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Label Méthodologies du Conseil

The consulting professions

Consultant: a wide range of professions

Over the past thirty years, the consulting and research professions have become indispensable. They help companies and local authorities, men and women, to change.


Many graduates of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA join these consulting structures for public authorities or companies because their profile is perfectly suited to this type of profession, which offers significant career opportunities.


For these reasons, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA is offering a label geared towards the consulting professions, to reinforce students' ability to enter the workforce.

How to apply?



Apply from Monday, July 22, 2024 at 12 noon to Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 12 noon

You can apply via the competition application https://concours.sciencespo-grenoble.fr.


Objectives of this label

  • Introduce students to the methods and tools they need to think about and create their own path in the consulting professions, whether in the private sector, an association or a local authority,
  • Demystify the key concepts specific to the consultancy function (how to be and how to do),
  • Acquire a dual skill set by gaining an introduction to the consulting profession, while continuing, for each student, with the Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA diploma. This could lead to professional integration in consulting activities corresponding to the student's specialization.

Skills developed

  • Learn to adapt to the specific environment of the consulting profession and "blend" into the environment
  • Becoming self-sufficient
  • Working with others and managing difficult situations
  • Know how to listen and know how to sell
  • Creating value
  • Acquire a global vision
  • Applying a methodology

Pedagogical format

  • The label is open to A4 or A5 students,
  • Module of ten or eleven 3-hour sessions in year 1,
  • Alternating theoretical contributions, outside expertise & testimonials, collaborative work in groups of 2 or 3,
  • A second year, currently under consideration (in A5 for students who started in A4), could be dedicated to concrete consulting assignments.

Overview of Label content

  • The consulting profession - Introduction (3h)
  • How to establish first contact (customer/prospect) (3h)
  • First contact with the prospect; How to communicate effectively and gather essential information (3h)
  • Proposals and presentations (3h)
  • Proposal presentations (continued) (3h)
  • Project management methodology (3h) 
  • Consultant's tools (3h)
  • The study phase; starting the project (3h)
  • The study phase; types of crisis (3h) 
  • The end of the mission: how to conclude a mission, how to bounce back (3h)

The Label's educational manager


  • Graduate of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA (1988 - Eco.Fi. section)
  • Master's degree in Mountain Law and Planning (1989 - UPMF)
  • 30 years of consulting experience in a variety of organizations (from SMEs to multinationals)
  • Currently Associate Consultant in a small consulting firm in Grenoble.
  • Teaching since 2011, in the TSD course, under the responsibility of S. Louvel.