Paying the apprenticeship tax

The apprenticeship tax is payable by any structure or company subject to income tax and headquartered in France, while employing at least 1 employee. The amount is calculated on the basis of remuneration paid.
Why pay it to Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA?
Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA has chosen to invest the apprenticeship tax it collects in the "skills" approach it has been committed to since 2017.
Convinced that access to the job market for future graduates can no longer be guaranteed on the basis of academic qualifications alone, Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA's degree courses have been rewritten in terms of skill blocks, to make them easier to understand for employers and to ensure that students find employment.
The apprenticeship tax enables us to offer students professionalization workshops and help them find internships and jobs; toorganize jointmeetings between students, professionals, teachers, employers, support and job market specialists (APEC, company networks, etc.); tohelp students build their professional projects (by developing their soft skills, their address book and a more experienced awareness of professional codes and the socio-economic stakes involved in their future professional integration).
How do I pay the tax?
Payment is made by logging on to a single, public, dedicated platform, SoltéA.
SOLTéA is the national platform for distributing the balance of the taxe d'apprentissage, developed and managed by Caisse des Dépôts on behalf of the French government.
Since May 27, the first period for allocating the balance of your taxe d'apprentissage has been open on your private space.
The platform enables:
- beneficiary establishments to manage their information and track their payments;
- companies to distribute the balance of their apprenticeship tax.
The platform can be accessed by several users within a single entity (by Siret), but users must first be assigned access rights.
Access to Soltéa is managed via the Net-entreprises interface.
To do this, the administrator of the declarant's Net-entreprises account must connect to his interface and add rights.
Thank you for your contribution and for your confidence in Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA.
Thank you to our donors!