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Integration and Change in the Mediterranean and Middle East (MMO) course

The acceleration of economic, financial and migratory exchanges, as well as the aspiration for genuine international governance, make the emergence of a new generation of managers a matter of urgency. They must manage inequalities in development, the multiplicity of forms of exercising power and cultural diversity, firstly to prevent differences from becoming grounds for confrontation, and secondly to contribute to the dialogue of civilizations.

At a glance


Internal or external curriculum


English or French

Terms and conditions

Face-to-face or distance learning (EAD)


The Mediterranean and the Middle East together form a unique observation area for this type of challenge. A meeting point between Europe and the Muslim world, this region, marked by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the "Arab Spring" and its aftermath (the Syrian, Libyan and Yemeni crises), is dominated by major political, economic, energy, environmental and migratory issues. It is also a zone of complex political influences and repeated military interventions, offering countless examples of unexpected conflicts or, conversely, surprising cohabitations of identities, which constantly put to the test the universal character of democracy and the rule of law.

The MMO program is unique in France, because it combines truly specialized academic training (2 semesters of courses on the Mediterranean and Middle East, with the option of a research dissertation), professional experience (professional seminars, long-term internships, with the option of a professional dissertation) and international openness (academic mobility in a foreign university, French-English bilingualism, learning of specialty languages: Arabic, Turkish, Persian in particular).

On each of the subjects covered, the MMO pathway brings in leading specialists: academics, experts or practitioners recognized in their field of specialization, media contacts, consultants from public or private international organizations.

  • Working languages : English, French

  • Specialized languages : Arabic and Persian (taught at Sciences Po Grenoble), Turkish, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Hebrew, Portuguese, Russian

  • Eiffel Excellence Scholarships from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
  • French government scholarships 
  • Erasmus scholarships 
  • Regional scholarships 
  • IDEX grants (Grenoble university cluster).

- In terms of student numbers, the MMO program is the most international of Sciences Po Grenoble's Masters programs, with a large number of international students (nearly a quarter of students recruited in 2016-2017).

- International network: Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth (Lebanon); Galatasaray, Marmara, Bilgi and Yeditepe Universities (Istanbul) and the Institut Français d'Etudes Anatoliennes d'Istanbul (Turkey); Yaşar University and "Dokuz Eylül" University (Izmir - Turkey), Cairo University, the Université Française d'Egypte and CEDEJ (Cairo - Egypt); Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Sciences Politiques d'Alger (Algeria): Institut du Maghreb contemporain (IRMC), Tunis; University of Macedonia, Thessalonica (Greece); Université Internationale de Rabat (Morocco) and Centre Jacques Berque, Rabat (Morocco); Oriental Institute, Prague (Czech Republic).

- The activities of the master's program, including the hosting of guest speakers, are part of the "Middle East Chair " supported by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region and a partner of the Raoul Dandurand Chair (UQAM - Montreal).


Distance learning (EAD):
Since the start of the 2018-2019 academic year, the MMO course can be taken by distance learning.
The MMO EAD course is open by competitive examination to French or international students holding a Bachelor's degree or a Bachelor's degree, and to students holding a Bachelor's degree from other IEPs.



Discover the MCC and A5 program

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  • A long professional internship of at least 4 months (compulsory) + short internship (optional) ;
  • A one-semester academic stay abroad, at universities in the Mediterranean and Middle East (mainly Turkey, Greece, Lebanon, Egypt, Morocco, Iran, Spain, Portugal and Italy) or in specialized training programs in Europe or North America. This stay can now be replaced by a second long internship.


The Integration and Change in the Mediterranean and Middle East (MMO) program aims to enable students to develop key professional activities over the course of their training. A competency framework is associated with each activity. The skills repository sets out in an orderly fashion the steps required to successfully complete the activity. Activities and skills referenced in the training program.

  • Determine and contextualize the elements required to process the order;
  • Distribute the tasks to be carried out with all the players involved in the consulting and expertise functions;
  • Monitor the literature and collect the necessary data;
  • Analyze data and information ;
  • Confronting and evaluating the multicultural approaches of the players involved in the issue in question;
  • Define recommendations for public and private action, for the sponsor;
  • Produce and share analysis and recommendations with the client, using various media (policy briefs, notes, reports, etc.).

Skills block associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC03 - Organize work according to context and demand

  • Keep a constant watch on players and their strategies;
  • Evaluate and analyze the information collected ;
  • Identify current diplomatic processes and their strategic consequences;
  • Define possible development scenarios in light of the geopolitical context ;
  • Produce and share the synthesis with diplomatic players.
  • Monitor political, economic, environmental and social risks;
  • Integrate the risks detected into the classifications used by international reference bodies;
  • Translate the different types of risk detected into diagrams or maps;
  • Adapt risk/country analysis criteria to the case in question ;
  • Make recommendations for decision-making.
  • Monitor humanitarian, migration, health and climate emergencies in the Mediterranean and Middle East region;
  • Include detected emergency situations in the alert criteria of international reference bodies;
  • Identify the intensity of the emergency and its consequences;
  • Identify the different levels of intervention and the different players involved;
  • Include emergency assistance in intervention protocols.
  • Maintain a strategic, political, economic and social watch on international, national and societal players in the Mediterranean and Middle East;
  • Use your specialist knowledge of the area concerned by the study;
  • Produce a case study, written in French, English or another language, applied to the context or subject of the study;
  • Define the indicators needed to carry out the evaluation ;
  • Collect, compile and analyze data required for analysis;
  • Use graphical data representation tools and formats required for analysis;
  • Present the results of the analysis to the client, both orally and in writing, in English.

Skills block associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC01 - Conduct a reflective and distanced analysis, taking into account the complexity of a request or situation

  • Monitor major Euro-Mediterranean and international calls for projects;
  • Contextualize the project's geopolitical environment ;
  • Identify a network of partners in line with the theme of the call for projects, encouraging not only North-South cooperation but also South-South cooperation;
  • Take into account the different cultural approaches in which the project will take place;
  • Identify the terms of reference provided by the sponsors;
  • Combine complementary financing with main financing;
  • Put together a response file to the call for projects, including the project's scope, planning and budget;
  • Manage the distribution of tasks during project implementation;
  • Prioritize and adapt resource allocation ;
  • Evaluate and report on the project to funders.

Skills blocks associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC04 - Managing a project; RNCP34024BC05 - Working in a collaborative environment

  • Problematize a complex phenomenon or situation, drawing on knowledge of scientific works and the state of the art in research in a given field;
  • Conduct bibliographic research and rank academic reference sources as well as reliable institutional documentary sources;
  • Develop research hypotheses and a research protocol to test them;
  • Collect and analyze qualitative and quantitative data;
  • Adapt communication to the target audience, both orally and in writing, in English and in another language;
  • Produce and disseminate a structured analysis and synthesis in a variety of media (articles for the general public, reports, policy papers, conferences, dissertations, etc.).

Skills block associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC01 - Conduct a reflective and distanced analysis, taking into account the complexity of a request or situation

Job opportunities


International organizations
Diplomatic institutions, in particular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (competitive examination for Orient officials, embassy counselors and secretaries), the Ministry of Defense and other public administrations involved in international action and cooperation
Bilateral or international cooperation programs
Local authorities involved in decentralized cooperation operations

Expertise, Consulting

Multinational companies, chambers of commerce
Foundations, consultancies and think tanks

Humanitarian action

NGOs working in the fields of development, humanitarian action and migration


Daniel MEIER

Tel. 04 76 82 83 53

Further information

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