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Local authority management course

The "Management of Local Authorities" specialization is a specialized post-graduate training program aimed at professionals, whose main requirement is to link theory and practice. This requirement constantly shapes the training approach. It guides the content of courses, the choice of lecturers and the type of work required of students. As a result, internships are a privileged time for students in their initial training.

At a glance





Terms and conditions



Instead of traditional exams (such as dissertations), the emphasis is on group work, oral presentations, case studies, case files, simulations and field surveys. The pedagogical objective of this course is primarily based on the mastery of concrete tools. To this end, students are given the opportunity to work in real-life situations.

In addition to the teaching sessions, which are compulsory for all students, the course also requires a significant investment in personal work, which is essential if students are to assimilate the course content and the issues addressed. The success of the course therefore depends to a large extent on the effort and hard work put in by each student. But the collective dynamic that can emerge within the group of trainees provides an indispensable support framework for individual work.

A great deal of time is given over to collective reflection and debate, to ensure that students are able to take ownership of the themes and produce their own knowledge. The organization of courses and teaching methods are designed to foster this collective dimension, by encouraging time spent working together and creating multiple opportunities for exchanging the respective knowledge held by students in initial training and professionals in continuing education.

Possibility of a "Territorial Governance" double degree between the Faculty of Law and Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA

Following a selection process at the end of the third year, students follow this "Territorial Governance" course, which combines the "Droit des collectivités territoriales (DCT)" master's degree from the Faculty of Law and the "Management des collectivités territoriales (MCT)" diploma course from Sciences Po Grenoble. This double degree enables students to acquire dual skills in law and local authority management.


The end-of-study internship is designed as a genuine transition to professional activity. It takes place in a local authority or any other structure linked to the local public (or para-public) sector, in France or abroad, and leads to the writing of a report and an oral presentation, in the presence of the professional mentor and the academic mentor.

Detail :

  • 4 months minimum from February
  • 30 credits

More about MCC A4 and A5 MCT and GOT double degree

Job opportunities

  • Specialists in public procurement, planning law and/or local finance
  • Contract staff ("chargés de mission") working for local authorities or their "satellites".
  • Communications managers in the local public or para-public sector
  • Cabinet officers in local authorities
  • Project managers in local authority audit or consultancy firms


Marie-Julie Bernard 

Senior Lecturer in Public Law 

Tel. 04 76 82 61 29 


Teddy MERLE 

Tel. 04 76 82 83 78 


 Martine ARGOUD 

Tel. 04 76 82 60 36 


Further information

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