Listening devices
Several hotlines have been set up to support and accompany students facing discrimination, harassment or sexist and sexual violence.
Psychological hotlines
Students at Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA have the opportunity to make an appointment with a psychologist holding a Master's degree in clinical psychology, specializing in victimology and criminology, particularly in the treatment of psychotrauma, cognitive and behavioral therapies. The clinical psychologist is bound by a duty of confidentiality towards her patients. She does not pass on any personal information to Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA.
Appointments can be made at her office (in the city center) or by teleconsultation, depending on the student's preferences.

Contact psychologist Emma Pironon
By email:
By phone: 07 83 23 91 93
How to get there: 14bis avenue Alsace Lorraine, 38000 Grenoble
France Victimes Grenoble
France Victimes Grenoble is a social prevention association and a victim support service. It welcomes you and supports you in the process of your choice following your testimony on the acts of violence you report having suffered.
The France Victimes Grenoble association is made up of multidisciplinary teams of legal experts, psychologists and social workers bound by professional secrecy.

Contact France Victimes Grenoble
By email:
By telephone: 04 76 46 27 37
How to get there: 26 Rue Colonel Dumont, 38000 Grenoble
The university health center
At the university health center, you can benefit from free nursing care and medical consultations with general practitioners or specialists (psychology, dietetics, gynecology, etc.) bound by professional secrecy.
It takes approximately 1 month to obtain a consultation with a psychologist. In an emergency, you can contact the Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA studies department.