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Academic program year 1

Find out more about the Year 1 Academic Program ...

1st year - autumn semester

Compulsory courses :    


- Fundamental course (CF): Comparative Political Economy 4 ECTS
- Specialized course (CS): Geopolitics 2 ECTS
- Seminar CM: France State Institutions Society (FEIS in English) 4 ECTS
- Seminar CMINT: Change in World Politics 4 ECTS
- Seminar CM: Policy Lab 1 6 ECTS
- Seminar CM: French taught as a foreign language (FLE *) 1 5 ECTS
- Seminar CM: English for the Social Sciences (English) 3 ECTS
- Specialized course CS: free choice (semester 1 or semester 2) 2 ECTS
- Sport 1 ECTS
- Or, instead of CS and sport: student commitment ** 4 ECTS

1st year - autumn semester

Optional courses (2 maximum per semester) :
- NB No ECTS credits, but all points above 10/20 in an optional course earn a bonus added to the final grade point average.


CS (specialized courses)

Student commitment
- Peer tutoring in languages and methodology
- 3rd foreign language (German, Spanish, Italian - minimum B1 level) or UGA language course (24 hours - 90 euros per semester)


1st year - Spring semester

Compulsory courses:
- Specialized course CS: Economic globalization 2 ECTS
- Seminar CMINT: Comparative regionalism 4 ECTS
- Seminar CMINT: Foreign and security policies 4 ECTS
- Seminar CM: Social science methodology (CM MSS in English) 4 ECTS
- Seminar CM: Policy Lab 2 6 ECTS
- Seminar CM: French taught as a foreign language (FLE *) 2 5 ECTS
- Seminar CM: English for the Social Sciences (English) 3 ECTS
- Sport (no sport if the student's commitment has been chosen in the autumn semester) 1 ECTS


1st year - Spring semester

Optional courses (2 maximum per semester):
NB No ECTS credits, but all points above 10/20 in an optional course earn a bonus added to the final grade point average.

CS (specialized courses)
Student engagement **
Peer tutoring in languages and methodology
3rd foreign language (German, Spanish, Italian - minimum B1 level) or UGA language course (24 hours - 90 euros per semester)

*For students with a C1/C2 level in French: subject to validation by the Director of the International Course, students with a very advanced level of French must replace FLE teaching with CS/CF/CM. Replacement courses must represent a number of ECTS at least equivalent to that of the courses replaced.

**Student involvement can take the form of an internship, associative commitment, civic service or a module organized by the Accueil Handicap service.
All associative commitments require the student to be a member of the board or an active member of an association, and to present a substantial activity report orally before a jury.