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Bachelor exchanges

International pathways for internationally mobile undergraduates

No need to worry! The number of places is unlimited in all courses, with the exception of CMINT and LV (and specific sports). Your learning agreement is used to reserve places in CMINT and LV (first come, first served, from mid-June) and to help you make the right choice. Official course registration takes place in September and January.

Select your options for undergraduates

Choose your options

In addition to the 3 compulsory courses, you must choose a maximum of 4 courses from the following options

Learning Agreement for bachelor students
More information on the Learning Agreement


Admission procedure (for exchange students only)

Your home institution selects you for your mobility at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
As soon as your university informs us of your selection, we send you an e-mail about the online application procedure. Semester 1 - compulsory courses for undergraduates 3 compulsory modules (1 semester), 5 compulsory modules (full year)



1st year - Autumn semester
Compulsory courses :

- CF Lecture: Comparative Political Economy 4 ECTS
- CS Lecture: Geopolitics 2 ECTS
- CM Seminar: State Institutions and Society in France (FEIS in English) 4 ECTS
- CMINT Seminar: Changes in World Politics 4 ECTS
- CM Seminar:Policy Lab 1 6 ECTS
- CM Seminar: French as a Foreign Language (FLE) 1 5 ECTS
- CM Seminar: English for the Social Sciences 3 ECTS
- CS Lectures: free choice (semester 1 or semester 2) 2 ECTS
- Sport :1 ECTS

 Or, instead of CS lecture and sport: Student engagement4 ECTS


Optional courses (maximum 2 per semester) :

NB No ECTS credits, but any point above 10/20 in an option contributes to a bonus on the overall average.

- CS (specialized courses)
- Engagement étudiant
- Tutorat de langues et méthodologie
- 3rd foreign language (German, Spanish, Italian - minimum level B1) or UGA language course (24 hours - 90 euros per semester)


Semester 2 - compulsory courses for undergraduates 3 compulsory modules (1 semester), 5 compulsory modules (full year)

1st year - Spring semester
Compulsory courses :

- CS Lecture: Economic Globalization 2 ECTS
- CMINT Seminar: Comparative Regionalism 4 ECTS
- CMINT Seminar: Foreign and Security Policies 4 ECTS
- CM Seminar: Social Science Methodology (CM MSS in English) 4 ECTS
- CM Seminar:Policy Lab 2 6 ECTS
- CM Séminaire :Français Langue Étrangère (FLE) 2 5 ECTS
- CM Séminaire :Anglais pour les sciences sociales 3 ECTS
- Sport : 1 ECTS (no sport if student commitment chosen in autumn semester)


Optional courses (maximum 2 per semester) :

NB No ECTS credits, but any point above 10/20 in an option contributes to a bonus on the overall average.

- CS (specialized courses)
- Engagement étudiant
- Tutorat de langues et méthodologie
- 3rd foreign language (German, Spanish, Italian - minimum level B1) or UGA language course (24 hours - 90 euros per semester)

For students with a C1/C2 level in French: Subject to validation by the International Course Director, students with a very advanced level of French must replace FLE teaching with CS/CF/CM. Replacement courses must represent a number of ECTS at least equivalent to that of the courses replaced.

The "student commitment" can be an internship, an associative commitment, civic service or a module organized by the Service d'Accueil Handicap. All associative commitments must involve the student being a member of the board of directors or an active member of an association, and presenting a substantial activity report to a jury during an oral presentation.


Bachelor's program in Politics and International Studies - 3rd year (subject to change)
Compulsory courses :

- Policy Lab 3 - European Union (S2)
- Geoeconomics of international security (CS S1)
- Environmental policy (CS S2)
- Public policy (CF S1)
- Public policy in Europe (CM S1)
- Contemporary issues in the Arab and Muslim world (CM INT S1)
- Globalization and security: a border studies perspective (CM INT S1)
- Research seminars (S1 and S2)


Grand Oral - final oral exam (S2)

- French as a Foreign Language (FLE) (CM)
- English for Social Sciences (CM)
- CS lecture: free choice (S1 or S2)
- CS lecture: free choice (S1 or S2)
- Sport :2 ECTS

 Or, instead of CS lecture and sport: Student commitment 4 ECTS

Optional courses :

NB No ECTS credits, but any point above 10/20 in an option contributes to a bonus on the overall average.

- CS (specialized courses)
- Student commitment
- 3rd foreign language (German, Spanish, Italian - minimum level B1) or UGA language course (24 hours - 90 euros per semester)

For students with a C1/C2 level in French: Subject to validation by the International Course Director, students with a very advanced level of French must replace FLE teaching with CS/CF/CM. Replacement courses must represent a number of ECTS at least equivalent to that of the courses replaced.

The "student commitment" can be an internship, an associative commitment, civic service or a module organized by the Service d'Accueil Handicap. All associative commitments must involve the student being a member of the board of directors or an active member of an association, and presenting a substantial activity report to a jury during an oral presentation.


At university in France, students take a considerable number of modules per week. We recommend that you take the 3 compulsory courses plus 3-4 optional courses. Each module lasts 2 hours and is taught once a week.

