Progis, Data Intelligence and Research course - Opinion, marketing, media
In a fast-moving world, give meaning to data.
At a glance
Terms and conditions
In today's uncertain international environment, where data intelligence plays a central role, managers in companies and public institutions need to know the behaviors and attitudes of their customers, users and citizens, and be able to anticipate their evolution. Decision-making thus relies on devices that measure (actively or passively) the behaviors, attitudes or social characteristics of players, and relate them to increasingly massive contextual data. The analysis and interpretation of these studies provide strategic operational information that helps to reduce uncertainty.
Founded in 1991, the Progis data intelligence and opinion, marketing and media research program at Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA has graduated over 30 classes and 400 students.
The Master's program has guided several generations of students towards prestigious careers as quantitative and qualitative research managers in public and private organizations, polling firms, consultancies, media agencies, etc. Its reputation and well-established alumni network are a strong guarantee of professional integration. Almost all graduates find a job by the end of their fifth year.
Intelligence and strategic vision of data without being a data scientist.
Progis is a multi-disciplinary program that combines academic teaching, input from a wide range of professionals, practical experience and more than a year's experience in the form of a long internship in M1, and a year's work-study program in M2.
Our new curriculum enables you to acquire solid skills applicable to a wide range of business sectors, and to personalize your career path.
It is organized as follows:
A core competency :
Data & surveys: fundamentals (survey methods, sociology and political psychology,
marketing, organizational management)Data, Political Opinion & Communication
Data, Marketing & Media
Professional scenarios
Two sub-specialties:
Data Science, AI & Big Data
Data & Public Policy
In M2, students choose one of the two sub-specialties to personalize their training and optimize their professional integration.
Our classes are made up of students from a wide range of backgrounds, both from the Grenoble IEP and from other disciplines (statistics-info, marketing, social and political sciences, economics, business schools, etc.).
The Progis course, data intelligence and research (opinion, marketing, media) is a highly reputed professional training program.
In existence since 1991, Progis benefits from an extensive professional network (graduates and lecturers), and has established numerous partnerships with leading survey institutes, major national and international companies, and public bodies. Progis is also one of the Masters programs recognized by the research and consulting profession (Syntec Conseil label).
During their studies, our students benefit from a wide range of presentations by professionals, and we put them through their paces with real-life case studies.
In addition to a six-month internship in M1, the M2 year is a sandwich course (apprenticeship). Students can therefore demonstrate over a year's experience at the end of their training. Our network of partners also gives them access to a wide variety of internship and work-study opportunities.
As a result, the Progis pathway offers very solid guarantees of integration: almost all students find a job after completing M2.
Professions for the future, to keep pace with a changing world
Today's digital transition represents a major challenge, impacting organizations and society through the ever-increasing amount of information available on individuals, public policies, brands and products. Understanding, communicating and using this data in a sustainable and ethical way have become key issues. Progis has reinvented itself to better meet the new challenges of data and the associated digital professions. These include the exciting dimensions of consulting and project management, strategic vision of citizens-consumers-users, the ability to communicate the intelligence of data...
Our graduates work in a wide variety of fields:
Structures: survey institutes, companies, public institutions, NGOs, media, advertising or communications agencies, research or consulting firms
Sectors: media, press, cinema, platforms, entertainment; values and lifestyles, opinion, politics; customer satisfaction, knowledge and listening; consumer goods, distribution, advertising effectiveness; industry, luxury goods, services, health, telecoms; banking, finance, insurance; innovation; public policy; ...
Some examples of entry-level jobs: opinion, marketing or media research manager, research executive, insight researcher, social media analyst, data strategist/analyst/miner..., strategic planner, analytics analist, business analyst,...
Discover the MCC 4th and 5th year Progis program
The aim of the Progis course is to enable students to develop key professional activities over the course of their training. A set of skills is associated with each activity. The skills repository sets out in an orderly fashion the steps required to successfully complete the activity. Below are the Activity and Competency Standards for the training program.
Skills repository
- Identify the objectives of the data intelligence study or project in response to the sponsor's strategic, marketing and political goals;
- Carry out a strategic watch and diagnosis in line with the order;
- Take charge of and relate the corpus of data collected within the framework of the order;
- Organizing data sets for processing ;
- Identify and mobilize quantitative and/or qualitative analysis methods adapted to the objectives ;
- Produce and interpret results;
- Take stock of actions undertaken with a view to optimizing future processes.
Skills block associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC02 - Express your thoughts clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing, in French and English.
