master's program.

Students who have not followed the AUEP Bachelor's program may apply for the AUEP Master's program, if they can demonstrate a strong interest and/or additional training or professional experience in the fields of urban planning, development and/or architecture.


The AUEP Master's program involves triple enrolment at ENSAG-UGA, IUGA and Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA.

The registration fee is the same as for the IUGA Master's degree.

Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA students who wish to retain their Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA diploma will also be required to pay half of the modulated fees.


The AUEP course has 20 Master's places.

Admission criteria are as follows:

  • Selection on the basis of an application via the national Mon Master platform, the e-candidat portal
    An oral interview lasting around 20 minutes, to review the candidate's motivations.

  • Graduation

  • Validation of the complete AUEP cycle (Bachelor's + Master's) leads, on completion of the Master's degree, to the award of the architect's State diploma, the Master's degree in urban planning and development and the Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA diploma.


For students from Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA who have not followed the AUEP course in their Bachelor's degree, validation of the Master's cycle alone leads to the award of the Master's degree in urban planning and development, and the Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA diploma with Master's status (after validation procedure).

Explanatory diagram of the AUEP integrated pathway





By way of indication, the professional outlets are :

In a wide variety of organizations: local authorities and government departments, design offices, consultancies, planning establishments, real estate development companies, urban planning agencies, social landlords, associations, social welfare bodies, etc.

In a wide range of fields: development and implementation of public policies, project management and contracting (in architecture, development, planning and urbanism), etc.

AUEP training is also particularly well suited to students wishing to engage in research.



Marine Bourgeois (Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA)

Senior Lecturer in Political Science


Federica Gatta (IUGA)

Senior Lecturer in Urban Planning and Development


Théa Manola (ENSAG-UGA)

Lecturer in human and social sciences for architecture

Director of Studies Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA


IUGA Schooling 


Director of Studies ENSAG-UGA