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Social economy development and expertise course

The "Development & Expertise in the Social Economy" master's program has 5 goals: To train students and professionals to assume positions of responsibility, management and development in social economy organizations, in order to meet the challenges of the current changes. Learn to combine observation and analysis skills with those of managers, facilitators, negotiators, innovators and developers. Draw up diagnoses both of their business sector and of their territorial and general environment, to be able to anticipate changes in social needs and behaviors. Define orientations, set up and develop activities, while taking into account funding constraints. Manage teams of volunteers and salaried staff, while negotiating with external partners. Provide in-depth knowledge and a detailed understanding of the place and role of social economy organizations in a changing environment.

At a glance





Terms and conditions



The "Développement et expertise de l'Economie sociale" (Development and expertise in the social economy) course is a 2-year program (4th and 5th years of the diploma) that combines three dimensions: fundamental and specialized courses that provide in-depth knowledge of organizations in the sector; 

hands-on experience in building and running entrepreneurial projects, through tutored projects assigned to students by companies: in-depth contact with professionals, firstly through the many professionally-oriented courses given by industry players, secondly through numerous contacts with companies and organizations in the sector, and thirdly through the alternating internship/training program.

The skills

Understanding the diversity of social economy enterprises (SEEs)
Understanding the institutional changes (societal, legislative and economic) impacting SEEs
Implementing development strategies integrating the specificities of SEEs.
Steer the development of these SEEs
Manage SEEs (accounting and financial management)
Conceptualize, lead and develop collective projects
Contribute to the expression and evolution of the associative project and the political dimensions of the activity
Support democratic governance Develop your written and oral expression skills


This Pathway gives you the opportunity to apply to the UGA Graduate School and one of its 15 thematic programs. The Graduate School@UGA is a new training program through and for research launched in 2021 within the Université Grenoble Alpes, involving all UGA schools and components.

The aim of these thematic programs is to offer interested students a structured, interdisciplinary training program of academic excellence. Each thematic program develops a specific line of research, leading to a thesis or direct professional integration.

Participation in the @UGA Graduate School is for 2 years (M1 and M2 4th and 5th years) and may open the possibility of obtaining an academic scholarship for 2 years for the best international students (non-French baccalaureate holders). 

For further information

Find all the information you need on the UGA website


For the first year of the program (4th year), S1 is devoted to acquiring theoretical knowledge in social economics, sociology, public policy and local development; S2 is devoted to a minimum four-month internship in a social economy organization.

In the second year of the program (5th year), S3 and S4 include a long internship of six to eight months, alternating with training modules. The program is based on alternating a training module (5 days/month) and work experience (3 weeks/month internship).

A real immersion in professional life, the internship must involve specific missions or responsibilities entrusted to the student during his or her time with the company.

Training benefits

  • Work-study training, one week of classes per month, from September to June*.

  • Presentations by numerous industry professionals;

  • A strong professionalization dimension - the program is available under a professionalization contract;

  • Professional links with ES companies in the region and beyond
    The course offers the possibility of following an apprenticeship program, which gives you the status of a salaried employee in a company where you can gain highly-recognized professional experience while following the training program, including professionalized teaching modules specific to apprentices.

Job opportunities

The "Développement et expertise de l'Economie sociale" (Development and expertise in the social economy) course provides training for positions of responsibility in cooperatives, associations, mutual societies and foundations in a wide range of sectors (social and medico-social action, banking and insurance, education, health, environment and sustainable development, culture, etc.).

The "Development and Expertise in the Social Economy" program prepares students for several types of professional integration, the main ones being : 

  • Jobs in SSE companies and organizations at executive level, with responsibility for project management, business development and strategy;

  • Jobs in intermediary consultancy, advisory, monitoring and evaluation structures that support SSE companies; 

  • Public-sector jobs in public or semi-public bodies with specialized departments dedicated to developing the SSE.

Diversified content, a well-balanced program between training and professional activity, a top-quality teaching team and speakers, and a great class dynamic enabled me to enrich my practices, consolidate my professional posture and gain perspective on the SSE movement.

Romain V., ESS strategy & governance consultant,

This training course enabled me to take a step back and distance myself from the activities I'd already been involved in, in order to consolidate or question them. It also enriched my knowledge of the SSE and, last but not least, gave me a great deal of human benefit.

Sarah P. Executive assistant. Mission Locale Angevine.

The Master's program gave me a clearer understanding of the internal and external issues currently facing SSE companies. Whether we're talking about consolidation or development, I'm now better equipped to support them.

Philippe U., Work-Employment-Training consultant

This training has enabled me to evolve within my institution, taking on more and more responsibility and gaining self-confidence. All this so that one day I too can run a company in the social economy, with all the conditions required to do so.

Béatrice B. - Head of Department, IME

As the director of an MJC in Grenoble, the IEP training provided me with intellectual and relational material, as well as time to reflect on my identity and my career path.

Christophe H., former MJC director

With 20 years' experience in the SSE sector, I've been able to adjust my professional posture and enrich my vision and practice thanks to the academic and professional input provided by the Master2 DEES program. A course where contributing and learning take on their full meaning!

Noella R., HR Consultant


Amélie Artis
University Professor of Economics
Tel. 04 76 82 60 00

Tel. 04 76 82 83 87

Further information

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