Skills repository
- Identify the main families of data and their sources;
- Selecting and linking data for processing;
- Develop qualitative and quantitative data collection methods ;
- Organize and manage data collection to meet project objectives;
- Organize and carry out survey or sampling plans adapted to the problem, limiting bias;
- Design questionnaires and/or interview, animation or observation guides adapted to the problem, while limiting bias;
- Evaluate and assess the quality of the data corpus(es) ;
- Take stock of actions undertaken with a view to optimizing future processes.
Skills block associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC03 - Organize your work according to context and demand
Skills repository
- Identify the relevant lessons from analyses with regard to the purposes of studies or data intelligence projects;
- Problematize a complex phenomenon or situation, drawing on scientific knowledge and state-of-the-art research in a specific field;
- Find relevant visual representations ;
- Identify and use the tools needed to visually represent the various data processed;
- Adapt communication to the target audience, both orally and in writing, in French and English;
- Communicate analysis results, both orally and in writing, using appropriate communication media;
- Take stock of actions undertaken with a view to optimizing future processes.
Skills blocks associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC01 - Conduct a reflective and distanced analysis, taking into account the complexity of a request or situation; RNCP34024BC02 - Express your thoughts clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing, in French and English; RNCP34024BC04 - Manage a project; RNCP34024BC05 - Work in a collaborative environment.
Skills repository
- Identify the customer's needs and expectations ;
- Translate the request into a research or data intelligence objective;
- Identify the key results and lessons learned from data processing that meet the defined objectives;
- Transform these results into operational and strategic advice for the client;
- Use data intelligence tools to support and monitor the client in implementing the proposed actions;
- Take stock of actions undertaken with a view to optimizing future processes.
Skills blocks associated with this activity: RNCP34024BC02 - Express your thoughts clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing, in French and English; RNCP34024BC04 - Manage a project
Skills repository
- Take into account the legal framework for data use;
- Adopt technical approaches that take into account their impact on the environment and seek to minimize it;
- Adopt an approach to data exploitation that respects professional codes of ethics and privacy;
- Take into account the societal and individual impacts of algorithms and AI and minimize their biases;
- Take stock of actions undertaken with a view to optimizing future processes.
Skills block associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC01 - Conduct a reflective and distanced analysis, taking into account the complexity of a request or situation.
Eduniversal ranked it 1st nationally in its ranking of the best Master's degrees in the "Marketing and Opinion Research" category.

In existence since 1991, Progis benefits from an extensive professional network (graduates and lecturers), and has established numerous partnerships with leading survey institutes, major national and international companies, and public bodies. Progis is also one of the courses recognized by the research and consulting profession (Syntec Conseil label).
During their studies, our students benefit from a wide range of presentations by professionals, and we offer them numerous real-life case studies.
In addition to a six-month internship in 4th year, the fifth year is a sandwich course (apprenticeship). Students can therefore demonstrate over a year's experience at the end of their training. Our network of partners also gives them access to a wide variety of internship and work-study opportunities.
Job opportunities
The Progis pathway offers very solid guarantees of integration into the workforce: by the end of the 5th year, almost all students have found a job.
Our students benefit from a wide range of presentations by professionals, as well as numerous real-life case studies.
In addition to a six-month internship in 4th year, the 5th year is a sandwich course (apprenticeship). As a result, students have more than a year's experience at their disposal by the end of their training. What's more, our network of partners gives them access to a wide variety of internship and work-study opportunities.
The Progis program offers very solid guarantees of integration into the workforce: almost all students find a job by the end of their 5th year.
Today's digital transition represents a major challenge, impacting organizations and society through the ever-increasing amount of information available on individuals, public policies, brands and products. Understanding, communicating and using this data in a sustainable and ethical way have become key issues. Progis has reinvented itself to better meet the new challenges of data and the associated digital professions. These include the exciting dimensions of consulting and project management, strategic vision of citizens-consumers-users, the ability to communicate the intelligence of data...
Structures: survey institutes, companies, public institutions, NGOs, media, advertising or communications agencies, research or consulting firms
Sectors: media, press, cinema, platforms, entertainment; values and lifestyles, opinion, politics; customer satisfaction, knowledge and listening; mass consumption, distribution, advertising effectiveness; industry, luxury goods, services, health, telecoms; banking, finance, insurance; innovation; public policy; ...
Some examples of jobs at the start of a career: opinion, marketing or media researchers, research executive, insight researcher, social media analyst, data strategist/analyst/miner..., strategic planner, analytics analist, business analyst,...
Applications open until May 3, 2024
Access the Competition application
Olivier Lê Van Truoc
Associate Professor of Political Science
Tel. 06 31 84 70 65
Naziha Mezlini
Tel. 04 76 82 60 68

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