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European Governance (GE) pathway

The European Governance course, directed by Fabien Terpan, is part of the School of European Governance.

At a glance


Internal or external cycle



Terms and conditions

Face-to-face or distance learning (EAD)


Students become specialists in the European Union, its workings and activities, and develop knowledge and skills useful in any organization with a European dimension, at local, national, European or international level. The multi-disciplinary training in law, economics and political science combines academic excellence with the demands of professionalization. Courses are based on internationally recognized research. Students are assessed on a continuous basis, as part of an interactive learning-by-doing approach, in which they are the actors rather than the spectators of the teaching they receive. The European Governance Master's program is strongly international in scope, thanks to its academic and professional networks, double degrees and working languages (75% (A4) and 100% (A5) of courses can be taken in English).

* The School of European Governance also includes : a distance learning course (Yann Echinard), open to students who have not completed their undergraduate studies at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA (the content and schedule of the online course are presented on the Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA website: www.sciencespo-grenoble.fr); a Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Law and Policy (Fabien Terpan), which encourages the participation of a wide range of speakers (renowned practitioners and academics) and supports research activities on the European Union; a mission dedicated to European professionalization (Irène Laurent and Laurent Labrot), whose aim is to support students' professional projects and develop a link between the School of European Governance and the professional world.


In the first year of the program, students take a first-semester course to acquire fundamental knowledge in the history, law, economics and political science of the European Union, and to initiate a professionalization process. The second semester consists of an academic part dedicated to the study of regional integration - which enables students to study not only the internal dimension of the integration process, but also the relations between Europe and the world - and a short internship. Throughout the year, students acquire practical knowledge of the EU through professional exercises and meetings with EU practitioners. Students graduating from the Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA Bachelor's program have the option of spending the first year abroad, in one of the double degrees offered by the Master's program (Constance, Salamanca).


During the second year of the Master's program, students devote their first semester to an in-depth analysis of mobilization, participation and European governance through the study of decision-making within the EU. The course is complemented by professional exercises and meetings with EU professionals. The second semester is reserved for a long internship.

Knowledge control procedures (MCC)


The European Governance program aims to enable students to develop key professional activities over the course of their training. A competency framework is associated with each activity. The skills repository sets out in an orderly fashion the steps required to successfully complete the activity. Activities and skills referenced in the training program.

● Determine and contextualize the elements required to process the order;
● Distribute the tasks to be carried out with all the players involved in the consultancy and expertise functions;
● Carry out a documentary watch and collect the necessary data;
● Analyze the data and information collected;
● Confront and evaluate the multicultural approaches of the players involved in the issue in question;
● Define recommendations for public and private action, intended for the client;
● Produce and share the elements of analysis and recommendations with the client, using various media (policy briefs, notes, reports, etc.).).

Skills block associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC01 - Conduct a reflective and distanced analysis, taking into account the complexity of a request or situation

  • Identify the issues at stake in a negotiation, as well as the players involved and their interests;
  • Defining a negotiating position ;
  • Characterize the players (partner, opponent) in relation to the defined negotiating position;
  • Present the position in writing or orally;
  • Interact with other players and defend your position in an adversarial debate;
  • Participate in or lead debates in a spirit of compromise.
  • Identify and use the repertoires of actions of interest groups;
  • Carry out a critical analysis of the lobbying strategies implemented by other interest groups;
  • Define the objectives and messages you want to convey;
  • Characterize the players (partner, opponent) in relation to the defined lobbying position;
  • Define an action plan (timeline) ;
  • Develop and distribute communication materials for lobbying and advocacy actions.
  • Carry out a legal and political watch on the European institutions and their policies;
  • Use your knowledge of the decision-making process in the European Union ;
  • Produce a case study, written in English, applied to the context or subject of the study;
  • Define the indicators needed to carry out the evaluation ;
  • Collect, compile and analyze data required for analysis;
  • Use graphical data representation tools and formats required for analysis;
  • Present the results of the analysis to the client, both orally and in writing, in English.

Skills blocks associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC01 - Conduct a reflective and distanced analysis, taking into account the complexity of a request or situation; RNCP34024BC02 - Express one's thoughts clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing, in French and English.

  • Monitor major European calls for projects;
  • Identify a network of partners in line with the theme of the call for projects;
  • Take into account the different cultural approaches in which the project will take place;
  • Combine complementary financing with main financing;
  • Put together a response file to the call for projects, including the project's scope, planning and budget;
  • Manage the distribution of tasks during project implementation;
  • Prioritize and adapt resource allocation ;
  • Evaluate and report on the project to funders.

Skills blocks associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC04 - Managing a project; RNCP34024BC05 - Working in a collaborative environment

  • Problematize a complex phenomenon or situation, drawing on knowledge of scientific works and the state of the art in research in a given field;
  • Conduct bibliographic research and rank academic reference sources as well as reliable institutional documentary sources;
  • Develop research hypotheses and a research protocol to test them;
  • Collect and analyze qualitative and quantitative data;
  • Adapt communication to the target audience, both orally and in writing, in English and in another language;
  • Produce and disseminate a structured analysis and synthesis in a variety of media (articles for the general public, reports, policy papers, conferences, dissertations, etc.).

Job opportunities

The Master's program trains specialists in Europe, with a mastery of law, economics and political science. This multi-disciplinary approach makes students more adaptable to the demands of European professions.

The aim of this course is to enable students to acquire an in-depth knowledge of the workings of the European Union, European administration, decision-making and the particularly important role of interest groups. They are expected to have an in-depth knowledge of how EU law and policy are formed, of the interactions between the different levels (local, national, European, international), of the actors involved in decision-making choices and their strategies. They are expected to know how to set up and manage a European project, take part in international negotiations, produce summary documents, speak foreign languages and operate in a multicultural environment, draw up a lobbying strategy and carry out European intelligence work.

Several courses, in particular the EU Law & Politics seminar, as well as internships, enable students to develop a second specialization, focusing either on a particular type of actor (companies, public authorities, interest groups, NGOs, etc.), or on a particular type of activity (environmental, social, foreign action, etc.).

Job opportunities in the public sector are to be found in local authorities, the civil service of the State, the European Union and international organizations (where the EU is represented). Students are trained to become: European project managers, administrators in European institutions, European affairs advisors in ministries, assistants to members of parliament, European project managers in local authorities or chambers of commerce and industry, etc.

Among private-sector outlets, "European Governance" prepares students in particular for careers as lobbyists, competitive intelligence analysts and European affairs officers in companies, professional federations, trade unions, associations, NGOs, think tanks and consulting firms.

Every year, a number of "European Governance" students are admitted to prestigious institutions for further study: College of Europe (Bruges or Natolin campus in Warsaw), European University Institute in Florence, Grandes Ecoles (ESSEC, ESCP, etc.), prestigious universities (London School of Economics, King's College, etc.). The success rate of Master's students in the College of Europe entrance procedure is 80%.


Senior lecturer in public law
Tel. 04 76 82 83 69

Irène Laurent
Senior lecturer in economics
Tel. 04 76 82 60 62

Laurent Labrot
PAST in sociology
Tel. 04 76 82 60 40

Tel: 04 76 82 83 53


Stéphanie Argoud / Wipawarn Thata
Tel. 04 76 82 60 85

Yann Echinard
Tel. 04 76 82 83 93
Senior lecturer in economics E-Learning development manager

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