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Working at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA,

It means joining a prestigious establishment and benefiting from a particularly enriching intellectual and human environment. Job offers are regularly published on this site, but you can always submit your application. When we recruit, your application will be systematically consulted.

Administration jobs

PACTE Laboratory Finance Manager, category A - ASI

Job description

Application deadline: 28/03/2025



Schooling manager, category C- ATRF

Job description

Application deadline: 17/03/2025



Lifelong learning technician, category B - Technician

Job description

Application deadline: 17/03/2025





If you would like to apply for one of our vacancies, please send your CV and covering letter to :


specifying the position you are applying for in the subject line of your e-mail


Teaching/research job offer

A University Professor in Section 02 - Public Law - Art 46-3

Job description/audition procedure and COS composition



A lecturer in Section 05 - Economics - Art 26-I-1

Job description/audition procedure and COS composition



One Master in Section 11 - English Civilizations - Art 26-I-1

Job description/audition procedure and COS composition


The campaign runs from 04/03/2025 - 10h00 to 04/04/2025 - 16h00

Applications can be submitted on the Odyssée website


Any application incomplete at the close of registration will be declared inadmissible.

You can consult the galaxie website for the recruitment procedure for research professors and the documents to be submitted.



Year 2025-2026

The campaign runs from February 27, 2025 to April 07, 2025 - 12:00 noon.
CNU disciplines in which vacancies are likely to occur :


02 - Public Law

04 - Political Science

05 - Economy

06 - Management

19 - Sociology

22 - History


To apply :

Any application incomplete at the close of registration will be declared inadmissible.

You can consult the "question/answer" section on the Ministry website :



Human Resources Department: contact-recrutement@sciencespo-grenoble.fr



Visit us at this address.

European label HRS4R

European human resources strategy for researchers (HRS4R)



The institutions that will make up the new Université Grenoble Alpes in January 2020 are already engaged in a process of labeling their strategies according to the European Human resources strategy for researchers (HRS4R) procedure.

The European Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) aims to improve recruitment practices and working conditions for researchers. Awarded by the European Commission, the HRS4R label recognizes establishments committed to this approach and signatories to the "European Charter for Researchers" and the "Code of Conduct for Recruitment".


In 40 points, these two texts define the roles and responsibilities of researchers, teacher-researchers and staff involved in research activities, as well as recommendations to help employers improve working, training and recruitment conditions, with a view to making scientific careers and researcher mobility more attractive.


Why get the HRS4R label?

By committing to this labeling process, the components of the new university are participating in the construction of the European Research Area, and are complying with the recommendations of the "European Charter for Researchers" and the "Code of Conduct for Recruitment".
Improving working conditions and attractiveness
This process is part of the continuous improvement dynamic of the establishments, and will contribute more broadly to improving working conditions for all staff. It will also help to boost the attractiveness and international standing of the new Université Grenoble Alpes, particularly when it comes to recruiting staff.



In fact, the HRS4R label makes it possible to identify institutions and organizations that offer a stimulating and favorable working environment for researchers on the European job portal Euraxess Jobs.
An asset for European funding
Obtaining the label is also an asset for obtaining "Horizon 2020" funding, the flagship program for funding research and development activities in Europe. Article 32 of the grant agreement for "Horizon 2020" actions requires beneficiaries to take measures to implement the "European Charter for Researchers" and the "Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers", particularly in terms of working conditions, recruitment processes and career development.
Key stages in the labeling process



To obtain the HRS4R label, the establishments of the new Université Grenoble Alpes undertake to:
Establish a diagnosis in relation to the 40 principles of the Charter and the Code.
Identify the margins for progress.
Build an action plan.
Produce a report on the implementation of its HR strategy every three years.
From the letter of commitment to the application for the label, obtaining the HRS4R label should take place in the 2nd half of 2020.



> Download the procedure overview