Access to 1st year
Candidates are invited to prepare for the oral by working up to the competition on a thematic dossier that can be downloaded from the dedicated platform set up by Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA.
Useful information
Applications always go through the Parcoursup procedure, according to the national calendar available on the platform:
Detailed information on how the 2025 competition works can be found in the "candidate's guide. A thematic documentary file will serve as a support for the admission oral and should be worked on by candidates.
The oral will take place online, between the end of April and the middle of May. Eligible candidates will be notified and invited via the Parcoursup platform. The 15-minute interview will give candidates the opportunity to present their training plans to the jury, demonstrate their ability to express themselves in English, and answer questions on the theme files.
Details of how the competition works and tips on how to prepare are given in the "candidate's guide and available on the Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA page on the Parcoursup platform.