Discover the distance learning courses offered by Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA.
The two EAD application sessions for the 2024-2025 academic year are now closed.
For the next academic year 2025-2026, the entrance exam will open on March 10, 2025.
Recruitment information
For the next academic year 2025-2026, the entrance exam will open on March 10, 2025.
Information webinars :
- Remote CEP: Monday, March 17, 2025 at 6:00 pm (link coming soon)
- GE remote: Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 6:00 pm (link coming soon)
- Remote CEA: Tuesday, March 25, 2025 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm (link coming soon)
- MMO à distance : Jeudi 20 mars à 16h00 (lien à venir)
If you wish to submit your application, you will find the following information on this page:
EAD training access conditions
Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA offers a number of distance learning courses.
Diploma courses (over 2 years):
- European Governance (GE EAD)
- Mediterranean and Middle East (MMO EAD)
Certificates (over 1 year):
- Certificate of Political Studies (CEP EAD)
- Certificate of Administrative Studies (CEA EAD)
Entrance is by competitive examination, based on the evaluation of a portfolio presented by each candidate.
This includes precise information (in particular, results from previous years) and a "candidate's project" or "letter of motivation" setting out, in accordance with standards fixed each year (see the Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA website at the beginning of the calendar year), the candidate's personal background, scientific references, professional project and expectations for training at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA.
Following examination of the application, candidates are placed in order of merit on an eligibility list. Admission is then decided after an interview with a panel of judges in the specialization(s) applied for.
Target audience
Pathways: MMO or GE EAD: students in initial or continuing training with a bachelor's degree or equivalent (180 ECTS).
- Certificates: CEP or CEA EAD: students in initial or continuing training with a baccalaureate diploma.
Application fees
- Parcours : MMO ou GE EAD : Tarif non boursier 110 euros (paiement en ligne)
Tarif boursier 25 euros (paiement en ligne – joindre la notification définitive de bourse 2024-2025). - Certificats : CEP ou CEA EAD : Tarif 30 euros (paiement en ligne)
Attention : pas de statut de boursier pour les certificats.
Registration fees are payable whether or not candidates finalize their application, and whether or not they take part in any tests.
Go to online registration
Competition info:
Application deadlines (sessions 1 and 2):One recruitment session is offered for all 4th year courses at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA.
Two recruitment sessions are offered for EAD courses.
Recruitment calendar
Session 1 recruitment calendar :
Online registration on the competition application: from Monday March 10 to Friday May 2, 2025.
Publication of eligibility results: Tuesday, May 27, 2025 (on candidate space);
Admission interviews: Wednesday June 4 to Friday June 13, 2025 ;
Publication of admission results: Tuesday, June 24, 2025 (on candidate space)
Session 2 recruitment calendar :
Online registration on the competition application: coming soon ;
Publication of eligibility results: coming soon;
Admission interviews: coming soon ;
Publication of admission results: coming soon.
File creation
Recruitment for distance learning courses is by competitive examination. To validate your application, please follow the steps below.
Specific parts for MMO and GE EAD :
1. Official transcripts corresponding to the 3 constituent years of the bachelor's degree (a single file containing all transcripts must be submitted);
2. Curriculum Vitae;
3. The "candidate's project", comprising 3 parts:
- a summary of the candidate's personal, academic (school), associative or commitment(s) background, and professional experience (with particular emphasis on outstanding experiences related to the desired course) - 2 pages maximum, in Times New Roman, 12, spacing 1.5
- a scientific project: a summary of the authors and scientific works mastered by the candidate relating to the issues or professional sector targeted by the course. Candidates should particularly emphasize the contribution these authors and works have made to their thinking and their projects - 2 pages maximum, in Times New Roman, 12, 1.5 spacing
- professional prospects (sector(s), profession(s), internship(s), area(s) of specialization, etc.) targeted by the candidate. What are the expectations of the course? What skills are expected, and how will they complement those already acquired? How will this course enable the candidate to achieve his or her goals? Based on your experience in these sectors and any personal contacts you've made, you'll need to specify the professions and structures envisaged for your first jobs - 2 pages maximum, in Times New Roman, 12, 1.5 spacing.
Specific parts for CEP and CEA EAD :
1. Baccalaureate transcript
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Covering letter: 2 pages maximum, in Times New Roman, 12, 1.5 spacing
The covering letter should briefly introduce the person, the reasons for taking the course, and the prospects once the course is over.
The application file will be evaluated by a jury on the dates indicated in the recruitment calendar. Eligibility results will be published on the application's candidate space.
In the event of eligibility, an admission interview will be scheduled with a panel of judges. Interview dates will be published on the application's candidate space.
Prices for distance learning courses
You will find below all the fees for distance learning courses (EAD) at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA :
4th year GE or MMO EAD :
Étudiant en formation initiale : 1800€
Étudiant en formation continue avec une prise en charge : 4000€
Étudiant en formation continue non pris en charge : 2500€
5th year GE or MMO EAD :
Students in initial training: 1800€
Students in continuing education with reimbursement: 6500€
Students in continuing education without reimbursement: 3500€.
Étudiants boursiers sur critères sociaux (notification de bourse à présenter) ou ayant une carte d’invalidité de 80% ou plus : A4 et A5 du diplôme de Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA distance learning (EAD): €250
Students in initial training: €2,100
Students in continuing education:
- Trainees supported by their employer, pole emploi or others: 3500€
- Trainees not supported (you finance yourself): 2100€.
Training not authorized to receive grant holders.
Tel de la scolarité EAD: 04 76 82 60 85
Mr Yann Echinard
Tel : 04 76 82 83 93
Mr Jamil Sayah
Tel : 04 76 28 60 09
Mrs Camille Morio
Tel : 04 76 82 83 65