There are 3 pathways, each comprising 3 compulsory courses and several options

1) English Track 1 - all courses in English (for A1/A2/B1.1 students in French)
2) Mixed Track 2 - most courses in English and one or two in French (for B1.2/B2.1 students)
3) French Track 3 - most or all courses in French (for B2.2/C1/C2 students)


Course organization and registration


Module registration:
- Register for the module online as for a normal course (but 0 ECTS).
- Attendance is compulsory: 18 hours of participation minimum per semester (don't register if you can't commit).
- If you follow the course in its entirety, the mention "Peer tutoring program in languages and methodology" will be added to your transcript.



Cours Fondamentaux (CF):
- Courses with all French students in a class, all taught in French (except one per year in English detailed below).
- Requires a lot of work (reading), very academic, B2+ level required.
- Generally assessed by a difficult final written exam (see syllabus for details) in January (for semester 1) or May (semester 2).
- Final exam (no continuous assessment) - can be retaken in June.
- 2 hours per week.
- Course 3: it is advisable to take the CF that goes with your CM (as all French students do).
- Course code: CFS1 or CFS2.
- You can choose more than 1 CF.
- Fundamental 1st year courses (easier) in semesters 1 and 2.
- Fundamental 3rd year courses (harder) in semesters 1 and 2.



Thematic Seminars in English and Foreign Languages:
- If you choose a foreign language course, you'll be studying mainly with 3rd year French students, which is good for integration.
- 1h30 per week, courses assessed by continuous assessment only (writing, speaking, participation...).
- You must attend all classes and do all homework.
- Wednesday slots, some courses only in semester 2.
- You can only choose one LV course per semester.
- 4 places per group.
- Course code: LV S1 (semester 1) or LV S2 (semester 2).



Types of Foreign Language Courses :

1. Thematic courses for Level B2+/C1:
- taught in English (readings, debates, presentations, no grammar).
- Taught by language teachers.
- Main objective: to make you more comfortable talking about social/cultural issues.
- Sample courses: Forensic Psychology and Unsolved Crimes, Knowledge and Socio-Anthropology of Non-European Civilizations, International Issues, Environment and Society, Life in the 21st Century, Postwar Culture and Society in the United States - A Cinematic Exploration, Indigenous Peoples and (De)Colonization.



2. Foreign Language Courses B1-B2:
- No beginners' courses.
- English, German, Spanish, Italian (several levels/teachers/programs).
- Other foreign languages: you can study a language or level not offered at Sciences Po at the Maison des langues et des cultures de l'UGA, cost: approx. 95 euros for 24 hours of classes.



Supplementary French courses :
- Take a supplementary French course at the CUEF language center, cost: approx. 170 euros for 10 weekly 2-hour classes.
- Credits: 3 ECTS.
- Contact the CUEF to register by filling in the form and paying the fees directly to the CUEF.

Sports and Associative Activities



- For courses 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS per module - Limited number of students.
- You can obtain credits for only 1 course per semester (5 ECTS).
- Registration at the UGA SUAPS: if the course is fee-based, you will pay AFTER your place has been confirmed by the application.
- Think twice before registering! By registering, you commit yourself to taking the course until the end of the semester.
- To obtain ECTS credits, register on the UGA sports website and on the Sciences Po "Mon Cursus" registration application, both of which open in the first weeks of September/January, not before.
- If you only choose a personal training sport (non-notated/FP), register only on the SUAPS UGA website, as you won't get a grade or ECTS.



Sport categories :


1. Sports organized by Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA:
- Outdoor multisports (mountain biking, climbing, Nordic skiing, etc.).
- Registration via the Sciences Po Grenoble application and the UGA SUAPS website.
- Cost: approximately 60 euros for semester 1 and 90 euros for semester 2.



2. Sports organized by the UGA:
- Graded sport = Qualifying training (FQ) - graded and free - 5 ECTS.
- Ungraded sport = Personal training (FP) - some free, others paying - no ECTS.
- Registration via the SUAPS website, with the possibility of taking up to 2 sports activities per semester, but only 5 ECTS for one of them.
- Courses are taught in French.



3. Sciences Po sports teams:
- No ECTS, no registration required.
- Join sports clubs and associations at the Forum des associations.



Sport Grading Policy:
- A hard-working, active student will achieve a minimum grade of 10/20, regardless of sporting ability.
- The 15/20 - 17/20 range is reserved for top-level university students or top-level inter-regional athletes.
- The 17/20 - 20/20 range is reserved for top-level national and international athletes.
- Involvement in associative sporting activities can add up to 1.5 extra points to the sports grade.



UGA courses:
- Most modules are free of charge, but some foreign language courses may be subject to a fee (from 90 to 180 euros per semester).
- For specific courses open to international students, please contact your faculty's international relations department at the beginning of the semester.



Additional French courses at CUEF (UGA):
- "Extensive courses/evening courses" option, cost: approx. 170 euros for 10 weekly 2-hour courses.
- Credits: 3 ECTS.
- Registration: contact CUEF to register by filling in the form and paying the fees directly to CUEF, indicating that you are a Sciences Po-UGA international student to benefit from a 20% discount.



Peer Tutoring Program:
- Course code: TUTS1 or TUTS2.
- Aims: small groups of international students supervised by French tutors for linguistic, academic and cultural support.
- 2 meetings scheduled each semester with tutors and mentees.



Tutor and Tutee Booklets:
- See Tutor and Tutee Booklets for more details.


Online as soon as you arrive at Sciences Po Grenoble
Wait until you receive your registration e-mail.

