Reporting systems
Victim or witness of discrimination, harassment or violence? You can make a report to the Delegate for Equality and the Fight against Discrimination, Harassment and Gender-based and Sexual Violence, who oversees the application of the Charter for Equality, against discrimination, harassment and sexual and gender-based violence.
In October 2021, Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA also signed an agreement with the Grenoble Judicial Court on the handling of reports of sexist and sexual violence. The legal procedure for handling reports is carried out in collaboration with the France Victimes Grenoble association.
The Charter for Equality, against discrimination, harassment and sexist and sexual violence
In May 2018, Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA, the institution's staff, Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA-accredited student associations and elected student representatives wished to embark on a joint process to draw up a Charter for Equality and against Discrimination, adopted by the Board of Directors on May 30, 2018.
In view of a resurgence in reports of sexist and sexual violence carried by social networks at the start of 2021, management has decided to strengthen existing measures, particularly in the fight against sexist and sexual violence with the help of elected student representatives and approved associations. On May 9, 2021, the Board of Directors voted a motion validating the proposals to renew, restructure and amplify the actions carried out since 2018. The Charte pour l'Égalité et contre les discriminations (Charter for Equality and against Discrimination) has been extended to include the fight against sexist and sexual violence. This text, modified as part of the "Charters" Working Group, became the "Charter for Equality, against discrimination, harassment and sexist and sexual violence" on June 2, 2021. The meetings, jointly led by the Director and Sophie Latraverse, former Director General of the Défenseur des droits and former Deputy Director of the Legal Department of the HALDE (Haute Autorité de la lutte contre les discriminations), brought together more than 20 volunteer contributors from the Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA community (students, student association representatives, elected student representatives, administrative and teaching staff).
The revised version of the "Charte pour l'Égalité, contre les discriminations, le harcèlement et les violences sexistes et sexuelles" was unanimously adopted on June 17, 2021 by the Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA Technical Committee, on June 28, 2021 by the Conseil des études et de la vie étudiante (CEVIE) and, finally, by the members of the Board of Directors on July 6, 2021.
Through this reform of the Charter, Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA, in close coordination with the other Instituts d'études politiques, the UGA, the Rectorat de région and the Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur de la recherche et de l'innovation, is strengthening all the tools and mechanisms designed to combat discrimination, harassment and sexist and sexual violence.
Read the Charter for Equality, against discrimination, harassment and sexist and sexual violence
Delegate for equality and the fight against discrimination, harassment and sexist and sexual violence
The Delegate for Equality and the Fight against Discrimination, Harassment and Sexist and Sexual Violence, an independent external figure, works alongside the administration and management of Sciences po Grenoble-UGA to implement the Equality Charter. She can be contacted by any member of the Institute's staff or users who feel they have been the victim of discrimination, harassment or gender-based or sexual violence, or who believe they have witnessed discrimination, discriminatory remarks, harassment or gender-based or sexual violence.
Its missions are as follows:
Examine and analyze the facts of the case to determine whether they involve discrimination, harassment or gender-based or sexual violence;
Define the follow-up to be given to the situation (sheltering, reporting to the public prosecutor, advice in favor of disciplinary proceedings).
The Delegate for Equality and the Fight against Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual and Gender-Based Violence may carry out any investigative measure, including interviewing the persons involved and witnesses, with their consent, and may obtain from Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA any document not covered by a secret protected by law.
Contact the Delegate for Equality, the fight against discrimination, harassment and sexist and sexual violence
By email:
The Equality Delegate undertakes to propose an appointment to the person who contacts her within eight days.
Marie Xavière BILLET holds a master's degree in public business law. She has been a lawyer since 2017, and practices at the Grenoble bar. In addition to her legal practice, she is a graduate of the Institut de formation à la médiation et à la négociation, and is a member of the Centre des avocats médiateurs en Isère.
Also a mediator since 2021, she is sensitive to cases of discrimination, harassment and V.S.S. and guarantor of the principles of confidentiality, impartiality and independence, she wishes to put all her acquired skills and experience to good use in her role as Delegate for Equality and the fight against discrimination, harassment and sexist and sexual violence.
Grenoble Alpes University's campaign against gender-based and sexual violence
Since 2019, Grenoble Alpes University has had a scheme to combat sexist and sexual violence, aimed at staff and students.
Declaration form
On receipt of the report, you will be offered a meeting (anonymous or not) with a University "gender-based and sexual violence" referent.