Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
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Mountain transitions

Conference by Fiona Mille, president of Mountain Wilderness France and author of Réinventons la montagne. Alpes 2030 : un autre imaginaire est possible (éditions du Faubourg).
Snow is scarce in our mountains, yet we can't turn our imaginations away from this white gold. Proof of this is the decision to hold the 2030 Winter Games in the French Alps. A totally anachronistic choice at a time of accelerating global warming. This hard-hitting essay offers food for thought on the future of the mountains, by constructing several scenarios.
Will the events go ahead as planned, at the cost of catastrophic destruction? Will they be cancelled at the last minute, in the face of climatic, social and political emergencies? Or will 2030 be a year of festivities but also of commitment, creating a collective momentum for the necessary transition?
Come and discuss with Fiona Mille and Dorian Guinard, Senior Lecturer at Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA.
At a glance
February 10, 2025
February 10, 2025
Opening hours
Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA, Amphi F
Open to the public