The deadline for sending your Learning Agreement (LA) to the academic advisor anna.jeannesson@sciencespo-grenoble.fr is July 15, so that we can organize the 3 compulsory courses (whose number of students is limited).  


Please use the application https://learning-agreement.eu/ or adapt this Erasmus Learning Agreement template (before) with your own information or use the one from your university. Here is the Learning Agreement to be used DURING your studies, to be completed as required.

Your track will depend on your level of French. Once selected, you'll take a free online language test and download a screenshot of your result.  

Don't exaggerate your level of French, because French courses (CM, CS and CF) are DIFFICULT to follow. But don't underestimate your level either. Make sure you've certified the right level.  

Your level will be checked during the first few days of the semester to place you in the most appropriate French language group.

Track 3 requires a B2.2 level of French and implies that you follow a method conference (seminar) in French with French students (a significant amount of intellectual content in French + debates, exams, assignments, summaries). If you have a B2.2 level or higher, but do not wish to take any seminars in French, please tick the "parcours 2" (track 2) box.

In Track 2, your seminar is in English (CMINT), but you will take 2 seminars taught in French with other international students: "Français pour les sciences sociales" and "France, État, Institutions, Société". If your French is very good, you can also choose to take CF and CS (courses) in French, which you will follow with French students.

If you're here for a full year, you can switch from pathway 2 to pathway 3 in semester 2, on request.

5 ECTS per course

We recommend that you take 30 ECTS per semester (maximum 35 ECTS, minimum 15 ECTS), depending on your university's requirements.

Whenever possible, we will try to place you in the seminar (CMINT or CM) of your choice (the choice shown on your Learning Agreement).

The final course list and timetable will be published at the end of the summer vacations.

For pathways 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS per module - Bachelor level year 3 - Unlimited number of students:

-open to all undergraduate and graduate students as electives
-taught in French/English/Spanish
-requires a lot of work (readings)
-Upper B2+ level required
-there is sometimes a difficult final written exam, sometimes a presentation or oral
-final exam (no continuous assessment) -remedial possible in June
-see each course syllabus for details
-2 hours per week


Course code: CSS1-5 or CSS2


CHOOSE YOUR OPTIONS to mix with 1st and 3rd year French students 


We recommend 30 ECTS.


Thematic seminars in English and other foreign languages:
For pathways 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS per module - Bachelor's level year 3 - Limited number of students

For pathways 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS per module - Limited number of students

For pathways 1, 2 or 3 - Variable ECTS per module - Limited number of students

  • With French students - 0 ECTS
  • For pathways 1, 2 or 3 - Bachelor's level year 3 - Unlimited number of students
    Course code: TUTS1 or TUTS2


Course coordinator: A JEANNESSON 


Aims : in this tutoring module, small groups of international students of different nationalities (and with a similar level of French) are supervised by teams of 2 French student tutors (1st, 3rd or 4th year) to encourage mutual linguistic, academic and cultural enrichment.


Tutors aim to provide international students with the best possible support for their studies and social integration at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA. 2 meetings are scheduled to bring together tutors and mentees each semester.


Admission procedure (for exchange students only).



1) Your home university selects you for your mobility at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA. As soon as your university informs us of your selection, we send you an e-mail about the online application procedure.

2)Registration procedure: candidates must complete the online registration form and upload the required documents to validate their registration.

3) You must have a B22 level in English or French.

4) You pay your tuition fees to your home university.

The stay is planned for a full year or a semester (September to January or January to June).
The marks obtained at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA will be sent to you by e-mail and to your university at the end of February or June by our IR office.

Learning Agreements for undergraduates : 

- The "BEFORE" Learning Agreement must be handed in before your arrival.

-The Learning Agreement "DURING" is often required to indicate changes in your course selection. 


After the CE: to be signed by the administrative agent at the end of the stay.


Available courses may be subject to change before the start of the school year in September and/or January.


Don't worry: you can make changes to your Learning Agreement in October and February, when you're sure of your courses.


Your university's academic coordinator will be flexible on this point.


Course timetables will only be available in September/January. Most courses have non-overlapping time slots, but if 2 of your chosen courses overlap, you will have to modify your choice and therefore your Learning Agreement.


Don't forget to indicate the course codes (CM = seminar/ CF & CS = lectures/ 1A = 1st year course, 3A = 3rd year course):




CM INT (seminar in English with international students)

CM 1A or CM 3A (1st or 3rd year seminar in French with French students)

CF 1A or CF 3A (1st or 3rd core course in French with French students)

CS (specialized courses in French or English)

Download our "English courses for international students" brochure here.


At university in France, students take a considerable number of modules per week. We recommend that you take the 3 compulsory courses plus 3-4 optional courses. Each module lasts 2 hours and is taught once a week.



There are 3 pathways, each comprising 3 compulsory courses and several options - SCROLL TO FIND OUT MORE

1) English course - all courses in English (for students level A1/A2/B1.1 in French)
2) Mixed course - most courses in English and one or two in French (for students level B1.2/ B2.1)
3) French course - most or all courses in French (for students level B2.2/C1/C2)
COURSE REGISTRATION: online as soon as you arrive at Sciences Po Grenoble - wait until you receive the registration e-mail.  




