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Politics and Practice of International Organizations (PPOI) course

The PPOI Master's degree course combines the excellence of the Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA program with a professional specialization in the "world" of international organizations.

At a glance


Internal Cycle



Teaching methods



It may seem like a risky challenge to train students in an environment as difficult to access as that of international organizations. It's nothing of the sort. This "world", populated by some 250 international organizations and thousands of NGOs, is constantly expanding as globalization intensifies and international interdependencies tighten. So-called "intergovernmental" organizations and NGOs are cooperating more and more in all fields. The "classic" issues of multilateralism - security, development, human rights, humanitarianism - have been joined by new fields of cooperation such as international criminal justice and climate change. The renewal of the major concepts of international cooperation ("human development", "human security", "sustainable development", "responsibility to protect", "environmental security", etc.) constantly calls for new types of interventionism.

This dynamic expansion and transformation of international cooperation requires new international expertise. International organizations have a growing need for qualified international executives. And these are increasingly recruited on a contractual basis. It was to meet these needs that the "International Organizations" Master's degree was created at the Grenoble Institute of Political Studies in 2004. In terms of job opportunities, the Master's program targets both inter-governmental organizations and UN agencies (UNHCR, FAO, UNESCO UNDP, UNEP, WFP, UNICEF, etc.), as well as the nebula of NGOs active in the fields of development, humanitarian aid, human rights and the environment.


The Politics and Practice of International Organizations program is designed to enable students to develop key professional activities over the course of their studies. A set of skills is associated with each activity. The skills repository sets out in an orderly fashion the steps required to successfully complete the activity. Activities and skills referenced in the training program.

  • Define the scope of the analysis and put it into historical, theoretical, geopolitical and institutional context;
  • Conducting an online bibliographic search ;
  • Discriminate and prioritize academic reference sources as well as reliable institutional sources, in French and English;
  • Familiarize yourself with relevant reference works on international organizations;
  • Relating information from a critical perspective ;
  • Target, prioritize and state the discriminating geopolitical factors;
  • Produce and distribute a structured analysis and synthesis.

Skills block associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC01 - Conduct a reflective and distanced analysis, taking into account the complexity of a request or situation

  • Qualify the geopolitical environment (civil and/or international wars, humanitarian crises, etc.);
  • Describe the ecosystem in which an international organization operates and its relationships with the various players involved;
  • Arbitrating stability-change and cooperation-conflict dialectics in the geopolitical context of organizations ;
  • Assess the internal workings of the organization and its constraints;
  • Assess the potential for cooperation and the risks of conflict within the organization ;
  • Establish crisis resolution recommendations.

Skills block associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC02 - Express your thoughts clearly and concisely in writing and orally, in French and English

  • Identify and make continuous use of international reference news media and the websites of international organizations;
  • Gather information using digital tools;
  • Qualify and order information ;
  • Distribute the information gathered in French and English.

Skills block associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC02 - Express your thoughts clearly and concisely in writing and orally, in French and English

  • Contextualize the project's geopolitical environment ;
  • Analyze relations between the various players in the field, particularly pre-existing conflicts
  • Develop an argument for lobbying donors in a context of project management and international negotiation;
  • Define the operational scope of the project ;
  • Anticipate and provide for organizational, human, financial and logistical resources;
  • Sequence the project cycle and plan project activity;
  • Identify possible funding for the organization and the project;
  • Manage funding flows and identify the needs of project beneficiaries ;
  • Manage the division of labor within a team and prioritize the allocation of resources;
  • Negotiate access to project beneficiaries ;
  • Evaluating the project ;
  • Evaluate ex ante the application of humanitarian principles.

Skills blocks associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC03 - Organize your work according to context and demand; RNCP34024BC04 - Manage a project; RNCP34024BC05 - Work in a collaborative environment.

Job opportunities

The course is designed to enable students to work in any organization involved in international activities:


Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other ministries, bilateral cooperation institutions such as the Agence Française de Développement, diplomatic representations to international organizations, local authorities involved in decentralized cooperation, multinational firms engaged in inter-national environmental or humanitarian philanthropy, etc.


Franck Petiteville
Professor of political science


Pierre Micheletti
PAST in political science, former president of Médecins du Monde

Tel. 04 76 82 83 53 / contact-parcours-ppoi@sciencespo-grenoble.fr

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