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Financial assistance for international departures

Our students' international mobility (academic and internship) is made possible in part by financial support from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, the Erasmus+ Agency and the French Ministry of Education.

BRMIE (Bourse Région Mobilité Internationale Etudiants - Regional International Student Mobility Grant)

Régin Auvergne Rhône Alpes logo  

This grant is intended for students taking part in academic exchanges or internships abroad. Mobility must be provided for in the study regulations of the program followed at Sciences Po Grenoble and be validated by capitalizable credits (ECTS).

All international destinations are possible, with the exception of the French overseas departments and territories (POM-DOM-TOM-COM) and the Principality of Monaco and Andorra.



The regional grant is not subject to social criteria and can be combined with the Erasmus+ grant, the AMI grant and the Crous grant based on social criteria.

For students receiving social grants, additional variable assistance is awarded according to grant level. Students with disabilities receive additional assistance.

With the support of Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

The Erasmus+ scholarship

File:Erasmus+ Logo.svg - Wikipedia  

This scholarship is intended for students going on an academic exchange or internship in a member state of the European Union or a country participating in the Erasmus+ program.

Students on an academic mobility program must leave under one of Sciences Po Grenoble's Erasmus+ agreements.



The Erasmus+ grant is not subject to social criteria and can be combined with the regional grant, the AMI grant and the Crous grant based on social criteria.

In accordance with European Agency guidelines, all students going to Europe for an academic stay or internship have Erasmus+ status. Consequently, whether or not they are in receipt of an Erasmus+ grant, students must provide the International Relations Office with the following documents justifying their mobility

People with disabilities can benefit from a specific Erasmus+ grant, in addition to their mobility grant, to cover the extra costs incurred by their stay in Europe (up to 100% of actual costs incurred).

With support from the European Union's Erasmus+ program.

The AMI grant (Aide à la Mobilité Internationale), a supplement to the CROUS grant

This scholarship is intended for students with social grants going on an academic exchange or internship abroad, and is combined with the standard CROUS scholarship (which is not interrupted when the student goes abroad).

Please note: The AMI envelope allocated to Sciences Po Grenoble is so small that we cannot award scholarships to all departing scholarship students.

With the support of the French Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.


Important! To read

CROUS scholarships based on social criteria can be combined with international mobility grants.
Scholarships are not intended to finance the total cost of a semester of study abroad. They are a partial contribution to the overall budget.

How to apply: students receive instructions from the International Relations department. Applications must be submitted before departure. Scholarships are paid once on site, and in part upon return. It is therefore important to have sufficient cash on hand to cover initial expenses on arrival in the host country.

Each funding organization imposes its own conditions (documents, rigor, etc.) and until these are fulfilled by the students, no grant can be paid.
In the event of non-return of the required mobility documents or shortened stay, reimbursement of the sums overpaid will be demanded.

If you have any questions about financial aid, please contact

Rodolphe ORTUNO
International Financial Aid Coordinator
E-mail: boursesinternationales@sciencespo-grenoble.fr
Tel: +33 (0)4 76 82 60 34