STUDY AGREEMENT: The deadline for sending your Learning Agreement (LA) to the academic advisor anna.jeannesson@sciencespo-grenoble.fr is July 15, so that we can organize the 3 compulsory courses (whose number of students is limited). Please use the application https://learning-agreement.eu/ or adapt this Learning Agreement template (before) with your own information or use the one from your university. Here is the Learning Agreement to be used DURING your studies, to be completed at which you can add your own information if necessary.




YOUR LANGUAGE LEVEL: your track will depend on your level of French. Once selected, you'll take a free online language test and send us a screenshot of your result. Don't exaggerate your level of French, as the French courses (CM, CS and CF) are DIFFICULT to follow. But don't underestimate your level either. Make sure you've certified the right level. Your level will be checked during the first few days of the semester to place you in the most appropriate French language group.




Track 3 requires a B2.2 level of French and implies that you follow a method conference (seminar) in French with French students (a fairly large amount of intellectual content in French with French students + debates, exams, assignments, summaries). If you have a B2.2 level or higher, but do not wish to take seminars in French, please tick the "track 2" box.




In Track 2, your seminar is in English (CMINT), but you will take 2 seminars taught in French with other international students: "French for the Social Sciences" and "France, État, Institutions, Société, Institutions". If your French is at a very good level, you can also choose to take CF and CS (courses) in French, in which you will be mixed with French students.


If you are here for a full year, you can switch from pathway 2 to pathway 3 in semester 2, on request.


5 ECTS per course


We recommend that you take 30 ECTS per semester (maximum 35 ECTS, minimum 15 ECTS), depending on your university's requirements.


Whenever possible, we will try to place you in the seminar (CMINT or CM) of your choice (your choice will appear on your Learning Agreementcontrat pédagogique).


The final course list and timetable will be published at the end of the summer vacations.


COURSE 1 Semester 1: English course for international students with a level of French A1/A2 or B1.1


1/ Seminar: French language courses (FLE)

2/ Seminar: France, State, Institutions and Society (FEIS) - in English

3/ CMINT seminar on an international/comparative policy theme - in English

+ free choice of courses (see options here) to obtain the number of ECTS you need



COURSE 1 Semester 2: English course for international students with a level of French A1/A2 or B1.1

1/ Seminar: French language courses (FLE)

2/ Seminar: France, State, Institutions and Society (FEIS) for newly arrived students only - in English

3/ CMINT seminar on an international/comparative policy theme - in English

+ free choice of courses (see options here) to obtain the number of ECTS you need



COURSE 2 Semester 1: mixed course for international students with a level of French B1.2 or B2.1

1/ Seminar: French for Social Sciences (FLE) - French courses

2/ Seminar: France, State, Institutions and Society (FEIS) - in French

3/ CMINT seminar on an international/comparative policy theme - in English

+ free choice of courses (see options here) to obtain the number of ECTS you need



COURSE 2 Semester 2: Mixed course for international students with a level of French B1.2 or B2.1

1/ Seminar: French for Social Sciences (FLE) - French courses

2/ Seminar: France, State, Institutions and Society (FEIS) for newly arrived students only - in French

3/ CMINT seminar on an international/comparative policy theme - in English

+ free choice of courses (see options here) to obtain the number of ECTS you need



COURSE 3 Semester 1: French language course for international students with a B2.2/C1/C2 level of French

1/ Seminar: Français sur objectifs universitaires (FLE) - French courses
NB Students at C1 level and above must choose an alternative course taught in French (CF, CS).

2/ Seminar: France, State, Institutions, Society (FEIS) - in French

3/ CM seminar in social sciences taught in French

+ free choice of courses (see options here) to obtain the number of ECTS you need


COURSE 3 Semester 2: French language course for international students with a B2.2/C1/C2 level of French

1/ Seminar: Français sur objectifs universitaires (FLE) - French courses

NB Students at C1 level and above must choose an alternative course taught in French (CF, CS).

2/ Seminar: France, State, Institutions, Society (FEIS) for newly arrived students only - in French

3/ CM seminar in social sciences taught in French

+ free choice of courses (see options here) to obtain the number of ECTS you need



Semester 1 - compulsory courses for undergraduates

First select your compulsory courses, then your options.
Start by filling in your Learning Agreement, then wait for the online registration link to be sent to you by e-mail.

MANDATORY COURSES - assessed by continuous assessment (no make-up tests)

1) FRENCH COURSE : compulsory for path 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS per module - Bachelor level year 3
Course code: FLES1

Levels C1 and above are exempt from this course and must choose another instead (CF or CS in French).

Course 1: French

Track 2: French for the social sciences

Option 3: French for university purposes



Seminar: 2 hours per week. Program varies according to teacher and level.

You will be assigned a group on Tuesday or Thursday afternoons, depending on your level. This course does not overlap with the CS or Multisport slots. See here for important information


2) FEIS: compulsory for path 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS per module - Bachelor level year 3
FEIS taught in English: syllabus

FEIS taught in French: syllabus

Course code: FEIS S1 France, État, Institutions, Société - Wednesday 8am or 10.15am

Seminar: 2 hours per week

The program varies according to teacher and level.

A1, A2 and B1.1 students will take this course in English, the others in French.


Examples of topics taught in the course:

History of France (e.g. World War I, Vichy regime, resistance movements, Algerian War)
Founding of the nation-state, the Republic (5 republics), symbols
Semi-presidential system + elections
Foreign policy
Human rights, social protection....
Territorial policy, centralization/decentralization + reform
Fundamental principles (secular state...)

