Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
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How is social innovation transforming Latin American cities? Examples from Brazil and Colombia.

Cities have different potentials, and the development of innovation ecosystems is complex and gradual, resulting from a long process of evolution and adaptation to the local context. The conference aims to analyze the dynamics of social innovation in Latin American cities, more specifically in Porto Alegre and Medellin.
Aurora Carneiro Zen is Associate Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and coordinates the PhD program in Management Sciences. She has also worked as director of projects and services at Zenit Park - UFRGS's science and technology park - and as a visiting professor at various institutions abroad.
His main research interests are innovation ecosystems, digital transformation and the transition to sustainability.
At a glance
February 13, 2025
February 13, 2025
Opening hours
Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA, Amphi F
Open to the public