Ecological Transitions pathway
The Ecological Transitions program of the Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA diploma trains students and professionals to support and manage ecological transition projects in all types of organizations - administrations, associations, local authorities, cooperatives, companies - and in most sectors of activity concerned by the challenges of transition. This pathway aims to provide knowledge and operational skills in the key sectors of ecological transition - transport, energy, agriculture and food, industry and construction - as well as in the modes of governance of this transition - democratic practices, territorial policies, international relations...
At a glance
Terms and conditions
This course also aims to disseminate and master the legal, economic, political, sociological and philosophical tools and concepts needed to think about and support transition. It takes a multi-disciplinary approach, with a strong openness to the contributions of the various social sciences. It also aims to introduce students to the various natural and physical sciences that can be used to diagnose the scale of the ecological crisis and support decision-making (understanding dynamics and orders of magnitude). The first year focuses on the acquisition of knowledge and skills associated with the concrete challenges of the ecological transition. The second year is more focused on cross-cutting environmental policy issues.
The number of hours in the Ecological Transitions course has been reduced, to enable each student to make a significant personal investment. The number of students in each course is also reduced, to enable more interactive formats. As a result, the Ecological Transitions pathway offers an à la carte approach to training: while there is no specialization as such, several modules in the fourth and fifth years are left to students' choice. In addition, both years are structured with the first semester spent at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA and the second semester spent on internship, which also gives students the opportunity to specialize in one of the many sectors or geographical areas concerned by ecological transition issues.
Access to training
In the fourth year, the Ecological Transitions course is available:
- Students who have completed the first cycle at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA (orientations A3/A4)
- Students who have completed the second year of a Grenoble INP school (competitive examination A4, INP route).
- External candidates with a bachelor's degree and an interest in the social sciences and ecological transitions (A4 competition).
In the fifth year, the course is open to :
- Candidates who have completed a fourth year at another Institut d'Etudes Politiques participating in the mutualization of courses.
The Ecological Transitions pathway is also open to continuing education students, in both fourth and fifth years, although no specific arrangements have yet been made.
For further information:
Knowledge control procedures (MCC)
Access to UGA Graduate Schools
This Pathway gives you the opportunity to apply to the UGA Graduate School and one of its 15 thematic programs. The Graduate School@UGA is a new training program through and for research launched in 2021 within the Université Grenoble Alpes, involving all UGA schools and components.
The aim of these thematic programs is to offer interested students a structured, interdisciplinary training program of academic excellence. Each thematic program develops a specific line of research, leading to a thesis or direct professional integration.
Participation in the @UGA Graduate School lasts 2 years (M1 and M2) and may open the possibility of a 2-year academic scholarship for the best international students (non-French baccalaureate holders).
INP-IEP double-diploma
Students who have completed the second year of an INP engineering school enter the Ecological Transitions program through the Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA fourth-year entrance exam. At the end of the program, they are awarded the Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA diploma in "Ecological Transitions".
For the first year of the Ecological Transitions program, they are in a double curriculum at Sciences Po Grenoble and in their third year of engineering school at Grenoble INP. Under an agreement with Grenoble INP, they benefit from reduced tuition at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA.
For the second year of the Ecological Transitions course, they are enrolled in a single curriculum at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA.
The Ecological Transitions program aims to enable students to develop key professional activities over the course of their training. A set of skills is associated with each activity. The skills repository specifies in an orderly fashion the steps required to successfully complete the activity.
- Identify and problematize the challenges of ecological and solidarity-based transitions;
- Adopting an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach ;
- Monitor the state of knowledge in French and English;
- Analyze this state of knowledge with regard to specific issues;
- Identify and mobilize methodological tools adapted to data production and processing;
- Collect, produce and analyze quantitative and qualitative data;
- Write and formalize a diagnosis in French or English;
- Present and defend, both orally and in writing, the elements of the diagnosis.
- Identify the institutional context and include the various stakeholders in the construction of solutions;
- Conduct a reflective analysis, taking into account the complexity of the challenges of ecological and solidarity-based transitions and uncertainty;
- Participate in the design of sustainable trajectories in different fields and on different scales (local, national, international);
- Tools for ecological planning;
- Defining an organization's environmental responsibility strategy;
- Propose public policy instruments adapted to the issues at stake ;
- Evaluate public policies for ecological and solidarity-based transitions and decision-making processes.
- Understand the elements of the diagnosis(es) ;
- Identify, collect and allocate human, technical and economic resources;
- Adapt implementation to stakeholders and the organization's level of maturity ;
- Plan implementation and intermediate milestones, adopting an iterative adjustment approach if necessary;
- Supporting those involved in organizational and sectoral change ;
- Ensure the follow-up and application of collective decisions related to the project;
- Produce an evaluation of the project.
- Identify and analyze decision-making methods and power relationships within and outside the organization;
- Promote innovative, democratic leadership and decision-making tools;
- Choose and adapt support methods according to the type of audience and objectives pursued;
- Ensure fair distribution of the floor and take into account the diversity of points of view;
- Articulating democratic decision-making processes and regulatory frameworks for greater efficiency;
- and/or compromise.
Skills block associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC05 - Working in a collaborative environment
- Make innovative, science-based contributions to high-level exchanges and international contexts;
- Take into account vernacular and situated knowledge ;
- Translating expert knowledge into layman's terms;
- Produce deliverables, in French or English, of various kinds (articles for the general public, reports, policy papers, podcasts, conferences, etc.).
- Taking part in scientific and democratic controversies ;
- Adapt communication to the target audience, both written and spoken, in French and English;
- Formalize and support a point of view and defend it in order to win over the audience;
- Harness the knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills required for ecological and solidarity-based transitions.
Skills block associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC02 - Express your thoughts clearly and concisely in writing and orally, in French and English
Job opportunities
The Ecological Transitions pathway offers a wide range of professional and public opportunities. In terms of sectors of activity, transition-related professions exist in the public, private and third sectors (social economy, non-governmental organizations, etc.). These are professions that are already well known, in the design and implementation of transition approaches, in the design and facilitation of consultation and local democracy initiatives, in the management of natural resources and environments (natural parks, water agencies), in facilitation and communication, but also in applied or fundamental research (political science, economics, sociology, etc.). In addition, there is every indication that many of the professions associated with ecological transition have yet to be invented.
From this point of view, while the Ecological Transitions pathway will offer real career opportunities, it will above all enable students to acquire multiple skills whose usefulness goes beyond the merely professional aspect: first-rate scientific skills, for thinking about a complex world, conducting an impact study, carrying out a carbon assessment, etc. Democratic skills, to lead a debate, negotiate, convince, organize decision-making, etc. Organizational skills, to work independently and as part of a team, to successfully complete projects of all kinds, etc. In short, the aim is to provide everyone with the means to respond effectively to the challenges that the ecological crises will present to our societies and democracies.
Arnaud Buchs
HDR Senior Lecturer in Economics
Florent Gougou
Senior Lecturer in Political Science
Simon Persico
University Professor in Political Science
Anne Jorge
Education Manager
Tel.04 76 82 61 05
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