If you're staying for a whole year, you'll study the FEIS in semester 1 only.



3) CMINT: compulsory for pathways 1 and 2 - Seminar in English for international students - 5 ECTS per module - Bachelor level year 3
Course code: CMINT

Only one CMINT per semester.

Some CMINTs are repeated in S1 and S2.

You will be assigned a group (we will try to respect the choice in your Learning Agreement, depending on the number of students).




First select your compulsory courses, then your options - click here.
Start by completing your learning contract, then wait for the online registration link that will be sent to you by e-mail.

COMPULSORY COURSES - assessed by continuous assessment (no make-up tests)


1) FRENCH COURSE: compulsory for path 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS per module - Bachelor level year 3
Course code: FLES1

C1-level students are exempt from this course and must choose another instead (CF or CS in French).

Course 1: French (>Syllabus 1, >Syllabus 2)

Track 2: French for the social sciences (>Syllabus)

Track 3: French for university purposes (>Syllabus)



Seminar: 2 hours per week. Program varies according to teacher and level.

You will be assigned a group on Tuesday or Thursday afternoons, depending on your level. This course does not overlap with the CS or Multisport slots. See here for important information

2) FEIS: compulsory for path 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS per module - Bachelor level year 3
FEIS taught in English: syllabus

FEIS taught in French: syllabus

Course code: FEISS2 France, État, Institutions, Société - Wednesday 8am-10am or 10.15am-12.15pm (a group will be assigned to you)

If you're staying for a year, you'll study SIEF in semester 1 only.

Seminar: 2 hours per week

The program varies according to teacher and level.

A1, A2 and B1.1 students take this course in English, while other students take it in French.


Examples of topics taught in the course:

History of France (e.g. World War I, Vichy regime, resistance movements, Algerian War)
Founding of the nation-state, the Republic (5 republics), symbols
Semi-presidential system + elections
Foreign policy
Human rights, social protection...
Territorial policy, centralization/decentralization + reform
Fundamental principles (secular state...)


3) CMINT: compulsory for pathways 1 and 2 - Seminar in English for international students - 5 ECTS per module - Bachelor level year 3
Course code: CMINT

Only one CMINT per semester.

Some CMINTs take place in S1 and S2.

You will be assigned a group (we will try to respect the choice in your Learning Agreement, depending on the number of students).

1/ Seminar: French language courses (FLE)


2/ Seminar: France, State, Institutions and Society (FEIS) - in English


3/ CMINT seminar on an international/comparative policy theme - in English


+ free choice of courses (see options here) to obtain the number of ECTS you need

1/ Seminar: French language courses (FLE)


2/ Seminar: France, State, Institutions and Society (FEIS) for newly arrived students only - in English


3/ CMINT seminar on an international/comparative policy theme - in English


+ free choice of courses (see options here) to obtain the number of ECTS you need

1/ Seminar: French for Social Sciences (FLE) - French courses


2/ Seminar: France, State, Institutions and Society (FEIS) - in French


3/ CMINT seminar on an international/comparative policy theme - in English


+ free choice of courses (see options here) to obtain the number of ECTS you need

1/ Seminar: French for Social Sciences (FLE) - French courses


2/ Seminar: France, State, Institutions and Society (FEIS) for newly arrived students only - in French


3/ CMINT seminar on an international/comparative policy theme - in English


+ free choice of courses (see options here) to obtain the number of ECTS you need

1/ Seminar: Français sur objectifs universitaires (FLE) - French courses
NB Students at C1 level and above must choose an alternative course taught in French (CF, CS).


2/ Seminar: France, State, Institutions, Society (FEIS) - in French


3/ CM seminar in social sciences taught in French


+ free choice of courses (see options here) to obtain the number of ECTS you need

1/ Seminar: Français sur objectifs universitaires (FLE) - French courses

NB Students at C1 level and above must choose an alternative course taught in French (CF, CS).


2/ Seminar: France, State, Institutions, Society (FEIS) for newly arrived students only - in French


3/ CM seminar in social sciences taught in French


+ free choice of courses (see options here) to obtain the number of ECTS you need

Read before continuing:

First select your compulsory courses, then your options.
Start by filling in your Learning Agreement, then wait for the online registration link to be emailed to you.

MANDATORY COURSES - assessed by continuous assessment (no make-up tests)


1) FRENCH COURSES: compulsory for courses 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS per module - Bachelor level, year 3

Course code: FLES1

Levels C1 and above are exempt from this course and must choose another instead (CF or CS in French).

Course 1: French

Track 2: French for the social sciences

Option 3: French for university purposes


Seminar: 2 hours per week. Program varies according to teacher and level.

You will be assigned a group on Tuesday or Thursday afternoons, depending on your level. This course does not overlap with the CS or Multisport slots. See here for important information



2) FEIS: compulsory for path 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS per module - Bachelor level, year 3

FEIS taught in English: syllabus

FEIS taught in French: syllabus

Course code: FEIS S1 France, État, Institutions, Société - Wednesday 8am or 10.15am

Seminar: 2 hours per week

The program varies according to teacher and level.

