Board of Directors
The Board of Directors determines the general policy of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA and deliberates, in particular, on :
teaching and research programs,
the general organization of studies,
the budget and financial accounts,
the internal regulations.
The Board of Directors is composed of:
Chairman (voting rights) :
Ex officio members (voting rights) :
Mrs Maryvonne LE BRIGNONEN, Director of INSP (ex ENA)
Mrs Nathalie COLIN, or her representative, Mrs Catherine PRUDHOMME, Director of Administration and Civil Service
Mrs Laurence BERTRAND-DORLEAC, President of FNSP
Ex officio member (deliberative vote) :
Mr Yassine LAKHNECH, President of UGA
Outside personalities (voting rights) :
Mrs Geneviève FIORASO, in her capacity as former Minister of Higher Education and Research, former Member of Parliament for the first constituency of Isère and former Deputy Mayor of Grenoble
Mr Jérôme BELLION-JOURDAN, Senior Fellow, Institute for Global Negotiation
Gérald MATTER, Organic Sales Gardener at PICTURE
Jean-Luc NEVACHE, Chairman of the Board of Directors
Cécile PROST, Director, ABC Project
Morgane CAUJOLLE, Executive, International Committee of the Red Cross
Representatives of university professors and staff belonging to assimilated categories within the meaning of article d. 719-4 of the Education Code (voting rights) :
Gilles BASTIN, Professor of Sociology, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Aurélien LIGNEREUX, Professor of History, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Franck PETITEVILLE, Professor of Political Science, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Sonja ZMERLI, Professor of Political Science, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Olivier LE VAN TRUOC, Associate Professor, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Representatives of other teaching and research staff (voting rights) :
Mr Nordine HOCINE, PRAG in languages at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Ms Reia ANQUET, PRCE in languages at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Mr Dorian GUINARD, Senior Lecturer in public law at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Mr Simon GODARD, Senior Lecturer in history at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Ms Sophie PANEL, Senior Lecturer in economics at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Student representatives 1st college (deliberative vote) :
Alia BLANC, Ourse
Samara LABRECHE, Ourse
Giulio CARIGNANO, Agora
Ranim RAHMOUNI, Solidaires Etudiant-e-s
2nd cycle student representatives (deliberative vote) :
Léonie MARCOUX, Ourse
Maëlis LECOMTE, Ourse
Lucie CLAMENS, Solidaires Etudiant-e-s
Alice LECUIT, Solidaires Etudiant-e-s
Representative of engineering, technical, administrative and service staff (voting rights) :
Mr Eric BRUN, Director of the steering assistance unit at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Board members :
Mr Simon PERSICO, Director of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA (consultative voice)
Mr Recteur de région académique or his representative Isabelle LAURAIRE
Mr Herve SEVILLE, Regional Budget Controller DRFIP Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and/or his representative
Permanent guests :
Mrs Béatrice ANDURAND, President of the Association des Diplômés de Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Mrs Agnès CASASSA, Executive Assistant, General Management, General Services Management, Deputy General Services Management of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Mrs Aurélie FICHOT, Elected to the Technical Committee of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA, Head of the Documentation Center of Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Mr Aurélien LIGNEREUX, Director of 1st cycle studies, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Ms Irène LAURENT, Director of 2nd cycle studies, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Mr Marc SABIN, Deputy Director General of Services, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Ms Pascale MARTINOT, Director General of Services, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Mr Emmanuel KALNINS, Director of Legal Affairs, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
Finally, depending on the agenda, the Chairman may invite other people to attend from time to time.
Updated March 3, 2023