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Criteria for Scientific Commission grants


The aim of CS funding is to help graduate students pursue their doctoral studies in the best possible conditions.

Financing request

Eligible students are required to justify their plans to pursue a doctorate (scientific discipline, field of research, target universities and thesis supervisors, proposed funding arrangements).


The aim of the Scientific Commission is to fund projects that contribute to improving the CVs of candidates, so as to optimize their chances of obtaining thesis funding and pursuing doctoral studies. The following applications are therefore eligible:


  • Participation in national and international conferences and high-level workshops in the relevant disciplines (political science, law, economics, sociology, management, history, etc.);

  • Travel for low-cost field research in France or abroad, to complement ongoing research as part of the Master's program;

  • Participation in summer, winter, spring and autumn schools (with a focus on methodology);

  • Any other reasoned request contributing to the above-mentioned objectives.
    Wherever possible, applicants are required to apply for co-funding for their projects (particularly in the case of close collaboration with teacher-researchers).

The maximum amount awarded by the CS is €500. For projects of a higher amount, applicants are required to indicate how they intend to finance the remainder of their project.


Applicants are encouraged to develop their project and funding application in collaboration with a Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA teacher-researcher (in particular, the person in charge of teaching the master's program, or teachers with a research label, or a research director).


The Scientific Commission considers applications submitted electronically via the Scientific Commission portal. Only two Commission meetings per year will be devoted to decisions on funding applications.

Eligible persons

Students at Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA enrolled in 5th year, and possibly 4th year, with a serious project to pursue a doctorate after the Master's degree (project to be described and justified in the application). Enrolment in a research program is encouraged, but does not constitute an eligibility criterion.

Paola Geraci

paola.geraci@iepg.fr - Tel: 04 76 82 60 18