A1, A2, B1.1 students will take this course in English, the others in French.
Examples of subjects taught in the course :

History of France (e.g. World War I, Vichy regime, resistance movements, Algerian War)
Founding of the nation-state, the Republic (5 republics), symbols
Semi-presidential system + elections
Foreign policy
Human rights, social protection....
Territorial policy, centralization/decentralization + reform
Fundamental principles (secular state...)

If you're staying for a whole year, you'll study the FEIS in semester 1 only.


3) CMINT: compulsory for pathways 1 and 2 - Seminar in English for international students - 5 ECTS per module - Bachelor level year 3
Course code: CMINT

Only one CMINT per semester.

Some CMINTs are repeated in S1 and S2.

You will be assigned a group (we will try to respect the choice in your Learning Agreement, depending on the number of students).


First select your compulsory courses, then your options - click here.
Start by completing your pedagogical contract, then wait for the online registration link that will be sent to you by e-mail.

COMPULSORY COURSES - assessed by continuous assessment (no catch-up)

1) FRENCH COURSES: compulsory for pathways 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS per module - Bachelor level year 3
Course code: FLES1

C1-level students are exempt from this course and must choose another instead (CF or CS in French).

Course 1: French (>Syllabus 1, >Syllabus 2)

Track 2: French for the social sciences (>Syllabus)

Track 3: French for university purposes (>Syllabus)

You will be assigned a group on Tuesday or Thursday afternoons, depending on your level. This course does not overlap with CS or Multisport. See here for important information.


2) FEIS: compulsory for path 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS per module - Bachelor level, year 3

FEIS taught in English: syllabus

FEIS taught in French: syllabus

Course code: FEISS2 France, État, Institutions, Société - Wednesday 8am-10am or 10.15am-12.15pm (a group will be assigned to you)

If you're staying for a year, you'll study SIEF in semester 1 only.

Seminar: 2 hours per week

The program varies according to teacher and level.

A1, A2, B1.1 level students take this course in English, other students take it in French.
Examples of subjects taught in the course :

History of France (e.g. World War I, Vichy regime, resistance movements, Algerian War)
Founding of the nation-state, the Republic (5 republics), symbols
Semi-presidential system + elections
Foreign policy
Human rights, social protection...
Territorial policy, centralization/decentralization + reform
Fundamental principles (secular state...)

3) CMINT: compulsory for pathways 1 and 2 - Seminar in English for international students - 5 ECTS per module - Bachelor level, year 3

Course code: CMINT

Only one CMINT per semester.

Some CMINTs take place in S1 and S2.

You will be assigned a group (we will try to respect the choice in your Learning Agreement, depending on the number of students).

The "BEFORE" Learning Agreement must be handed in before your arrival.


The Learning Agreement "DURING" is often required to indicate changes in your course selection.


After the CE: to be signed by the administrative agent at the end of the stay.


Available courses may be subject to change before the start of the school year in September and/or January.


Don't worry: you can make changes to your Learning Agreement in October and February, when you're sure of your courses.


Your university's academic coordinator will be flexible on this point.


Course timetables will only be available in September/January. Most courses have non-overlapping time slots, but if 2 of your chosen courses overlap, you will have to modify your choice and therefore your Learning Agreement.


Don't forget to indicate the course codes (CM = seminar/ CF & CS = lectures/ 1A = 1st year course, 3A = 3rd year course):



CM INT (seminar in English with international students)

CM 1A or CM 3A (1st or 3rd year seminar in French with French students)

CF 1A or CF 3A (1st or 3rd core course in French with French students)

CS (specialized courses in French or English)



Select your options to mix with French students: 

CHOOSE YOUR OPTIONS to mix with 1st and 3rd year French students:
We recommend 30 ECTS.

1) CS (Specialized courses)
For pathways 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS per module - Bachelor level year 3 - Unlimited number of students



2) CF (Fundamental courses)
For pathways 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS per module - Bachelor's level year 1 or 3 - Unlimited number of students



3) Thematic seminars in English and other foreign languages
For pathways 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS per module - Bachelor level year 3 - Limited number of students



For courses 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS per module - Limited number of students



5) UGA university course
For pathways 1, 2 or 3 - Variable ECTS per module - Limited number of students



6) Tutoring (language and methodology) with French students - 0 ECTS
For courses 1, 2 or 3 - Bachelor's level year 3 - Unlimited number of students

Course code: TUTS1 or TUTS2


Course coordinator: A JEANNESSON 

Aims: in this tutoring module, small groups of international students of different nationalities (and with a similar level of French) are supervised by teams of 2 French student tutors (1st, 3rd or 4th year) to encourage mutual linguistic, academic and cultural enrichment.
Tutors aim to provide international students with the best possible support for their studies and social integration at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA. 2 meetings are scheduled to bring together tutors and mentees each semester.



