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Public health policy (PPS) course

The PPS pathway is designed to train professionals to manage healthcare policies.

At a glance





Terms and conditions


What is the PPS Pathway?

It is organized into a common core structured into 4 blocks.

The training is multidisciplinary in nature. It combines the various scientific specialties required for health policy management: public policy analysis, law, sociology, public health and management sciences. These disciplines, taught by teacher-researchers, are grouped together in a Block 1 entitled "Knowledge of health states, policies and instruments".

The course is designed to make Master's students operational by the end of M2. Exercises in real-life situations, led by health policy professionals, enable students to supplement their knowledge with know-how and interpersonal skills. These exercises, which range from the study of a population's state of health in a given region to the evaluation of a health policy, are grouped together in a Block 2 "Professional scenarios". Students in initial training complete these exercises with long internships in years 4 and 5.

The skills required to collect and analyze qualitative and quantitative data are taught in Block 3, "Survey tools and methods in social sciences and humanities". In 5th year, Master's students apply these methodological skills to write a thesis under the supervision of a teacher-researcher. This is the student's first research project in the field of social and human sciences, as well as the production of original data on a subject of interest to the student.

Block 4, "Knowledge of the healthcare sector", is a series of seminars featuring: healthcare professionals; graduates of the PPS program and Sciences Po Grenoble; and researchers studying public health problems and policies.

In addition to the core curriculum, complementary modules are designed to prepare students for civil service entrance examinations and for submitting a doctoral project in the social sciences.

Conditions of access for students not enrolled in an undergraduate program at Sciences Po Grenoble :

Students with a bachelor's degree can enter the program in 4th year (or Master 1).

Continuing education students can enter the program in 5th year (or Master 2). It is recommended that they have already completed a 4th year at the Institut de Formation des Professionnels de Santé (IFCS).

  • Online registration from Monday March 13 to Friday May 12, 2023 via the competition application by following this link.
  • Publication of eligibility results: Wednesday, June 7, 2023
  • Admission interviews from Monday June 19 to Friday June 23, 2023
  • Publication of admission results: Friday June 30, 2023

Program 4A/M1

Initial training
Opening in 2023-24
The detailed program will be published on the website in winter 2022.

Program 5A/M2

Continuing education


The aim of the Public Health Policy program is to enable students to develop key professional activities over the course of their training. A competency framework is associated with each activity. The skills repository specifies in an orderly fashion the steps required to successfully carry out the activity. Activities and skills referenced in the training program.

● Mobilize your knowledge of health conditions and health policies;
● Define the case study and its scope, and identify the players in the policy under study and their interactions;
● Contextualize the health policy under study: historical, legal and regulatory, economic and social, territorial field;
● Carry out bibliographical research and prioritize relevant academic sources and reliable institutional documentary sources;
● Relate information in a critical and problematized perspective;
● Take into account the specificities of the players in order to adopt an adapted posture;
● Develop, structure and implement an empirical survey protocol;
● Collect qualitative and quantitative data;
● Analyze qualitative and quantitative data;
● Produce and disseminate a structured analysis and synthesis of the analysis, monitoring or evaluation with findings and recommendations for action.

● Mobilize your knowledge of health conditions and health policies;
● Take on board the elements of the diagnosis and/or the order;
● Contextualize the project environment;
● Define the operational scope of the project;
● Identify and mobilize the relevant players around the project;
● Anticipate and provide for organizational, human, financial and logistical resources;
● Plan the project's implementation, intermediate milestones and their sequencing, and adopt an iterative approach to adjustments during implementation, if necessary;
● Manage funding flows;
● Manage the division of labor in small or extended teams; manage any interpersonal conflicts;
● Manage the project's partnership relations.

● Mobilize your knowledge of health conditions and health policies;
● Define the case study and its scope;
● Contextualize the health policy under study: historical, legal and regulatory, economic and social, territorial field;
● Carry out bibliographical research and rank relevant academic sources and reliable institutional documentary sources;
● Adopt a reflective and critical approach;
● Assess the internal and external validity of a survey or protocol;
● Problematize a social phenomenon based on a review of the scientific literature on the object of study
● Relate information in a critical and problematized perspective;
● Develop, structure and implement an empirical survey protocol;
● Collect qualitative and quantitative data;
● Analyze qualitative and quantitative data;
● Adapt communication to the target audience, both written and oral;
● Produce and disseminate a structured analysis and synthesis of specialized knowledge in the social sciences and public policy analysis.

Job opportunities

The aim of the PPS program is to train professionals to manage public health policies. More specifically, it aims to prepare students to manage all the activities involved in the life cycle of a public health policy:

  • Study of a public health problem,
  • A plea to put it on the agenda,
  • Designing public health action,
  • Implementation and management,
  • Evaluation.

These activities are central to the following business lines:

  • Project manager,
  • Advocacy officer,
  • Project manager,
  • Director or manager of a healthcare or medico-social establishment,
  • Valuation consultant,


These professions are carried out in a variety of structures:

  • Advocacy structures,
  • Research and assessment firms,
  • Ministry of Health and central administrations,
  • Social protection organizations,
  • Regional health agencies,
  • Local authorities,
  • Healthcare and medical-social establishments.


Vincent Caby 

Senior lecturer in political science 


Cécile Inostroza 

Schooling Manager 

Tel. 04 76 82 60 64


Elise Chagot
Continuing education development officer
Tel. 04 76 82 61 16

You can also visit the website of the Institut de formation des cadres de santé du Centre hospitalier universitaire de Grenoble.

Further information

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