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International Strategy for Local Actors (SIAL) course

At a glance





Terms and conditions



The "International Strategy for Local Actors" specialization is a specialized post-graduate course with a professional focus, whose main requirement is to link theory and practice. Its aim is to train future managers and specialists in international cooperation services and programs between decentralized actors and territorial civil society organizations. Since the 90s, local players in particular have become increasingly present on the international scene, developing and implementing their own strategies in this field, independent of those of the State. These territorial public policies are still in the process of being structured, and require new forms of expertise that this training course aims to develop.

The aim of combining professionalization and theoretical reflection in this training program guides the content of the courses, the choice of lecturers and the type of work required of students. As a result, internships are a privileged time for initial training students. Instead of traditional exams (such as dissertations), the emphasis is on group work, oral presentations, case studies, case files, simulations and field surveys. The pedagogical objective of this course is primarily based on the mastery of concrete tools. To this end, students are given the opportunity to work in real-life situations. In addition to the teaching sessions, which are compulsory for all students, the course requires a significant investment in the form of personal work, which is essential if students are to assimilate the course content and the issues addressed.

Thespecial feature of this program is that it is only available as part of two double diplomas, one in partnership with the International University of Rabat (Morocco), the other in partnership with the Universidad del Norte in Baranquilla (Colombia). The first year is spent at Sciences Po Grenoble for all students. The second year takes place in either Rabat (decentralized cooperation) or Baranquilla (city diplomacy), depending on the student's choice and preferred specialization.


Find out more about the MCC A4 and A5 SIAL programs

Do a 5th year at SIAL as part of a double degree programme

Semester 1 / Teaching

  • Public policy evaluation
  • Contracts and public procurement  
  • Professional English Ashby
  • International cooperation and development
  • Decentralized international cooperation
  • International economy and territories
  • International players (diplomats, experts, etc.)

Semester 2 / Professional or scientific specialization

  • Pro option: 4-month internship in Morocco or abroad + thesis defense
  • Research option: One semester of Mobility or an internship in a laboratory + Dissertation defense

Semester 1

Integración Regional. ¿Cómo han sido la historia, cuáles han sido los momentos y las características más relevantes de los procesos de integración regional? También se analizan los retos y perspectivas actuales de integración latinoamericana.
Seminario electivo en Relaciones Internacionales. Este seminario semestral está dedicado al análisis de los principales problemas internacionales de la coyuntura por medio de conferencias con expertos y actores de los mismos. El estudiante podrá escoger entre una variedad tanto dentro del programa como en otros programas de la División de Derecho, Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales.
Taller de Análisis Internacional I. Argumentación y oralidad. Uno de los retos de formación de los internacionalistas es el manejo adecuado de dos tipos de lenguajes: el oral y el escrito. Dicho manejo debe permitir que los estudiantes cuenten con las estrategias básicas para pensar y expresarse como internacionalistas, lo cual implica elaborar y expresar sus ideas de manera clara y efectiva, por medio de argumentos sólidos y persuasivos. A través del Seminario de Análisis Internacional I, en el que se abordaran las competencias argumentación oral y escrita, buscando que los estudiantes se aproximen teórica y prácticamente a la elaboración y comprensión de argumentos, que les proporcionen estrategias para expresar sus ideas de forma clara y con un soporte adecuado dependiendo del contexto particular al que tengan que responder.

Semester 2

Taller de Análisis Internacional II. Este seminario que cursan los estudiantes de la modalidad de profundización, busca la aplicación práctica de conceptos, habilidades y actitudes en el estudio de casos y el análisis e interpretación de problemáticas presentes en el escenario internacional. Con este seminario, se espera entre otras cosas que los estudiantes utilicen un método preciso para buscar causas, consecuencias y soluciones en un hecho concreto, utilizando las competencias adquiridas en los cursos de construcción de contextos internacionales y argumentación.
Agenda y Regímenes Internacionales. Este curso sobre agenda y regímenes internacionales busca acercar a los estudiantes a algunos debates y temáticas centrales de la actual agenda internacional, tales como el fenómeno de la globalización, su trayectoria y su impacto económico, político, social y cultural en la Sociedad Internacional. En un segundo momento, el curso se centra en los orígenes, objetivos y resultados de diferentes regímenes internacionales: derechos humanos y justicia universal, paz y seguridad global, comercio e inversiones, sistema financiero internacional, medio ambiente y cambio climático.
Cooperación Internacional y Gestión de Proyectos. El curso coloca descriptiva, analítica y predictivamente el estudio de la CID en los siguientes marcos: - Marco político Internacional (PI), o sea, de la posición de cada Estado en y ante el mundo (Política exterior), de las interacciones de los distintos actores (Estados, Organizaciones Internacionales, Multinacionales Ongs, e individuos) del actual sistema internacional (Relaciones internacionales); y de la voluntad y capacidad de respuesta de tales actores a las demandas de la sociedad civil mundial (Política mundial).


The International Strategy for Local Players program aims to enable students to develop key professional activities over the course of their training. A competency framework is associated with each activity. The skills repository sets out in an orderly fashion the steps required to successfully complete the activity. Activities and skills referenced in the training program.

● Evaluate the feasibility of projects in terms of the plans and areas of intervention defined by the client;
● Gather requirements;
● Define and draw up specifications;
● Ensure that projects comply with current environmental and legal regulations;
● Plan resources (human, technical, financial) and project timing;
● Set up a reporting system.

Skills blocks associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC02 - Express your thoughts clearly and concisely in writing and orally, in French and English; RNCP34024BC03 - Organize your work according to context and demand; RNCP34024BC04 - Manage a project; RNCP34024BC05 - Work in a collaborative environment.

● Identify the issues, problems and complexity of a complex request or situation;
● Formalize strategic axes;
● Analyze resources critically;
● Respect legal, economic, environmental and political constraints;
● Translate strategic axes into projects and propose solutions adapted and/or innovative to the context.

Skills blocks associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC01 - Conduct a reflective and distanced analysis, taking into account the complexity of a request or situation; RNCP34024BC02 - Express one's thoughts clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing, in French and English.


● Carry out a documentary and legal watch;
● Analyze and process data specific to the territory;
● Carry out benchmarking;
● Report on the diagnosis to the sponsor.

Skills blocks associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC01 - Conduct a reflective and distanced analysis, taking into account the complexity of a request or situation; RNCP34024BC02 - Express one's thoughts clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing, in French and English.

● Conduct a high-level literature watch;
● Define a thematic research perimeter;
● Collect and analyze data;
● Formalize problem areas;
● Structure an analysis and propose a state of the art for the thematic field;
● Propose prospective solutions for the thematic field.

Skills blocks associated with the activity: RNCP34024BC01 - Conduct a reflective and distanced analysis, taking into account the complexity of a request or situation; RNCP34024BC02 - Express one's thoughts clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing, in French and English.

Job opportunities

The main jobs and professions targeted by the training are as follows:

● Heads of international relations departments in local authorities
● European or international project managers in local authorities in France or abroad
● Cabinet assistants in local authorities
● Experts in auditing or consultancy firms for local authorities in France or abroad
● Experts in international associations or institutions


Marie-Julie Bernard 

Senior Lecturer in Public Law 

Tel. 04 76 82 61 29 


Teddy MERLE 

Tel. 04 76 82 83 78 



Martine ARGOUD 

Tel. 04 76 82 60 36 


Further information

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