Register for the module online as for a normal course (but 0 ECTS).
Attendance is compulsory: minimum 18 hours of participation per semester (don't register if you can't commit).
If you follow the course in its entirety, the mention "Peer tutoring program in languages and methodology" will be added to your transcript. For pathways 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS per module - Bachelor level year 3 - Unlimited number of students


For pathways 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS per module - Bachelor level year 3 - Unlimited number of students
CS (Specialized courses)


open to all undergraduate and graduate students as optional courses
- taught in French/English - requires a lot of work (reading)
- B2+ level required
- sometimes there is a difficult final written exam, sometimes a presentation or an oral
- Final exam (no continuous assessment) - make-up exam possible in June
- see course syllabus for details
- 2 hours per week

Course code: CSS1-5 or CSS2-5

You can choose more than 1 CS

The information on the website about credits, written in French, does not concern you. For pathways 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS per module - First cycle year 1 or 3 - Unlimited number of students
For pathways 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS per module - First cycle year 1 or 3 - Unlimited number of students


CF1AS1 Comparative Political Economy, taught in English (first-year module, but difficult level suitable for 2nd- and 3rd-year international students)

- Wednesday 10:15-12:15
Thematic seminars in English and foreign languages

If you would like to reserve a place on one of these courses, please contact contact-incomingmobility@iepg.fr at least 2 months before the start of the semester, as they fill up quickly.


If you choose a foreign language course, you'll be studying mainly with 3rd-year French students, which is good for integration :)


1h30 per week, courses assessed solely by continuous assessment (writing, oral expression, participation, etc.).




Wednesday slots, some courses only in semester 2


NB: You can only choose one LV course per semester.


4 places per group

Course code: LV S1 (semester 1) or LV S2 (semester 2)

There are 2 types of foreign language courses that meet the following requirements:


1/ B2+/C1 thematic courses taught in English (readings, debates, presentations, no grammar). Taught by language teachers.  


NB: The main aim is not to provide knowledge/expertise, but to enable non-native speakers of English to feel more comfortable talking about social/cultural issues.  

You should have a very good level of English B2, preferably C1.
Examples of courses:



2/ Foreign language courses B1-B2 (no beginners' courses)

  • English Sample syllabus - English courses (various levels/teachers/programs)
  • German Sample syllabus - German courses (various levels/teachers/programs)
  • Spanish Sample syllabus - Spanish courses (various levels/teachers/programs)
  • Italian Sample syllabus - Italian courses (many levels and programs)


OTHER FOREIGN LANGUAGES: you can study a language or level not offered at Sciences Po at the Maison des langues et des cultures de l'UGA. If you pass the course, your grade and 5 ECTS will be automatically transferred to us. Cost: approximately 95 euros for 24 hours of classes. Click here for more information and visit us on arrival to take a placement test (Maison des langues et des cultures - Université Grenoble Alpes. 1141 Avenue Centrale).


ADDITIONAL FRENCH COURSE: You can also take an additional French course at the CUEF language center. See here for more information.

  • For pathways 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS per module - Limited number of students

Sports - lots of different choices at different times of the week/weekend

Course code: SPOS1 or SPOS2, 5 ECTS
You can earn credits for only 1 course per semester (5 ECTS).

UGA SUAPS REGISTRATION: if the course is fee-based, you will pay AFTER your place has been confirmed by the application.







NB: If you only choose a personal training sport (non-graded/FP), register only on the SUAPS UGA website, as you will not be awarded a grade or ECTS.

NB2: Some team sports require you to participate in matches and be an occasional referee to validate the course - read the requirements carefully.


Three sport categories are available:
1a Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA 'plein air' multisports courses


Outdoors : 

Autumn semester - Mountain biking/climbing, canyoning, etc. (you must be able to swim and ride a bike). You need to understand what it means to practice these sports in a mountain environment.


Spring semester - Nordic skiing, snowboarding, etc. but no downhill skiing (you can be a complete beginner for this module).


Tuesday OR Friday 7.30am to 12.45pm (return just in time for the afternoon class)
Limited number of places, allocated by an algorithm, 25 places on Friday (always less full, so more chance of getting a place...), 25 places on Tuesday, register on the Sciences Po Grenoble application and here:

Approximately 60 euros for semester 1 and 90 for semester 2 (includes transportation, course, equipment).
-If your registration is accepted, you will pay on the UGA SUAPS application.
-If you register, you must participate in all sports, every session.
Organizer: nicolas.dramissiotis@iepg.fr


PS: Spring semester - to increase your chances of skiing with university groups and earning credits, you can enroll in the Multisports-Plein air course PLUS another FQ or FP. You can also join the U-glisse organization (0 ECTS).


PS2: Football (men's and women's) is another option offered by Sciences Po to our students on Wednesday evenings.




All other sports are organized by our partner university UGA.


Sports classes take place once a week and are divided into 2 categories.


Graded" sport = "Qualifying training" FQ - graded and free - 5 ECTS
Non-graded" sport = "Personal training" FP - some free, others paying - no ECTS


There are 4 registration stages:

At the start of the semester (first weeks of September/January), you can register for TWO options here, using your student ID:
https://suaps.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr(choose your "IEP" student status, then register)


The registration period lasts 6 days, there's no rush - it's not a first-come, first-served system, but don't miss the deadline!


An algorithm allocates you a place at the end of the registration week, according to the places available.
After the deadline, check your account on the SUAPS website to see if you have been allocated a place. If you didn't get one of your 2 choices, or if you didn't register before the deadline, you can:


1/ attend the Sports Forum in the swimming pool building the day after registration closes.
2/ consult the list of remaining places on the SUAPS home page (PDF updated regularly).

You MUST attend the first class, otherwise your place will be allocated to another student...
You can even try to sign up for a sports class by attending the first class and asking the teacher if there are any places left.

In short, if it fits in with your timetable and depending on the number of places available, you can take part in a maximum of 2 sporting activities per semester, but you can only obtain 5 ECTS for one of them.

If you get too many sports places, free up the extra ones immediately by sending an e-mail to the teacher!


Classes are taught in French. Please let the teacher know if you have difficulty understanding the language, and he or she will do his or her best to help you.

3 / Sciences Po sports teams (no ECTS), no need to register on the registration application
It's a great way to integrate and speak French! But if you don't speak French, our French students speak English. 


Attend the Forum des associations in week 2 to join sports clubs and associations!
Sciences Po associations


Sport at Sciences Po https://suaps.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/menu-principal/activites-a-grenoble/enseignements-specifiques/iep-plein-air-87091.kjsp?RH=1496821237834
Sport atUGA


During the first few weeks of the semester, discover the AS Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA (sports association) and sign up to join a team.


Grading policy for sports:
A hard-working, active student (clearly striving to progress, positive attitude within the group) will not receive a mark lower than 10/20, whatever his or her sporting level.


Any absence must be justified to the teacher responsible for the chosen activity (medical certificate, etc.).


The student's progress and skill level in the activity will be taken into account to enable the student to obtain a maximum mark of 15/20.


The 15/20 - 17/20 range is reserved for students who reach the highest university level (e.g. the Championnat de France des Grandes Écoles) or for top athletes at inter-regional level.


The 17/20 - 20/20 range is reserved for top-level national and international athletes.


The student's involvement in Sciences Po Grenoble sports activities (responsibilities in the sports association, team captaincy) earns a maximum of 1.5 additional points (added to the sports grade).
For pathways 1, 2 or 3 - 5 ECTS variable per module - Limited number of students. Variable ECTS per module - Limited number of students.


UGA is the name of Sciences Po Grenoble's neighbouring university - UGA


Course code: UGAS1 or UGAS2

You can choose a maximum of 2 per semester


Most modules are free, but if you choose a UGA foreign language course, you'll have to pay for it yourself (from 90 to 180 euros per semester for around 20 hours of lessons).


The UGA website gives an idea of the degrees on offer, but for information on specific courses open to international students, you'll need to go to the international relations departments of the faculties (sciences or social sciences or languages) at the start of the semester to obtain the list of courses available (almost all taught in French).


Law school courses taught in English (Diploma in Legal Studies UGA) are sometimes only open to UGA students. To find out if there are still places available, contact droit-law-international@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr in the spring preceding your period of mobility abroad.


Finding and registering for courses at UGA is quite complicated. You'll need to be enterprising and persistent. Not many courses are in English.


Additional French courses at CUEF (UGA)
Perhaps you're interested in additional French courses? We recommend the "extensive courses/evening courses" option.


Location: CUEF (UGA center on the campus near Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA)

Cost : approx. 170 euros for 10 weekly 2-hour classes.

When : (usually) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday evenings - students cannot choose the evening, but can exclude one.

Testimonial (2022): "The teaching was generally excellent. The teacher was always patient and nice, proposing interesting activities."

Credits: 3 ECTS



How do I register? Follow the instructions here: 


You must contact CUEF yourself to register by filling in the form and paying the fees directly to CUEF.


When submitting the form, please indicate that you are a Sciences Po-UGA international student to benefit from the 20% discount and avoid taking the placement test twice.  



Disregard any message regarding the absence of credits for this course.


For pathways 1, 2 or 3 - Bachelor year 3 - Unlimited number of students
For pathways 1, 2 or 3 - Bachelor year 3 - Unlimited number of students
Course code: TUTS1 or TUTS2



Course coordinator: A JEANNESSON

Aims: in this tutoring module, small groups of international students of different nationalities (and with a similar level of French) are supervised by a team of 2 French student tutors (1st, 3rd or 4th year) to encourage mutual linguistic, academic and cultural enrichment.


Tutors aim to provide international students with the best possible support for their studies and social integration at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA. 2 meetings are scheduled to bring together tutors and mentees each semester.



Register for the online module as for a normal course (but 0 ECTS).
Attendance is compulsory: minimum 18 hours of participation per semester (don't register if you can't commit).
If you complete the course in full, "Peer Tutoring Program in Languages and Methodology" will be added to your transcript.

Contact us

General contact
E-mail: contact-incomingmobility@iepg.fr


Academic contact (international office)
Jean Marcou
Director of International Relations 

E-mail: jean.marcou@sciencespo-grenoble.fr
Tel: +33 4 76 82 60 75


Fabien Terpan
Director, International Relations

E-mail: fabien.terpan@sciencespo-grenoble.fr


Imad Khillo
Academic outgoing mobility manager
E-mail: imad.khillo@sciencespo-grenoble.fr
Tel.: +33 4 76 82 60 44


Anna Jeannesson
Head of incoming mobility
E-mail: anna.jeannesson@sciencespo-grenoble.fr


Administrative staff (international office)
Sandrine Vernet
International office administrative manager

E-mail: sandrine.vernet@sciencespo-grenoble.fr


Nicole Van der Louw / Antoine Daval
Coordination of incoming international mobility

E-mail: incomingmobility@sciencespo-grenoble.fr


Corine Braud
Outgoing international mobility coordination

E-mail: outgoingmobility@sciencespo-grenoble.fr



Rodolphe Ortuno Mobility assistance coordinator
/ outgoing mobility
E-mail: boursesinternationales@sciencespo-grenoble.fr



Mathis Trevisanuto
International Project Manager